McJuggins in the flesh   United States
Im bringing sexy back!

Lists n Stuff about me
There are people impersonating me! Turned off comments for now. REPORT ANY IMPERSONATORS YOU SEE TO BP ADMINS OR STEAMREP ADMINS TY!

As a heads up, I almost never reply to messages on Steam unless it is regarding trading. Please don't make it a habit to send me stuff here. If you wanna send me a message, add me on discord (same name) thanks! In general, I am not fond of accepting FR just for trades so please just send a trade offer instead. It will make things go much faster. If you do want to add me, there are ground rules:

:crtlightning: I DON'T accept private profiles.

:crtlightning: I DON'T accept people who have literally 0 friends on their list.

:crtlightning: I DON'T accept people who have private inventories

:crtlightning: I DON'T accept low value inventories (unless I know you personally)

:crtlightning: If you wish to add me as a friend, you MUST state why in my comments or I'll insta block

Don't bother if ur a scammer, I can tell pretty easily so save the stupidity

I only block *people who waste my time* :resmile:

Unusuals Unboxed (Not counting Crate Depression Unusuals):
1. DBD Crocleather Slouch ~
2. Cloud 9 One-Man Army ~
3. Sparkling Lights Bumble Beenie
4. Gourdian Angel Hollowed Helm
5. Haunted Ghosts Brim of Fire
6. Cloud 9 Bot Dogger
7. Searing Plasma Throttlehead
8. Malevolent Monoculi Bombard Brigadier
9. Starlight Haze Partizan ~

Australiums Obtained:
Two Cities:
1. Sniper Riffle - Tour 1 ~
2. Minigun - Tour 10
3. Blackbox - Tour 12
4. Flamethrower - Tour 57
5. Blackbox - Tour 139
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
KancerousDog 21 Sep, 2024 @ 10:56pm 
+rep most patient and friendly trader ive met so far lol
McJuggins 9 Jul, 2024 @ 2:16am 
FreZzY 8 Jul, 2024 @ 3:55pm 
starling haze partizan add for trade
McJuggins 4 Jul, 2024 @ 12:59am 
I suck at scout but thanks lol
❤ Serendipità ❤ 4 Jul, 2024 @ 12:18am 
+rep Cracked scout! Great push at the end there.
Caliburn 29 Jun, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
following up with missed offer