I like Alabama football and am attendung millitary college. Skyrim and The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt are also some of my favorite games. I like going outdoors and saltwater fishing. I have been to a few BAMA games but my favorite sporting event is the Masters which I go to every year.

Some things to stay away from in life is COD because it is repetitive and pointless. Also never play Mindjack. I never have but I saw an Angry Joe review and the game is stupid.

Also if you are looking for an RPG get Thw Witcher 3 Wild Hut! The main quest is very intriguing and very long and indepth. The side quests are fun as well as the wonderful card game of gwent. This game almost rivals Skyrim, and coming from me that is saying something.

Well that sums it up. Thanks :)
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↯Zindy⛦ 18 Mar, 2018 @ 2:06pm 
"prepared to be fried, chicken boy. kentucky fried", he said with a grin, one which i'll never forget! colonel sanders kicked me in the stomach, and put his boot on my head, he was gradually pressing down harder and harder. But I still had my head in the game, it was time to use it or lose it.

I mustered up all the strength and smashed colonel sanders in the face with my super starlight skyuppercut move. I hit him so hard, i sent him flying to saturn. I knew from that instant, the colonels juicy chicken goodness was mine.

I looked at the sun setting on the horizion, and whispered to myself "im loving it."
↯Zindy⛦ 18 Mar, 2018 @ 2:05pm 
today i walked outside to get the mail; it was just like any other day, i glanced up at the sky to see the clouds and all of a sudden i felt a huge hit in my stomach, it hurt and i was throbbing all over with pain. I was dazed and confused and could hardly breathe.

bloody and beaten, i was on my knees, in a pool of my own bodily fluids gasping for breath, i looked up and saw the massive berlin wall of a man that towered over me. I took a moment to realize the situation and i needed to defend myself; little did he know, whether its the berlin wall or the great wall, all walls, must eventually fall.

"what the matter, boy, chicken?" said the man towering over me. he had white hair in a short, comb-over style, a very respectible beard, and a grotesque face that only a mother could love. it was none other than colonel sanders.
↯Zindy⛦ 2 Aug, 2015 @ 11:06pm 
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↯Zindy⛦ 30 Jul, 2015 @ 10:28pm 
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Because communism it's not equal to capitalism where the money is more important than people !!!
Bar1Daddy 26 Jul, 2015 @ 6:52pm 
ah i agree see that is all Hitler wanted just nobody wanted to listen so he got just a bit aggravated.
↯Zindy⛦ 26 Jul, 2015 @ 11:28am 

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