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Son of Odingk 8 Jan 2020 @ 3:55pm 
Who will dare see how real this is? A few real people.(for now)It's very complicated,yet simple to some.I Discovered Atlantis(Aliens) ,not just THE ACTUAL LOCATION but I FOUND THE FOSSILS!The collecting and showing of 100's of perfectly preserved specimens of PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN SPECIES, similar to "LEGENDS" of most human cultures.I have more than 10X the evidence needed for complete proof of my claims.No need to take notice....I keep finding and posting more evidence.I contend the fact that all my work is ignored by all media,especially controlled alternative media.Who I show as cointelpro,clearly.That is fitting ,I'm one of the few real/independent truthers here so long.I fight for all freedom on all fronts.Here are the words I have had here for 4 yrs.Humans Win by being awake.Humans win by standing up to injustice.Humans win by researching the truth.Humans win by respecting this earth yet knowing it is not our possession.Humans win by reaching their potential.