Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Quintus Aurelianus
Type: Blueprint
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1.331 MB
2 Oct, 2017 @ 6:41pm
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Quintus Aurelianus

The Quintus Aurelianus is a heavy armored drone carrier.Much of my inspriation for this ship came from Turrian ships in mass effect. The ship comes with 6 drones that can be piloted from the mother ship. there are also programing blocks to let you install Rdavs fleet script for when he publishes the updated script. Some of the main features the ship sports are, forward Ahab launcher (by chucky dickens and xenolego) and an omni directional gravity drive. The ship is mostly vanilla, it uses several cosmetic mods so you woulnt miss much by pasting this into a vanilla world. The ship is very script heavy.

Autoclose doors
TIM inventory management system
One True Gravit Drive
MMaster LCD
RDAV offset thruster management system
Whips Artificial horizion display

Special thanks to W0lf3y for helping me once again seeing this build through to compleation, and to Chucky and xeno for there ahab missle system.