Prison Architect

Prison Architect

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Amazing PA mods
Amazing PA mods
Items (30)
Created by murgh
Chinooks for Deliveries, Exports, Garbage, Intake and Emergencies! Do I need to say more? DELIVERIES Place 1 Deliveries Tower on the map and up to 6 Deliveries Helipads. Features: - You can close any Helipad with a button on the Tower. - You can control wh...
1260 Cell Large
Created by BustedHipGaming
I wanted to try bringing together some ideas I have seen online and a few ideas of my own in a big prison. I went full sandbox mode using the unlimited funds option because I just felt like building. While the prison is in the red, if you fill the cells wi...
A Working Clean Prison
Created by Brassmatic™
I made this prison on Alpha 9, It works very well and have most of the space utilized on a small map. My first contribution so please rate it if you like it, cheers!...
Advanced Roads
Created by murgh
Build separate roads for cargo, intake and emergency vehicles. Works with single, double or even triple lanes, and both large and small road gates to control your traffic. Gates can be grouped so you can open several gates at once. This mod doesn't need ro...
All Guns In Armory
All types of guns now available for prisoners to steal from the armory. Great for some variety in escape mode! Check out my other mods!
Anti-tunnel Toilets
Created by murgh
Various toilets for prisoners and staff. You can choose between several toilets which either behave like a normal toilet, or toilets which don't require water. These 'dry' toilets cannot be used for digging tunnels, thus you can make a high security anti-t...
Barbery and Evac Needs Icons
Created by murgh
This mod adds Barbery and Evacuation Needs to the icon set. If you like the Clearer Needs Icons mod and have the Barbery Mod as well as Customizable Control Booths then this little add-on is a must have. Changes made: Bladder icon replaced by Evacuation, B...
Cell Quality Quickbuilds
Created by Phelzier
A set of quickbuild cells in quality ratings 1-10. A set of bottom and top entry for each cell to enable mirroring when rotating. Please note: This mod changes the prefabs.txt file, which makes it incompatible with other modifications that change this file...
Colour Sec Texture Pack
Created by FLiP
This Texture pack, adds section colours. Easily identify cells and blocks of your prison based on the security level of the prisoners held within. All floors fit together so different floors side by side don't look out of place. Water texture also included...
Crime & Punishment
Created by ArDad
+115 Common and Bureaucratic crime names including 12 NEW Traits. And constantly Updating! +12 New Traits Vigilante - prisoners who acting in a law enforcement capacity (or in the pursuit of self-perceived justice) without legal authority Extremist - priso...
Customizable Control Booths
Created by murgh
Assemble your own custom control booth with various control and display panels or 9 awesome utilities. How does it work? Simply place a control booth (found in utilities menu) and place the panels you desire around it. Workers will install both panels into...
Electrical Radiator
Created by ItzEdInYourBed
Out with the boilers, in with electricity. This mod adds in electrical radiators. No more needing to place boilers in every cell block. Just hook this bad boy up and profit?!?! It has the same performance as a normal radiator. This bad boy can be yours by ...
Expanded Quick Build
Created by irb0red
***NOTE: IF YOUR WALLS ARE BUGGED MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SELECTED A MATERIAL TYPE AFTER SELECTING THE ROOM.** A simple mod that adds additional rooms to the quick build menu. **The Sunset Update Verified** NOTE: This mod changes the prefabs.txt file, which mak...
Fast Building (outdated)
This mod adds new quick builds that allows you to build your prison in no time. The quick builds try to remain good looking and balance efficiency at the same time. You can change the Position and add or remove objects by editing the prefabs.txt which is l...
Limo Garage
Created by murgh
Fully functional Garage Workshop with a Gantry Crane and a new road leading straight into your prison. This mod is a hook into my Advanced Roads mod which is also required. USAGE Place a QuickBuild Limo Garage on the map. Wait for it to complete. Once the ...
Created by Curvaceous Mite
Current Version: 1.2-1 Update June 2018 Hello. It's been a while. The last time I properly looked at this mod was probably nearly 2 years ago. In that time a number of updates have been released, and quite a number of people have commented about this being...
More Crimes
Created by Tom212
Description goes here....
More Quick Build Rooms!
Created by Julian
This mod adds many new quick build rooms, currently including: - Electric Room - Water Room - Holding Cell - Smaller Solitary Cell - Dormitory - Canteen - Kitchen - Shower - Workshop - Security - Infirmary - Morgue - Common Room - Laundry - Normal Visitati...
More Room Prefabs
Created by hoosdatGuy
Update: More rooms have been added. Now most of the rooms that require furniture are in, except cells. Like the others, they're small but not so cramped that your staff and prisoners have to climb over furniture to get around. Description This mod adds mor...
Quick Build Addon - Cells with Showers
Created by Lionel Hutz
These are the 2 standard cell types, dormitory and standard cell, except these ones have showers. Its a big improvement, no more worrying about brawls in big communal showers. In tests I have run over 500 prisoners, and my only brawls happen in the canteen...
Quick Build Cell Blocks
Created by misc.sheep
Build a simple, flexible cell block for 15 prisoners. Saves you the trouble of placing the furniture, however you cannot place indoor wall segments with prefabs. The doors were left out to make it easier to place walls. Enjoy....
Quick Build Small Prison
Created by misc.sheep
Build a basic prison for up to 30 prisoners. Great if you're sick of making new buildings every time like I am....
Created by murgh
Adds the Basketball court and the Basketball League and Training Reform Program. Welcome to the slam! This mod takes care of Exercise needs and offers a real-time game! UPDATE V2.29: - FIXED 'No equipment' error in reform program scheduler. - Added 'Custom...
Created by murgh
One man's trash is another man's treasure - provided you can find it in amongst all your rubbish. This Recycling mod will let your prisoners dig through the filthy garbage to sort out valuable bits and pieces from it. Sorted Garbage goes straight to Export...
Tesla-Matic 2.0
Created by murgh
Tesla-Matic 2.0: even more evil than the original! This tazer punishing torture tool has been altered to fully work with new the features of Prison Architect V2.0 and is now equipped with buttons to let you decide what punishment the receiver will get. Bes...
The Snitch Sorter
It used to be a fact of prison life: New intake arrives, and a snitch bites the dust. Confidential Informents helped, but took up your valuble time. Now, you can leave it to the Prisioner Information System: Where's the snitch? This mod adds a new object: ...
Tireless Workmen
Created by maibee
This mod makes workmen never run out of energy. They can now work for hours on end, without ever needing to visit a staffroom....
Vending Machines
Created by murgh
Have various vending machines, coffee machines, water coolers/fountains and orange juice tables around your prison to settle the Luxuries/Food needs for prisoners and Comfort/Food needs for Staff members. The Shop becomes redundant when using this mod with...
[OUT OF DATE] {All-in-One Deluxe Edition}
Created by GrandSong
Please try AllInOne2024 which is a good successor of my Chinese version. Hope it works as well for English players. See more info written by @tpd1864blake in the User Comments section at the bottom of this page. ----------- **I am AFK now and won't update ...