Mr. Goober
Andrew   Louisiana, United States
God's silliest goober

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By far the worst game I have ever played. The sad part is that it use to be fun, but every time Fatshark updates the game they add a mass amount of bugs that they refuse to patch out.

tl;dr this game makes me homicidal, don't buy it.

Here's a list of issues I've experienced with the last update.
- 26 gigabytes more space taken up for a game mode I have zero interest in.
- UI change that makes the other player/AI icons appear closer to the center of the screen, blocking more of the player's view.
- Constant stuttering
- Massive lag spike every time someone joins or leaves your match (This has always been an issue, but never as bad as it is now.)
- Enemies teleport everywhere, and will spawn and de-spawn before your eyes.
- Inconsistent frames (I use to run this game constantly at around 100 fps, give or take depending on the map; now my frames jump between 5 and 100 fps.
- Enemies A-posing.
- Enemies will magically hit you without physically swinging.
- Enemies will damage you despite you blocking their attacks.
- Your attacks will not register roughly half of the time.
- Game will not register your clicking often.

EDIT: More issues
- Most recent update has corrupted my game data.
- New Forsaken Temple map has horrible lighting that makes the entire map look yellow.

EDIT: Rat Ogre Update
- Unplayable after this update.
- Devs added another 26GB update to the game for no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reason.
- Walking or backing into certain walls or objects will get you stuck inside them, unable to move.
- More often than not, when Bestigors do their charge attack, instead of physically charging they will teleport to the end-point of the charge.
- Horrible stuttering
- The audio cue that is supposed to play when a monster spawn never plays. (I've had this issue since I got the game, there are some audio cues for monster spawns that I haven't heard in years.)
- I average around 50 fps after this update (Before the update I was averaging about 100 fps.)
- I constantly fall through the world, which causes my character to teleport to the nearest ledge and hang off.
- I saw a horde of enemies get stuck in a falling animation, just floating above the ground slightly. They were all stuck in each others hit-boxes, making it only look like 5 or 6 enemies but when I killed them they exploded into about 50.
- Constant issue with invisible enemies hitting me. I will be standing in an open area with no enemies near me and somehow get hit.
- I have not once had this game close properly since I got it. Every. Single. Time. I click quit my game freezes, which in turn causes everything on my PC to freeze up for about a minute, until the game crashes and gives me an error message. It's better to just Alt-F4 out of the game instead.
- An entire horde of Stormvermin spawned right in front of me and killed me almost immediately.
- I went through a door way at the same time as a Rat Ogre, causing me to get pushed into and glitched inside of a wall.
- Temp health generation regularly has issues with working.
- Constant backend errors after matches end, causing my game to crash.

EDIT: Two patches since I've last played
- Launched the game and joined my friends party, immediately got kicked by the game with the error: "Status: Untrusted... Unknown file version... As long as you are untrusted by the anti cheat system you will be unable to save your progress and you can only play with other untrusted players." After verifying my game files I was able to play one match with my friends, after that match I once again got the same error saying that I am untrusted by the anti-cheat.
- The new Devious Delvings map is hot garbage. Tons of invisible walls and slopes, as well as points where you just magically fall out of the map through the floor and die.
- Of course there is still the same game-breaking bugs that have been in the game since release.
- Game reset my graphical settings after a few matches.
- Game crashes after I turn off moton blur.

EDIT: Another ♥♥♥♥♥♥ update
- Game now gets stuck on a black screen when I launch. I have to hit escape 5 or 6 times for it to start loading the game.
- First match after update I got on the Devious Delvings map. I fell through the floor within the first minute of the mission, and about five minutes later I fell out the map completely and instantly died.
- Loading screens that used to take about 10 seconds now take upwards of two minutes to load.
- Enemies running in place is a far more common issue now.
- Monsters able to instantly turn 180 degrees and insta-kill me.
- Invisible walls are everywhere.
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Sembi 27 Jan, 2024 @ 11:58pm 
Ty for help rep+
Mr. Goober 28 Nov, 2023 @ 10:37am 
np bro
BloodRise 28 Nov, 2023 @ 10:34am 
Thanks for the help :-D
vvvvvvvvvv 2 Aug, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
55zanaris99 29 May, 2023 @ 8:22pm 
Poo Poo MAn 10 Sep, 2009 @ 7:48am
hey dude if u get a hold of will can u have him send me vent info and my pw, thnx
Metiorosity 22 Oct, 2022 @ 5:05pm 
was fun in ricochet