Microsoft Word
Thabiso Mwatambe Lu Lu Ngdegbele Khuzwayo   Lugazi, Kampala, Uganda
Prosperity to Africa
Explore Word for an easier screen-reading experience, new ways to copy-paste work together on documents, and tools that help you polish your documents like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pro. Step up your game with Microsoft Word 2013 today and impress hoes with your word-art skills. Seriously, edit that ♥♥♥♥. If you don't, the ghost of King Leopold II will rise from the abyss under your bed with a machete forged from the iron found in the blood of a thousand victims from Rwanda.
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Created by - Microsoft Word
19 ratings
The general goal of this guide is to inform those who want to live, how to survive lobster attacks and protect themselves from the snippers. This guide also contains steps for attacking back against lobsters.
Mauaji ya kimbari ya Rwanda
Mauaji ya kimbari nchini Rwanda yaliendelea kwa muda wa siku hadi hali ya mambo ilipodhibitiwa na vikosi vya waasi wa wakati huo nkole, wapiganaji wake wengi wakiwa ni Watutsi.

Inasemekana kuwa watu wapatao laki nane waliuawa, wengi wao wakiwa Watutsi, lakini wakiwemo pia Wahutu wenye misimamo ya wastani.
Huko nyuma kagame wa Rwanda alituhumiwa na mmoja wa majaji maarufu wa Ufaransa kuwa alishiriki katika mauaji ya halaiki ya wananchi wa nchi hiyo na vilevile mauaji ya Habiyarimana.

Hatua hiyo iliipelekea serikali ya Kigali nayo kuwatuhumu viongozi wa Ufaransa kuwa walishiriki katika mauaji ya kimbari ya mwaka.
Uzamile uMbhishobhi uDesmond Mpilo Tutu ukuchaza ngukujulile.

Umuntu onobuntu uhlale evulekile, futhi kulula nokuthi abanye bafinyelele kuyena, uyavumelana nabanye, akesatshiswa wubuhle nokuphila kwabanye, kwazise unokuzethemba okugcwele nokusuka olwazini lwakhe lokuthi yena uyisiqu esiphelele, enjalo-nje uyahlukumezeka uma abanye bephoxekile, noma aphoxeke uma abanye behlukunyezwa noma becindezelwa.
Waphinda futhi uMbhishobhi uDesmond Tutu wachaza kabanzi njengalokhu okulandelayo.

Esinye isisho ezwenilethu yileso esithi ubuntu-okuwumsuka wokuba wumuntu. Ubuntu bukhuluma kakhulu ngokuthi awusoze wakwazi ukuphila wedwa. Kukhuluma ngokuxhumana kwethu. Awusoze waba ngumuntu wedwa, kanti uma udume ngokuba nalesisibonakaliso soBuntu kusho ukuthi udume ngokuphana.

Esikhathini esiningi sizibona singabantu abehlukahlukene komunye nomunye, kanti sinakho ukuxhumana. Lokho okwenzayo kuba nomthelela emhlabeni wonke. Uma wenza kahle, Kuyasabalala, Kwazise kusuke kungokwaso sonke isizwe.

U-Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela wabuchaza Ubuntu kanje Isihambi esinqamula amazwe sasithi lapho sima esgodini esithize, sasingadingi ukucela ukudla noma amanzi. Uma sike sama, abantu basipha ukudla, basiphakamele. Lokho ngenye indlela yoBuntu kanti nayo ihlukene imikhakha eyahlukene. Ubuntu abusho ukuthi akumele abantu bazibheke bona. Umbuzo-ke uthi: ingabe uzokwenza kanjalo ukuze umphakathi owakhele ukwazi ukuthuthuka na?
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lancestrolly 15 Dec, 2024 @ 5:08am 
excellent wheel-to-wheel racer
dumstoopid 2 Jul, 2022 @ 12:12pm 
Worst person I have ever encountered, 10/10
dumstoopid 18 Jun, 2022 @ 10:54am 
ZIMBABWE 9 Jun, 2022 @ 10:56am 
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i need new datacomputer for games. i need new wifi for my son i need new frying pan for my wife

let me know if you can pay this

thnaks you


uqunde maditi
EmaPoli9 13 Nov, 2021 @ 1:18pm 
Re Guiscardo 13 Nov, 2021 @ 9:50am 
"There is something magical about driving like this, you need to have great mental capacity, a special security. Microsoft Word is able to transfer all the momentum forward in a fluid, clean way, there is no loss of energy in the transversal sense that can slow him down "

- Mr Sir Lewis Hamilton