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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.3 hrs on record
Posted: 27 Nov, 2021 @ 5:08pm

i am confused by the overwhelming reviews and it leads me to think that the people still recommending this game in the modern era are simply blinded by nostalgia which i understand and fall prey to as well. As you can see i have about an hour and a half played so far. through that entire time it was me trying to stomach the downright horrendous movement, the abysmal combat and the hilariously terrible optimization. the movement was clunky, it felt like i was a crippled rat stuck in a maze. Running around and traversing the city was at the best time boring and the worst slow and hindering, you coud not jump over hardly any obstacles and it felt pointless, it almost felt like they might as well have put me on rails as it would have worked smoother. touching on the optimization, my system is by no means top of the line or too old, i have a gtx 1050ti thats still rotting away in my system due to the inflation of gpus, 24 gb of ram, a ryzen 5 3600 with sme phenomenal cooling. this thing ran like i had either tried to use a early 2000s hp laptop or my hardware was so incredibly advnaced that the game just couldnt get itself together. regardless reciving frame drops is unacceptable and ruined my experiance from the literal start. what broke my heart the most was the beautiful world that was right there ready to be explored but it was just too bothersome to persist through. as far as the gameplay and combat goes it gets even worse. i played the game on the hardest difficulty because why not, and i had to double check a couple times that i wasnt in story mode, its piss easy. combined with the AI being a joke even for 2013 i couldnt take it very seriously, connecting back to why it being an on rails shooter wouldnt actually be much worse then it is now. the gunplay was cringe and felt so underwhelming it was like i was shooting nerf darts with tacks taped onto the ends. with all this said, i do indeed value a good narrative, so much so i would power through and push it all aside to finish the game and enjoy the writing, if it wasnt for the fact that the story failed to catch me in anyway. with all these obstacles i wasnt going to wait around for the story to get good a couple hours later.

im actually let down, i enjoyed the other entries in the series and just took a long time getting around to play this and now i am so sad, im distraught. i dont know how to go on with my life, it feels like my childhood memories are nothing but a glimpse in another distant universe. im just kidding i refunded this moved on with my day.
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