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20.8 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 15 January.
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39.8 hrs on record (33.8 hrs at review time)
Game is good as f*ck :)
Posted 30 October, 2024.
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83.8 hrs on record (41.1 hrs at review time)
Review from Octover 30th, 2024:

FINALLY - Feeling & fighting system of DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi is back!
- A very BIG characters selection - also worthy challenging Tenkaichi with this
- Included details in attacks and behaviour of the characters - also something which is until today something remarkable and perfect for every fan of the DB universe series
- LOCAL MULTIPLAYER EVEN ON PC???!?11? Well that was something unexpected positive... I like it :))) but it is IMPORTANT: Currently only one map can be played...a slight con point at this
- BIG +point for the singeplayer campaign: They finally put the original story & and a "what if" story for a slight mix and some unknown scenes - damn good combination <333

- PLEASE!?! - Fix the internet bugs and connection losses!!?! - I played with many different players and players who are affected more by this problem are really quitting this game...and sometimes this is the only reason for quitting because it destroys their whole multiplayer gameplay feeling :'(
- Difficulty in campaign may be hard for some players...I took it as a challenge and now I can f*ck and play around with every bot at every difficulty blindly...but Im a DB freak - this might not be something fun for everyone :D - a slight negative point at this
- Story choice. Why I can only through the story with the direct character? Why not just playing the storyline with every character in between like it was the case in past Tenkaichi series...? Some strange and something which take time for me to switch around the characters...past system was better in my perspective of view

- Short story / not that detailed explained but lets be honest...they've put THE WHOLE DB UNIVERSE STORY from the very beginning till the current point...THATS IMPRESSIVE :)
Posted 29 October, 2024.
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233.5 hrs on record (203.9 hrs at review time)
I like it.:)
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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229.0 hrs on record (191.4 hrs at review time)
I like it..)
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Still funny and playable
Posted 12 June, 2023.
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140.6 hrs on record (98.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Negative (06. July 2021):
Thanks for improving the menu even worse. Enjoying the Singleplayer is not possible for me.
11/10 would de-install again.
Please, finally fix this already publicated known bug. I really want to enjoy this game again and give it a fair feedback.

17/2/22 Edit: Still lags at the menu. Even when settings are on low. Seems that a RTX2080 and 32GB RAM and Intel Core i7 are the wrong pc parts for this game...

05.June 2024 (Positive): Lag issue got solved and many details got optimazed. Finally I can like my favorite game again - thanks developers! :)
Posted 16 June, 2021. Last edited 5 June, 2024.
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501.0 hrs on record (250.1 hrs at review time)
Für Spiele für zwischendurch einfach genial - denn immer wieder wird neuer Content hinterhergeschoben. Sei es neue Autos, mal eine neue Map, oder ein neuer Spielmodus. Die Spieler werden immer wieder auf tolle Laune gebracht.

Trotz dessen, dass es ich nur manchmal (an manchen Wochen 2-3 Tage jeweils davon) 2-3 Stunden spiele, bereits *siehe oben Spielstunden

Edit: Normally I like and would recommend this game. What a pitty, so that I got into a 1v3 in a trophy-based match, which I quitted because of obvious losing sights, but still got banned for a time, nevertheless I would also preferred to vote for giving up the match due to this disadvantage and not having the possibility of new upcoming players in this situation. For real, a F*CK YOU moment at this ttime ;(
And btw., some of the servers are still ♥♥♥♥. Out of nowhere you got a 300-600 ping but still stable internet connection (so it's for real a server problem somewhere at the ass of the world - how we Germans like to say).
Posted 24 September, 2020. Last edited 15 July, 2023.
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188.0 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
HALO Reach part:

Classical feelings with a classic game. Game has still to get optimized, definitely. At some times I have FPS drops or screen freezing. Sound is also sometimes after the action. Controlling feels really good and smooth, you can set your hotkey also by your own. Playing this game with controller is also no bad choice because of slightly auto-aim. Sounds are like in the past game. Graphics are like in the past game (but you can set them slightly higher, but it may cause more FPS drops, even when your PC is more then enough for the specs). In this HALO Reach version you've got everything HALO offered, so enjoy it. I really have my good old times back, I am just so happy about it - thanks 343 for not giving up HALO!

All in all:
Graphics: Same
Sounds: Same
Controlling: 10/10
Includings: 10/10
Performance: 7/10
Posted 7 December, 2019.
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33.1 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
Mit Abstand schlechter als sein Vorgänger. Warum? Hier die Punkte:

+Grafik ist schön aufgebessert worden und sieht insbesondere zu seinem Vorgänger echt schön aus

+Viele Neue Möglichkeiten was die Individualisierung seines Trupps angeht

-Spiel läuft sehr unstabil, andauernde Abstürze

-Sehr viele Bugs und Glitches (Es kam vor, dass eine Aktion von einer meiner Leute einfach so nicht ausgeführt worden ist, sodass das Spiel sich "aufgehängt" bzw. nicht mehr weiterzuspielen war, weshalb ich den vorherigen Spielstand laden musste UND DAS DARF DEFINITIV NACH SO LANGER ZEIT NICHT IN SO EINEM SPIEL VORKOMMEN, DAS IST SCHLIEßLICH EINE AKTION, DIE IMMER WIEDER AUSGEFÜHRT WIRD)

-Unlogische Aktionen (Die Schlangen können mich mit Ihrer Fähigkeit DURCH DIE WAND zu sich ziehen)

-Keine sinnergebene Schwierigkeit (Um die richtigen Schritte zu gehen, sodass der Feind nicht auf einmal deutlich schwerer ausgestattet ist als man selbst, muss man das Spiel scheinbar mehrfach neuspielen. Beispielsweise, für die Truppengröße von 6, muss erst ein Soldat Captain erreichen, was verdammt lange dauert)

-Kein Feedback darüber, welche Zivilisten sich plötzlich verwandeln, so viel zu der Technologie

+Sounds klingen schön

+Story wird insbesondere zum vorherigen Teil deutlich spannender erzählt
Posted 10 May, 2018.
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