Matt Carter   Lebanon, Ohio, United States
I love my wife and 4 children! :MaxDamage:
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LGMC-X 14 Feb, 2023 @ 1:40am 
Absolute Facts Neo. You Are 100% Correct. I'm not handing them another penny. Hogwarts Legacy is where i'm gonna be for a while to come. lol
Neosekken 13 Feb, 2023 @ 8:47pm 
All jokes aside... once again, it sounds to me that these guys are trying real hard to let you know that they hate you and don't want your money anymore. I'd honestly consider giving them what they want at this point, because clearly they don't need a bigot's dollar to survive - the phantom audience they're clearly trying to chase must have enough money between the whole lot of them to allow everyone involved with the game to never have to work another day in their lives again several times over! That, or they must be getting lots of ESG investment money.
Neosekken 13 Feb, 2023 @ 8:47pm 
"Hello there, fellow Ark players! I have come back to mingle and talk to you once more about the month-long holiday no one asked to be shown or acknowledged in this glorious game we all love! I WAS banned for speaking my mind about it, but I showed the community mods that I have not broken any rules, so TOUGH LUCK ya wannabe inquisitors of social just-us! You cannot keep a good man like me down!

... What's that now? Why is there an Ark community mod pointing a gun at the back of my head? I have no idea what you're talking about! I already proved that I haven't done anything ban worthy, so--"

*the sound of a firework exploding is heard for miles*
Neosekken 9 Feb, 2023 @ 12:59am 
Before I forget, I also wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your ban from Ark. If I were in your shoes, I'd personally just see that as the devs showing me that they clearly don't want me as a customer, and react accordingly. In spite of its NUMEROUS flaws in the present day, at least with modern gaming we currently have more options when it comes to stuff to play than we ever did at any point on the past with the games industry. Indies and retro gaming alone offer thousands of options, you don't even have to touch AAA games if you don't want to, to give one example. Don't give money to people who hate you, that's the best advice I think I can give anyone these days when it comes to entertainment.
Neosekken 9 Feb, 2023 @ 12:49am 
Yo! Apparently I must've really ruffled someone's feathers, because that post I wrote on that Ark threat seems to have vanished into the ether a short while ago. I can still post new comments on the thread, so I'm assuming I wasn't banned outright, so that tells me that I didn't say anything that could actually get me banned yet they just couldn't leave me alone and had to cut out my tongue anyway (don't worry, I'm like a lizard - cut off an apendage, I'll just grow a new one. The world shall not deny me the opportunity to give out tongue lashings!). I'd be lying if I said I didn't find this a little amusing, but it does little to alleviate my frustrations with the devs.

Anywya, have a good night!