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Harmony's first chapter in my story
So I’ve decided to show anyone who is interested in my writing style and in my story Harmony's first chapter. Her side in my story is the only one complete so as I complete more of the sides I will post the other introductions as well. Enjoy :).

WARNING: There will be huge grammar errors since I SUCK at grammar so be warned (Mainly comma's I think) :P. If you enjoyed the story and want to help me out please comment all the mistakes you notice so I can try and fix them as soon as possible. Thanks!

Chapter 1: Harmony

“Velsin my once dear lover...If you insist upon having the child under your care I do so not because I wish it so...I do it for I have no choice. Know this however she will surpass you. Your entire empire will not be able to stop her. For our child is a demigod! Far above your foolish mortal Vel'suin...” (Aurina's final address to Velsin her now divorced husband in 2204 A.T.)

Time set: 2210 (A.T) 7 (Harvis) 11th
Location: Seriuna Peace Embassy

Velsin: Absolutely not!

Dracon: Then the war will continue.

Velsin: I refuse to consider your foolish cult worshiping that giant lizard even a town and definitely not a nation!

Dracon: All we want is to expand under the glory of Azan we dare not disturb your empire or your people.

Velsin: I care not. I will burn that damned beast along with your entire empire!

Dracon: Hasn't there been enough blood shed? Enough lives lost in this stupid attempt to hold just a small ounce of land!?

Velsin: Not enough clearly...

Dracon: You’re a damned fool Velsin...


(Meanwhile outside the meeting room)

Harmony: Mother...I know you can hear me up there... Why did you leave me down here with this...Monster...?

(A door open's)

Celica: Oh hello who are you?

Harmony: Um...Hello I'm...

(There's a long pause)

Celica: Forgive me if I sound rude I'm not quite familiar with your culture here... Do you not share each other's names?

Harmony: No I was the rude one here my name's Harmony and I'm... (The arguing gets louder in the meeting room) The daughter of that angry idiot in there...

(Monica's name here's eye's go wide)

Celica: Finally someone like me then...Allow me to introduce myself my name is Celica daughter of Dracon. This is an interesting meeting Harmony (She smiles and Harmony judges it not to be a fake one either)

Harmony: Two royal member's then...Interesting (She smiles back)

Celica: Do you even know what there arguing about in there?

Harmony: Not really I think it was something about independence for your people and for some reason as usual my dad refuses to let anyone get even a bit of power.

Celica: That would make sense...Do you know why your dad's the way he is? I don't intend to be rude...

Harmony: No I don't...And yes that was rude however I hate him family or not so I take no offense! (She say's with a smile and a quick joking wink.)

Celica: Can I ask you something Harmony?

Harmony: You don't have to ask permission.

Celica: Openness...I like that. Anyway since that is the case can we agree to not be like our parent's? Both of us as friends? If that's what you consider me I mean...

Harmony: I do consider you one and I can definitely agree on that Celica it won’t be hard either my father's...

(The meeting room door burst's open and Velsin comes out)

Velsin: Come on Harmony we are leaving!

Harmony: But...

Velsin: No buts. Guard!

(A guard comes in and grab's Harmony by the arm)

Harmony: See you later Celica!

(Celica wave’s goodbye as Dracon comes out to greet her)

Dracon: Who was that?

Celica: That father was the daughter of Velsin...

Dracon: Wow there so... Different...

Celica: That's a good thing isn't it?


Time set: 7/12/10 (2210)
Location: Velsin's royal palace in Seriuna

Velsin: Do you have any idea who you were talking to you stupid girl?!

Harmony: Someone smarter and way more under control of themselves then you ever will be.

Velsin: How dare... (He pauses and then grins) How would you like to go on a...Little trip Harmony?

Harmony: What going to send me to the dungeon and say I'm grounded?

Velsin: Oh no...You will find this trip to be fun! There are Green Sword militants out in Tranzil and I was putting a squad together to deal with them. Perhaps you would care to join them?

Harmony: Anyone who defies you can't be bad father...

Velsin: So you call the massacre in our beloved city better then what I do?

Harmony: I do not...I hate you father...But I hate them more... Fine I'll go.

Velsin: Excellent! Go to the barracks and meet with your new squad leader, Erma. You will act as the only role missing currently in the squad.

Harmony: And what might that role be father?

(He sits on his throne and makes himself comfortable).

Velsin: Ranger my dear...

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AleinaDragoness 26 Feb, 2024 @ 5:26pm 
Love you ♥♥♥♥♥
Xel'crin 13 Jan, 2017 @ 6:50pm 
FrostytheSandwich 13 Jan, 2017 @ 6:00pm 
Thanks for the input. I wish you luck in your gaming reviews.
risible 1 Jan, 2017 @ 4:04am 
Happy New Year!
Xel'crin 1 Jan, 2017 @ 3:52am 
Happy new year!
Xel'crin 25 Dec, 2016 @ 2:55pm 
Merry Christmas and happy Holidays everyone!