Hazardous Env Combat Unit

1. Sometimes I go AFK but don't put anything to indicate it on steam, this means that you might send me something and I'll see it either 30 or 40 minutes later. If this happens I am SO SORRY! I try to respond to every message sent my way, but I'm not always on. Please do not take it personally, the people who frequently message me are people who are really enjoyable to talk to and I promise if you send me a video or a clip of a game or something like that I enjoyed it! I just couldn't be on right at that moment.

2. I have never fallen for this ♥♥♥♥ ever and probably never will but, this is a just in-case this happens message. OK SO! Theres a scam going on around steam. I DO NOT JOIN TEAMS FOR GAMES AND IF I DO THEN I WILL PROBABLY PUT IT SOMEWHERE ON MY PROFILE! AND I WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO GO TO SOME SHADY-ASS SITE TO SIGN UP FOR MY TEAM! Also, steam has ways to prevent item duping and has systems in place to see if items were duped. So if I ""reported you"" for duped items, don't worry. You don't need to talk to moderators over a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ steam chat (it goes against there own rules to "Never share passwords or personal info" so if you think it truly is real then email steam, don't say over a chatroom). Please stay safe out there! ^^:slimetabby:
.... Random information about me.

For anyone wanting it, here is a clip of my real voice


I don't RP over Steam chat. Sorry!

Personally, my favorite enemy/NPC is Kinopi [tcrf.net]

I don't trade and I'm not interested in trading (unless you're a friend) :p4g_love:

If I block you it is most likely because you friended me and I accidentally pressed it.

This is the most important video

This is the second most important video

This is the third most important video

I try to be mature and nice with people but I can be ass, we all are at one point in our lives. However If you came here to stalk my profile or leave "YOU SUCK XD" (Unironically) in the comments of my profile you aren't any more mature than I am. I'm sorry if I upset you in any way as I truly don't mean to, even if you are toxic towards me first, I truly don't mean to be mean in anyway.

Popular opinion: Discord's game section sucks, Steam is far more superior.

♥♥♥♥ Uncle Dane, I prefer my crits random and my TF2 limitless.

I unironically love the TF2 map "Wutville", its just so chaotic and fun. I hope TF2 keeps it in forever unchanged and unpatched <3
That's also not a joke, it really is my favorite TF2 map. I genuinely love it so much.

I was once told by an 8 year old to "shut yo peter pan pot pan lookin head up"
Little kid on GMOD: "I'm a 10 year old furry so what"
Kid on TF2: "Oh.. sorry I forgot canada was not a state"
Mexican squeaker: "SOLDIER X MEDIC :D"
Literal 8 year old on GMOD RP explaining why we tied up a Russian janitor and was torturing him in the closet: "Because he doesn't speak english!!"
Kid raging on Crab Game: "Eyo H-C-U-Y Soldier shut your ♥♥♥♥ up >:("

Hall of ♥♥♥♥ (rly arguments on my profile that I've deleted):

Almost mediocre at best, not good in the slightest on average.

Q: Why're so bad at (insert game here)
A:I don't use a mouse to play games, so in FPS's I often miss shots bc of that reason and that reason alone. I also have a bad reaction timing that cannot be improved upon (been trying for a long time, nothing worked). Despite those reasons, I try my absolute best. Sorry if I fail you!

No, I'm the true dumbass :(

Here's an amazing song if you'd like it

One of the saddest songs that can force me to cry in any mood

This is a top 5 best video game song undoubtedly.

An extremely powerful song

OMORI SPOILERS - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ banger song

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ epic song

One of the best songs I've ever heard in my entire life


The one person who isn't positively affected by autism :)

I am an HECU Soldier because even though the MTF are cool. They aren't as epic as the HECU, especially at kicking alien ass.

Games I love to death:

Pokemon Black and White 1 and 2 (and every other Pokemon game tbh)
Mario Galaxy 1 (2 isn't as good or even close tbh)
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time. (I love the first 3 games all the same)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky & Rescue team
Pokemon Conquest
Persona 5 Royal (I'm a big fan of the entire series. Yes, even 1 and 2)
Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask
TF2 + TF2Classic
Undertale & Deltarune
Lisa the Painful
Terraria (especially the Calamity mod)
SSBB/SSBU (64, Melee, and 4 are all decent, but I wouldn't put them on the same level)
Rain World
Hello Charlotte (I've never played it but I watched one of my friends stream it. Its story is amazing)
The entire Half-Life series (if that wasn't obvious..)
Portal 2
Halo 1-3 + ODST & Reach (Haven't played through 4-Infinite)
Bookworm adventures deluxe
Bookworm adventures volume 2
Peggle nights
Slime Rancher
Super Mario 64
Legend of Zelda Four Swords Anniversary (Very genuine underrated game and I love it to death, just so relaxing)
Fnaf World

"Hecc-u" "Heccu" "Heck-oo" "Hay-sew" "H-E-C-U" "Hazardous Environmental Combat Unit" "H-e" (or "H-ie") Those are the many pronunciations of my name. You can also refer to me as Mac/Mak if you'd like :P5R_Futaba:

I have NO idea how my friends list is that big.

Seriously though, learn what a mute button is. :steamfacepalm:


A special +rep for everyone to use.
A random bee 5 Mar @ 9:23am 
Armed and dangerous and ballin by roddy rich (respond in my comments)
Hazardous Env Combat Unit 4 Mar @ 10:53pm 
Thank you sir!

Btw what were you using for your voice to text gimmick?
Dutch Van Der Linde 3 Mar @ 9:55pm 
+REP for SCP SL.
Funny guy, yall should add him
nilah 26 Feb @ 8:32pm 
i'm nilah
御姐萝莉不高冷听话 听你指挥
Dry Scone Cone 28 Jan @ 12:10pm 
Good to see some folk enjoy the old SCP SL. Lotta fun memories playing it back then. But we get older and times change. Be glad to have made the memories you did and hold them close. I am glad to see you enjoy the game as much as i did back in them days HECU.