Smol baby kitten ☭   Arkansas, United States
hi hi i'm Kiazra or smol baby Kiazra hehehe

"always stay true to yourself and your values never compromise for outside influences. be brave to be yourself even if its scary" Kiazra
Currently In-Game
Hi hi! welcome to my page! please read before interacting with me :3
Hi Hi my name is Kiazra! i am an SFW ABDL-Agere, and a commie peep!

i am shy and quiet with new peeps but i will talk alot more if i get to know you a little bit better

i run an ABDL FC on FFXIV known as the Little Imperials if you are interested in joining look us up on the lodestone :3

the steam groups i am apart of are stuff that i either am into irl or have an interest in exploring such as the Combine Universal Union and other fictional governments creating screenshots or supporting them for various reasons.

as you may have guessed after reading my comments i am an anti-imperialist anti-westerner and anti-USA peep you will never see me supporting imperialist wars caused by the USA what so ever or the capitalist system that it has (especially as many are suffering workers/peasants :( )

i do NOT like toxicity nor do i like arguing with peeps, it tires me out personally and it doesn't change anyones mind and i will not debate my irl interests/affiliations with random peeps outside of the steam groups i am in (fictional factions is a different story just keep it in fiction please and keep it pleasant be nice :3)

i worry quite a bit maybe even too much and i am easily spooked so if i accidentally take something the wrong way me is sowwy >.<

what games i like? Sandbox games! and no SWG doesn't count, what counts for sandbox games would be attack on toys, Ravenfield, or just any other game that lets you add npcs to a game or lets you build the world to your liking. i also love stellaris and a few other titles, i also enjoy leftist games too! the top ones i would have to say are Bewitching Revolution, Neofeud, and Partisans 1941

games i will not play?

Helldrivers 2: pro-fascist liberal title i saw gameplay of it and i was disgusted your peep literally looks like a fascist soldier killing everyone that is not your character and they made socialist peeps as one of the enemies fictional or not i will not have commie or socialist NPC's as enemies in any situation, plus they have also ripped animations from star wars republic commando without any permission when the soldier puts something into a control panel during battle, the devs of this game are questionable at best

VR chat: the devs of that title are against ABDL's as a whole and they will be forcing ID's soon for spying purposes i will not touch that game at all

P2W titles like STO

anti-commie games

cooking simulators: they are just restaurant sims instead of being a simulator to cook whatever food you like such as hamburger cheesecake and the titles put restaurant serving elements over the actual food itself making them very misleading

games with anti-cheat: privacy invasive on anothers PC and collects everything even personal info such as ID etc if a game is forced to use anti-cheat just to play multiplayer something is wrong with it

sub based games: can't afford it already subbed to one title which is FFXIV can't handle 2 subs at once

i also mod games too so far it is texture modding only as i don't know how to model or the advanced stuff but i am looking to expand my own knowledge for my own uses

if you go to friend me it will depend on who you are, if we share similar groups or i know you from discord/other platforms then sure! if not then i will take a look at your profile to see if we share any games and who you are, do NOT friend just to have a peep on your friends list please i want to keep mine neat plus i think steam limits how many peeps friend your profile, can't confirm though >.<

i will NOT friend the following: anyone who is already blocked, racists, Nazi's/fascists, anti-commies, irl imperialist supporters, irl liberal promoters, toxic/rude peeps, anti-ABDL's, Transphobics, cops/military from the USA or their supporters, pedophiles, and finally minors this is an 18+ profile only.

a majority of peeps shouldn't fit on this list so you are likely fine if you are one of these peeps though i will block quickly as i have 0 tolerance for all of the above, on a side note i am Asexual so please do NOT friend me if you are looking for a sexual peep to play with i am a person not a sex toy.

that is about it for now! if you made it this far give yourself a cookie :ds_cookies: and enjoy your stay on my profile! :ds_hello:
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16.4 hrs on record
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18.8 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
1,145 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
Kiazra 15 Mar @ 12:38am 
my own personal comments i would so love for paradox to be brought to heel after all the bad they have done with their games and taken away features from the community for capitalist profits.
Kiazra 15 Mar @ 12:37am 
stellaris is getting a review bomb for what HOI4 did to its china peeps needless to say the devs deserve every negative review that they are getting right now, make sure you give the bad reviews a reward that is not a clown as many nazi right wingers are putting the clown emoji on the said reviews to attack the review peep
Kiazra 5 Mar @ 2:20pm 
ever since HOI4 devs have been going fascists i have noticed a lot of peeps on steam is using the clown reward as a weapon against critical posts when games have gone into a bad direction its like the fascists don't want you saying a word about capitalist game dev intentional mistakes meanwhile racism and anti-communist propaganda is on the rise, it is very dangerous times indeed.
Kiazra 26 Feb @ 6:17pm 
i am talking about Stellaris btw
Kiazra 26 Feb @ 6:06pm 
i have looked on steam reviews as they are getting a review bomb right now and what i saw has me very concerned, many reviews that are calling out the devs for being racist and against china folks are getting reacted with a joker instead of being taken seriously, i assume the peeps reacting to the reviews with jokers are Nazi supporters who are trying to laugh at the peeps speaking out knowing that the government of the USA supports their racism, if anyone who owns this game sees this please support these review peeps and ensure their review gets up points we do not need anymore hate or nazism from paradox or there fanboy nazi scum on this site, and for anyone who plays this game be cautious of the devs
Kiazra 24 Jan @ 9:39am 
alot of fan boys of RE2 coming to defend there master here i feel bad for the peep that made this post in the discussion :(