-   Ahmadpur Sial, Punjab, Pakistan
Hello, welcome to me. I am Jeeryactricjumprope I like to smoke trees and play games with all of my frend.

Add me for a frend and we can play game and wach video together!

Dont forget to love ur frends, byeeee.
Currently Offline
jeRRyatricjumprope 14 Dec, 2017 @ 3:26am 
has had anothr brake but im back for good now and am redy to play game with my frends agen now i lov u all thanku for ebing so patience
jeRRyatricjumprope 6 Dec, 2015 @ 3:52am 
Soz for been gone for aeges been tryign to get onto the porn industy but its proper hrd and ive not had many luck wit it goin to keep trying tho cuz its my dreem and u gotta taek them srs or ull nevr acheeve them nd wy hav a dreem if u aint guna try and get to it bcus then its just a thort and a baby can hav a thort but a man can hav a dreem and mine is to be a porn which is nothing to be a shamed of so thx for be patent gys. love yu all.
jeRRyatricjumprope 26 Nov, 2013 @ 12:04pm 
Hello everyboddi