"the story of john kramer the main character in the jigsaw movie

John Kramer is a successful engineer and has a wife named Jill Tuck who runs a drug rehabilitation center. At a glance, his life will be more perfect after it is reported that Jill is pregnant with their first child. Unfortunately, what then happened was that Jill had a miscarriage after a patient named Cecil opened the door in a hurry and hit Jill's stomach. As if that wasn't enough, John, who later closed himself off after losing his future child. He was also sentenced to have brain cancer.

John, who felt his life was no longer useful, then drove his car into a ravine to commit suicide, but in fact he survived. After that incident, John began to think that there are many people who are wasting their own lives by doing harmful actions. Since then, John has had the ambition to make human life better by kidnapping people who he thinks have wasted their lives and placing them in deadly traps. He hoped that if the victims survived, they would appreciate their lives more. The first victim of John's new activities is Cecil, the man who caused his wife to have a miscarriage.

As long as he carries out his actions, John also gains new followers. One of his first followers was Amanda Young, who was originally a victim of Jigsaw but managed to survive his trap and turned to admire John, who thought he had succeeded in brightening his life. John then shows Amanda to his wife, who works as a drug addict's patient manager, while stating that his method has succeeded in making people appreciate their lives more. After that, Jill began to ponder the truth of her husband's psychopathic actions.

On another occasion, Jigsaw also kidnapped a doctor named Lawrence Gordon, who had previously convicted him of brain cancer. Gordon finally manages to escape from the chain trap set by Jigsaw, but as a result, he loses one of his legs and dies while trying to escape. Jigsaw then takes care of him and gives him a prosthetic leg, stating that Gordon is one of his best assets. Since then, Gordon has become Jigsaw's new follower, and his whereabouts are kept secret from the other Jigsaw followers.

Along with the increasing number of victims killed at the hands of John, the media began to pay attention to his actions and began to call him the "Jigsaw Killer"  because of his habit of taking slices of the skin of his victims in the form of pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. One of the policemen, Mark Hoffman, then took advantage of the Jigsaw method's popularity to kill people who had molested and killed his sister with the Jigsaw trap method. Later, Hoffman turns into another Jigsaw follower after Jigsaw kidnaps him and advises him that everyone has a chance to improve their life if given the chance.

Jigsaw, with the help of his followers, managed to continue his actions without being caught by the police. However, his condition worsened due to his cancer. Jigsaw then asked Amanda to kidnap a doctor named Lynn Denlon to treat him. At the same time, Jigsaw is putting Lynn's husband, Jeff Denlon, in a deadly game he designed. Jigsaw finally died after Jeff found Jigsaw and his wife and then slashed Jigsaw's neck with a small chainsaw. Before he died, it was later discovered that Jigsaw had left messages for a number of people, so that his acts of terror continued and his followers began to frame each other.

core words :

cherish your life
before you get into a very cruel games

-John Kramer

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The main character's story
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