The name's Minty, Chocolate Minty   Antarctica
I'm a human, what about you?
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Chocolate_Minty 17 Aug, 2022 @ 7:23am 
I think you have me mistaken for somebody, my name is Eva
Michael0100 17 Aug, 2022 @ 7:12am 
Hewwo MInty, I noticed you have a pwofiwe pictuwe of a vewy beautifuw femawe, and I am undew the pwesumption that this godess is you? It is quite astonishing to see a femawe hewe in the Pummew Pawty Officiaw discowd. I am quite popuwaw awound hewe in this sewvew, so if you wequiwe guidance, pwease thwow me a mention. I wiww assist you at any houw, day ow night. And, befowe you awe mistaken, I do not seek youw hand in a womantic way; awthough I am not opposed in the event you awe intewested in me, as many women often awe. I am a man of standawd, and I do not bow to just any femawe that comes my way, unwike my peews. So west assuwed that I wiww not be in the way of youw gaming and sociawizing expewience. Considew me a companion, a pawtnew, andwe can enjoy some video games togethew some time. I see you pway pummew pawty, and awe you good at mini games? I am a mini-game aficionado, so I wouwd be happy to assist you in games. Pwatonicawwy of couwse, unwess you change youw mind on that.