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Alien 15 Jun, 2020 @ 5:08am 
DO NOT BUY THIS ♥♥♥♥ GAMES DEVELOPER ASK FOR EXPENSIVE DOLLAR .BUT MAKE THIS GAME FOR LIKE 10 YEAR OLD KID , TOTALLY UNKNOWLEDGE FOR FIGHTERJETS SIMULATION . I SPENT HUNDRED HOUR TO STUDING HOW TO FLY THE EASTERN AIRCRAFT .TO EVADE MISSILE,RADA.RWR,e.t.c at the end you only get 1% kill the WESTERN JETS . I am not sure is a bug or developer try to lure people to buy their F-14 module. i played su-27 vs F-14 almost impossible to kill it . ITs missile AMI-54 Phoenic so fast that unable to evade and this F-14 can shoot you 360 degree any direction low or high altitude you just can not excape. what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ software developer made !!!!