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33.3 hrs on record
Fantastic game, this is a game I would gladly wipe from my memory to be able to play again fresh another time. Lots of mysteries to solve and investigate as you try to find out about yourself, the world you are in, and the murder that has taken place in the city. The ending was a slight letdown for me but it did not take away from the enjoyment I had with the game especially during the first 3 days of the investigation. The different parts of your mind talking to you were funny and enjoyable. Very few characters were uninteresting, there was so much to take in with the world built here. I also have to say the voice acting was so welcome, I heard in the original version of the game not everything had voice acting so I am very happy I got to experience this version of the game. 9/10 fantastic.
Posted 19 July, 2024.
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1,096.1 hrs on record (947.0 hrs at review time)
Excellent game. I played hundreds of hours of TWW2 with my only main issues being sieges were easy to cheese but tedious. I feel that the challenge has been toned down a bit in TWW3 but the changes to AI cheats is better in some ways where it doesnt feel as punishing to run melee focused armies and you dont have to doomstack everything to win. Realms of chaos is okay i have played and won a few campaigns there and its pretty fun now that you can close the chaos portals around your lands. I didnt care too much for the survival battles but it was something new to try out. So many factions and ways to play, look for DLCs when they are on sale for your favorite factions and you will get hundreds and hundreds of hours of fun out of this one. Highly recomended.
Posted 19 July, 2024.
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457.9 hrs on record (146.1 hrs at review time)
I am not finished with the game yet but I am thoroughly enjoying all of it. I want to complete my current play through but very often I catch myself getting excited to start a new game as a different class and making different choices to see how it all plays out. I have stuck mostly with the same companions and their quests but I would like to bring along a different group in my next game as there are many to choose from and they are all very interesting.

My only complaints are that all the companions are very horny and there were several cutscenes where I had to reject someone who I thought of as just a friend to my character and had not done any romance choices so it was a bit sad they felt that way and had to be rejected. It also (as of writing) is a little strange to play with a friend as sometimes it feels like one or the other may be hogging the spotlight depending on who starts the conversations. If you do not start it, you will see a little icon and can listen in and vote on what they can pick but thats it. It seems to be the best of what it can be though as it would not make sense if you could both talk to the same character and make different choices for the same quest or question. It would be cool if when a conversation started you were both there or at least could share your expertise when it comes to rolling, though that could get a little cheesy if you were playing a 4 man team and each were specialized if something different to be good at everything. Again it seems to be the best of what it can be for multiplayer. Single player is fantastic and my only complaint is the horny bit above.

The battles are very fun, i enjoy turn based combat, moving everyone around and attacking, casting spells, or sniping from the shadows.

I bought the game because a friend bought it and I wanted to play together. If you are on the fence I would say buy it, it is excellent and well worth it.

