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Recent reviews by Gustafson

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1,854.5 hrs on record
Positive feedback
- I like the idea and the overall look off the game
- I like the progress system and the way you have to level up your character to become stronger
- The jousting and events are fun wich also enables you to play against your friends without losing anything.
- I love the building mechanic how you can make your own houses, strongholds or even complete towns if you want.
- I do like the way you can breed tame and breed animals and also recruit NPC's to help you in your resource gathering.

What i dislike
- PVP became 1 big pay to win people come to sell you copper coins for a few hunderd euro's so you can buy the best weapons, equipment, books and horses.
- There is a cap on each server and the servers still lagg allot for most EU players (in my experience).
- Chinese guilds are everywhere and always they also own like 60-70% off the server wich gives them allot off free coins.
- Chinese only fight eachother when there is no EU to fight so if you EU on a server be prepared to be constantly bombarded with attacks, raids and griefing when your protection timer runs out
- There are too many big chinese guild that always have people on we battled for 4 days against a big chinese guild and they always had 40 people on 24 hours a day and the server cap is 60 so just imagine how bad off a situation you are in when you are getting attacked by 40+ players when at most you can defend with 20 people.
- Besides that you can keep the server capped if you got sit on a bench craft something wich makes AFK skill improving easier but also keeps server pop high with AFK crafters so you can't join and defend you home when the other guild caps the server again

No idea how you will be able to fix it they now have something called Jade era wich is EU only but last time ive been there guess what CHINESE EVERYWHERE!! use a VPN and they can join or turn your Steam profile over to EU country and they can even join apparantly so overall with friends on a none PVP base i can recommend. You wanne do this game PVP and get full experience like its meant to be i hope you job pays good and are prepared to life on coffee and 2 hours sleep a day
Posted 1 September, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 3 Sep, 2024 @ 8:03pm (view response)
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93.7 hrs on record (78.6 hrs at review time)
Why are they still working on this game. The players are leaving and its becoming more and more of a grind
Posted 3 March, 2022.
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7.1 hrs on record
i played all the AoE games for many years. I simply see AoE 4 as a try again at their succes formula of AoE 2 wich is still the most played AoE game. AoE 4 is a game i will not recommend if you still play AoE 2 or 3 cause AoE 4 doesn't have as much content as either of the previous games. The amount of civilizations is meh. Amount of playable maps is meh and the campaigns are meh. I don't reccomend it at the time but i hope and think they will probably bring out expansions in the future wich makes it worth playing more and buying
Posted 9 February, 2022. Last edited 9 February, 2022.
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1,723.7 hrs on record (1,341.4 hrs at review time)
Very good game, Play with friends make missions use mods i don't know the possibility on this game is huge especially when you have a group off friends and some dedicated players who are willing to learn and make missions for you and if not still custom made scenario's everywhere
Posted 8 February, 2022.
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699.0 hrs on record (220.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have played this game with friends and alone it can become very boring if you stick with the main plan wich is defeating the bosses and collect those trohpies. Many people i played this with stopped because off that reason but i like the building mechanic the collecting and gathering seeing my bases growing bigger and with more decorated buildings is the thing i like to do. Its definatly a game i enjoy playing and just making my own house/village/town or maby even city if it comes to that point. This game is still in early acces and i just wanne say this is a game that has done early acces the right way and i am looking forward to the next update
Posted 31 July, 2021.
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25.1 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
got it from someone for 25 cents but its fun if you have a group of friends to play with but ye its noticable its an early acces i hope they will fix it but doubt it since its already early acces for +/- 3 years
Posted 22 October, 2020.
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744.1 hrs on record (104.4 hrs at review time)
positive: Graphics are amazing the feel of being in the wild with hearing the animals move when they come close is amazing. The sound effects are amazing you hear the calls of animals and it just sets my senses on edge because you want to see the animal and have the harvest to set a nice set of animals in your trophy lodges.

Negative: It can be a grind at 1st since you need to kill a decent amount of animals to obtain new weapons and equipment altough if you put in a little effort and ofcourse learn how to shoot, stalk and ambush the animals in this game you will be easily getting the money you need for certain weapons and equipment. The other negative side of this game is the DLC's that i have but feel like they should have been in the base game. I understand that new reserves can be put up as DLC's and certain equipment be made into DLC's like backpacks and clothing. Although atv's should have been in the base game if you ask me.

As a small addition although the atv's are a DLC wich i have i hardly use them because they scare all the animals away there are some expansions that are free wich are 2 currently wich i like to see with some more of these DLC's cause paying for tripods and night equipment makes it a bit to hard to play this game cause certain animals are rarely find during the day and also show up in the codex as active during night.

overall i have a bigger negative section then a positive section for this game but i give this game a 9 out off 10 for the simple reason for what it has done with graphics game play and realisme is just simply amazing there are only a few things i would like to see different.

Should you play this game YES atleast try it without any DLC's if a friend of you has certain reserve DLC's play with him on those reserves cause only 1 person needs a reserve DLC to make a lobby and then friends can join him and play on that reserve.
Posted 6 November, 2019. Last edited 10 July, 2021.
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5,200.9 hrs on record (924.0 hrs at review time)
its a good game for the player who likes to fight in a medieval kind of world. You can fight lay sieges and take castles, cities and towns. You can make youre own army and decide with way you wanne go ore you wanne be a merchant, bandit, mercenarie ore the ruler of the biggest empire this game has seen. There are many ways to strike it rich and become powerfull. It is a nice game for people who like taking on a challenge and conquer and lead great nations.
Posted 2 January, 2016.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries