9 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.4 hrs on record
Posted: 16 Aug, 2024 @ 8:45pm
Updated: 30 Aug, 2024 @ 8:08pm

Developed by Cyberdreams in 1995 and re-released in 2013 by Nightdive Studios, “I have no mouth, and I must scream” is an inventory-based point and click adventure game with a dystopian setting.

Based on a 1967 story by Harlan Ellison and later expanded by him to tell all the characters’ stories is a tale war, supercomputers, and of an artificial intelligence that not only became conscious, but also spiteful towards humanity so much so it decides to kill all humans except 5, which it is apparently delighted to torture. As you take control of the game, you select the character to control and face what AM, the supercomputer, consider to be their biggest flaws. It’s up to the player’s choices to determine the fate of the characters and, ultimately, humanity.

The game is divided into episodes controlling each character, where exploration of the environments presented by AM lead to discovering items that help solving different puzzles and progress the story. The game is controlled mostly by mouse inputs and the menu can be accessed using the “F5” key.

A great point is the voice acting, with Harlan Elison voicing AM, in what can only be described as the perfect embodiment of the character, along with superb acting for the other characters.

Although an impressive story, the themes presented and discussed are heavier than in most point and click adventure games, but if you want to experience a discussion on human choices and their consequences, “I have no mouth, and I must scream” is a great choice and for that I highly recommend it.

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