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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 334.0 hrs on record (171.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 23 Jun, 2021 @ 2:50pm

An extremely fun game that i always find myself coming back to. Its fun solo but 10x better with friends and team mates, the higher difficulties can get really hectic. The fun of exploring, mining things, fighting bugs. All the classes are unique and very fun, completely different play styles. I started with the driller and enjoyed the freedom to drill wherever i wanted, make any path i felt like. Now i am playing the gunner, laying down the fire, setting up ziplines, and dropping shields to hide in temporarily. Scout and engineer are not quite my playstyle but there is a character here for everyone. Lots of customization after a few levels you will rarely find two dwarves looking the same. The main hub area has a lot of character, the beers are funny to drink and see the effects, the dancing is pretty silly. Great game very glad it was recommended to me by a friend and we have all had many hours of fun together. The only thing i would like in the future would be a campaign of sorts to play and get more into the lore and universe. The voicelines also must be applauded the dwarves are hilarious and you will find yourself rocking and stoning after every victory! Rock and Stone Brothers!
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