Edit: Finished the game and it was a fantastic experience. It is funny though, once i finished the game I wanted to see reviews and things now that i wouldnt be spoiled and I cannot believe how much I still missed despite spending so much time in each area and thinking I found it all. There is so much to do and see and none of it felt like busy work. I am currently working on an honor mode run because I want those golden dice. For me this brought back fond memories of dragon age origins, 10/10 game. Once I finish honor mode (hopefully) I want to do an evil playthrough as the dark urge to see what thats about.
Posted 10 October, 2023. Last edited 15 December, 2023.
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334.0 hrs on record (171.3 hrs at review time)
An extremely fun game that i always find myself coming back to. Its fun solo but 10x better with friends and team mates, the higher difficulties can get really hectic. The fun of exploring, mining things, fighting bugs. All the classes are unique and very fun, completely different play styles. I started with the driller and enjoyed the freedom to drill wherever i wanted, make any path i felt like. Now i am playing the gunner, laying down the fire, setting up ziplines, and dropping shields to hide in temporarily. Scout and engineer are not quite my playstyle but there is a character here for everyone. Lots of customization after a few levels you will rarely find two dwarves looking the same. The main hub area has a lot of character, the beers are funny to drink and see the effects, the dancing is pretty silly. Great game very glad it was recommended to me by a friend and we have all had many hours of fun together. The only thing i would like in the future would be a campaign of sorts to play and get more into the lore and universe. The voicelines also must be applauded the dwarves are hilarious and you will find yourself rocking and stoning after every victory! Rock and Stone Brothers!
Posted 23 June, 2021.
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2,677.8 hrs on record (1,692.3 hrs at review time)
Honestly i feel like my hours speak for themselves. This is a great game that has only gotten better with time. All the updates and additions to the game have only made it more and more worth it to play. The are still tons of active users and the seasonal events are always awesome (really loved that halloween hide and seek with a sledgehammer one hahaha). This game is a tactical shooter where you try to do usually one of 3 things: Rescue/defend a hostage, Secure/Defend an area, Defuse/Defend a bomb. The game is 5v5 with everyone choosing a unique operator and i think now there are like 40 to choose from or something. When i started playing in beta i think there was 16 or something, soo much has been added to this game. For the amount of time i have played this and the enjoyment i have had playing alone or with friends the game easily gets a 9/10 from me and i would recommend it to anyone who enjoys shooters. One thing to note you can play this as a run and gun if you have the aim but you will also have more success if you use your drones to scout the area and check the cameras, knowledge is power in this game!
Posted 28 September, 2020.
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28.9 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
So i recently was watching some streamers play this game and thought wow this looks basically like the forest 2.0. I was in the mood for a survival game where i can build a base and i had some extra cash in the steam wallet so i bought me and my friend a copy. Now i have played like 15-20 hours of the forest but for some reason i lost interest and never felt compelled to complete the game and progress or build anything substantial. This game is different however me and my friend were hooked on the story and as we played it out over the course of a few days 15-20 ish hours we were constantly discussing what we thought would happen next and what was going on with our character and the other characters. After completing the game we even started a survival save file because we wanted to build something big. In the story you move from place to place so you usually dont have to build a large base in any one spot. The game looks great, i do not recall much of the music but the sound design for the world and locals was excellent. The story in my opinion was excellent and really made us want to keep playing and find out what happened! So many questions and everything is answered (except one thing is left open to the imagination). The most interesting part for me besides the story was the many many ways you can die. While learning the mechanics of the game i basically died of everything, wounds, infection, fever, falling from a cliff, poison (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ snakes and scorpions). The leeches, stomach parasites, and ever present dangers beyond the locals were a very exciting part of the game. I would give this game an 8/10 and recommend it to anyone.
Posted 28 September, 2020.
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34.7 hrs on record (33.5 hrs at review time)
I played a small part of the original when i was younger but never completed the game. I was very excited when this was announced and it looked so good in everything i saw. I wish i had not spoiled a few things for myself for example where a certain baddie first appears but i was hyped. The game delivered everything and more that i was expecting. My first playthrough as Leon took about 9-10 hours and i was spooked the entire time. With claire as i had learned much it only took maybe 5 and the same with the second runs as you learn the mechanics of the game like a headshot on a zombie and run past them. In my first run i was so paranoid i would knife every body i came across and check every corner it was a great spooky atmospheric feeling. The boss fights were also exciting and a good challenge of aim and ammo management. The graphics are amazing, the music is amazing especially the plant music in the labs SO FREAKY HAD ME SPOOKED! For me this game is a 10/10 and i would recommend it to anyone. It also has great replayability just today i started my first Hardcore Leon run. I had not played in a while but it really is a game that you can come back to anytime and pick up for some fun. You can even unlock certain things like an unbreakable knife or a rocket launcher and just have fun blasting everything.
Posted 28 September, 2020.
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0.0 hrs on record
Nominated for the test of time award. I played this game many many years ago on a beat old computer playing LAN matches with my dad and brother and it was so fun back then. I even learned a bit about history from all the campaigns, i still play this game and when it came out of steam you better believe i was happy. The graphics are improved a bit but the modding community has really made it shine so much brighter. Few games have i played so much and enjoyed so much as this one.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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405.6 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
i dont even know what to say, i bought this game a while ago because it was on sale and id seen some friends playing it but never looked into it too much. I can tell you that i just sat here for 5 hours part of that laughing like a psycho while 50-400 people duked it out on the field of battle, I just started looking at mods and im suprised there are so few, maybe there are more for the original or something but anyway this game is amazing, The sieges you can set up are particularly fun, give yourself 25 guys and face 200 the possibilities are grand in number, and it will lead to some very enjoyable moments and screenshots. I highly reccomend this game, and that is just the custom battles, i havent delved too deeply into the main story yet but i do have a band of 50 warriors and we are doing various quests but you can do anything from staying a mercenary captain to becoming a lord, a king, a villian, conquer a castle, conquer a kingdom, kill everything for no reason, there is so much to do, my time with this game is sure to keep rising, again i highly recommend it!
Posted 27 July, 2015.
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3.9 hrs on record
This game sucks big D i should have listened to the other reviews before i bought it desperate to have what i thought would be the fun of Day Z i was always watching on youtube but boy was i disappointed here...
Posted 6 February, 2015.
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