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Posted: 19 Jul, 2016 @ 8:04pm

Borderlands 2 my favorite game of all time and I still play it to this day, this game is definitely a keeper. I have to say if you're on the fence about whether or not to play this game i would simply just play it.

- 4 unique character classes+ 2 dlc classes that offer a variety of gameplay for anybody (melee, assassin, tank, healer, summoner, defense , etc.)
- hrs of gameplay and content (highly recommend getting the dlc for this game)
- Too much replayabilty (beaten the game like 17 times)
- A good way to make friends or strengthen bonds
- Bright and colorful cast that will keep you entertained and laughing till your sides hurt
- Great storylines and unforgettable moments that never lose value (seriously though I've played the game like 17 times and jokes I've heard too many times to count still make me laugh)

- sides hurting from all the laughter
- addicting gameplay
- So many weapons!
- not enough legendaries

I will address some of the actual issues that people have with the game such as the fact that the story gets stale after hearing it so many times, issues with the drop chances, and other petty whiny stuff honestly try the game and see a what I'm talking about.
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