Bjørn Andresen   Tonder, Sonderjylland, Denmark
Always friendly!
Team Orientated!

Language Danish and German! And Gamer English! "whats that?"

TS Channel! Ask me, i answer !

Old Nicknames: " probably from the time youre mum washed youre dipper"

Bearminator Mostly used on android Tablet Games
Yes I Leaded the almost Mighty EccoRiders In Clash Of Clans! or whats left of it!
Greats to ♥♥♥ players aswell! 3 years fun! lots of cash! and i still am a noob! No time as family is more importand! than a 24/7 game you need to pay in to keep ya Bubble on!"at least that works" Miss ya! Queen Lighning! Virus and the hole god deam server! Buisy Bee! ...................Hunter...........

Old ancient clans:
Member aswell as Co leader and member! sorry but i always speak whats on my mind! Ellse NP To follow a leader who knows what to do!

ghs?? dam sorry cant even remember! Bonsai, Bradley!

USAF: cod, mohaa. Monagan you still alive ;)

mW clan cod,cod 2,cs 1.6 ,cod4! Edelweiss! Rex, naughty, add more later....... miss ya all

mcveith. ...........

And as i lost X-fire after i got my latest PC

Greets to all from that ancient time! Many names many clans!
What a community we have been!

PS: und was passiert wenn der letzte geier stirbt??
Dann bist du der hässlichste Vogel.

Best Regards
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Kærlige Hilsener

Now Bjørn Rahbæk Andresen
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3.2 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
1.2 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
0 hrs on record
last played on 14 Feb
Bearminator 6 Aug, 2020 @ 5:17pm 