Proffeser Erazio Timberton
one of of a kind!

also im a box a radioactive one too!

haters please ♥♥♥♥ off i want MeW to go to hell you know ho you are as the same of slug.boy16 and sammi xoxo.

i accept all friend requests,for which ever reason.

and for peaple ho hate me please ♥♥♥♥ off and stay away
Currently Offline
Mangolorian 20 Dec, 2015 @ 3:07am 
Sly Fox Lemmy 16 Sep, 2015 @ 12:59pm 
You are not a box
slug.boy16 4 Jul, 2015 @ 8:53pm 
thank you for the comment your realy nice
Proffeser Erazio Timberton 29 Mar, 2015 @ 5:24am 
welcome to my profile if any one wants to play xbox live or tf2 just ask im known to do halo reach game nigth videos and sometimes even minecraft and this was requested help me find a good name im reallly confused im soon getting g mod and you build and do ♥♥♥♥ well thats what i need to make game nights. they will be giving out monday and play on friday at 9-12 and i will chose peaple ho stand up for me when insultes friends alo but sometimes the public too. they willl be rules to every game night including spaming,camping,well every game night has rules to follow or i will kick you if u pist me off more then 3 times your booted for a month.