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15.2 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
Beautiful game that feels mechanically similar to the previous games. My pc runs it perfectly and I’ve had no issues 🤷‍♂️
Posted 30 November, 2024.
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7.2 hrs on record
fun campy corny old ass coop game. Resident evil, but with friend.
Posted 20 April, 2024.
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0.3 hrs on record
Posted 27 February, 2024.
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14.1 hrs on record
played on hardcore mode, was fun, challenging and gorey. last fourth of the game is awful though. I am glad the game autosaves many different saves, because I had to go back a lot to inventory adjust. My reccomendation would be to never upgrade any of the guns, the stun baton and the glove a couple of times and buy as much ammo as possible. The enviroment is really interactive and I ended up beating a lot of the mini bosses with the items lying around. there are spike-y walls you can fling people into. I remember I fell for this game hard early on when I was trying to get through an area and kept dying, so I tried a different pathing to get behind a mutant who spawns, bur he spawned a different place, making the world feel unpredictable and truly awful. Loved it. This game doesn't hold your hand and the hardcore mode really feels like a challenge. There are a lot of very tense and eery sections that had me on my toes, very good atmosphere and claustrophobic.
Posted 26 September, 2023.
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20.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game was really fun while it had a playerbase. I mean really really fun. It was unique and incredibly fluid. I wish I could recommend it, but the developers have made some damning choices that really haven't let the game grow. I would put this on the wishlist and wait for the developers to put it as free to play before investing in it though. If you check out the steam playerbase stats, you can see that the first month of the games' release it had a playerbase of 20 k people. fast forward to now, there are currently around 12 people playing it a day, which makes for infuriatingly long wait times for games. If this game had a battlepass system or skins you could purchase and a free to play system it would greatly save this game. I think a sweaty competitive mode would make for some good fanbase growing as well. I hope this game becomes big, as I said earlier, it is so unique.
Posted 4 July, 2023.
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16.6 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Very fun and gore-y. I played it on a hard difficulty and had a blast. the gameplay mechanics are very well put together and make you feel like a super soldier sliding and bullet-timing your way through all kinds of abstract hell. It had a lot of horror sequences that gave me goosebumps. It was very creative at times with the horror sequences. I wasn't expecting them at all either, so they felt like a good break from the bloodred mists of people torn to shreds. You can duel wield incendiary shotguns to really make a poignant and worthwhile statement.
Posted 4 July, 2023.
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6.6 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Very fun! The game mechanics are a good time and the gameplay just feels fast and smooth. I played on the second hardest difficulty and had a blast. The destructible voxel world creates a lot of opportunity to really mess things up. Don't want to find the stairwell to the second floor? Just blast a hole in the ceiling with your megaman blaster and wall run up to it. It's not expensive and has a lot of content to keep you going. Very humbled and impressed by what they have accomplished here!
Posted 4 July, 2023.
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51.5 hrs on record (49.9 hrs at review time)
One of my favourite games. Really fun to play with friends. The controls and in-game systems are a nuisance to master fully, but once you get it down, it becomes a very smooth and immersive experience. Usually on sale, loads of fun to be had with friends, weird and unique atmospheres with a vast sea of confusing, but rewarding player customizability.

Thanks for reading my ted talk:
You gain brouzouf!
You gain brouzouf!
My legs are ok!
Posted 24 December, 2022.
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45.5 hrs on record (19.5 hrs at review time)
iz good
Posted 17 January, 2015.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries