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Immersive Battle Banners
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104.120 MB
6 Oct, 2017 @ 9:33am
14 Sep, 2019 @ 12:37am
30 Change Notes ( view )

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Immersive Battle Banners

/ Sorry, but this mod will not be updated, my life changed, lost my dad, just fell empty with PC gaming and modding, that take to much time, i prefer to be outside, with nature, forest, doing sport, and playing much less with ps4. Thanks all, and sorry again, all my mods belongs of course to everyone, do what you want with it. /

For more realistic and immersive banners during the battles and on campaign map. I didn't like the toy aspect for vanilla banners. Now it's feels "Warhammer" ! I have also modified some colors which were too saturated (with keeping the vanilla theme), and used color to improve the visibility. The campaign banners are now bigger ! And you can zoom in to see them !

This mod is not compatible with other banner mod (campaign and battle, they are using the same files). And it's of course compatible with Mortal Empire campaign.

Factions released and updates :

- Vampire Coast.

- Tomb Kings, with the words "King", "War", "Army" and "Loyalty" wrote in High Nehekharan. The Necrotect hero have the word "Necropolis/Tomb" on his unit icon.

- High Elves, meaning for some Eltharin runes added on the banners :

On the generic banner
2 major runes :
" Caladai " - Symbol of the line of kings, the dragons of flame.
" Asur " - High Elves, the Eternal Flame, Mark of Asuryan, symbol of rebirth and lordship.
And 6 minor runes :
" Skale " - Guardian dragon, strength and honour.
" Saroir " - Eternity, infinity, the flame of love that burns all it touches.
" Lecai " - Light, nobility of soul, lightness of being.
" Kenui " - War without end, a lingering death.
" Indrion " - The heavens, portent, doom of mortals.
" Histo " - Plenty, dominance, the Golden Age.

Avelorn banner
" Quyl-Isha " - "Tears of Isha", sorry, mercy, endurance, the act of mourning for lost children.

Caledor banner
" Ildir " - The Chained Dragon, duty, obedience.

Chrace banner
" Senlui " - Swiftness, accuracy.
" Charoi " - Strength, ferocity, mane of hair.

Citadel of Dusk banner (rune on the black castle)
" Drome " - The Underworld Stair, descent, inevitability.

Ellyrion banner
" Istryn " - Symbol of the Arespan, alliance, common cause.

- Dark Elves, with the Dark Elves rune of Khaine, their major God, the blood-handed God.

- Lizardmen.

- Skaven, with the symbol of the Horned Rat, which signifies not only the deity of the Skaven but also the Skaven race as a whole.

- Rogue Armies.

- Norsca, with the 4 Warhammer Chaos Gods on the banner, who have their Norsca's animal appearance, wolf Khorne, crow Nurgle, eagle Tzeentch and snake Slaanesh.

- Bretonnia.

- Wood Elves, the Rune on the banner represent Kurnous and Isha together (the 2 main Elfic Gods), wrote in Fan-Eltharin, the Warhammer Wood Elves language.

- Chaos with blood, skulls and the 4 Warhammer Chaos Gods Runes. The Dragon Ogre banner use the Chaos Rune representing them, and 2 major elements in their lifes : mountain and thunderstorm with lightning (giving power to these immortal creatures).

- Vampire Counts.

- Beastmen, with Warhammer Chaos Runes on the banners.

- Greenskins.

- Empire (Tilea, Kislev and the Border Princes share unfortunately the banners with the Empire, special détail in the Emperial Banner was possible only for Marienburg).

- Dwarfs. Runes used in the Dwarfs Banners (wrote in Khazalid, the official dwarfs Warhammer language) :

Miners : " Azul " - Metal of any kind; dependable; a sturdy dwarf.
Gyrocopter : " Kro " - Crow, raven, dark bird.
Flame Cannon : " Zharr " - Fire.
Irondrakes : " Drakk " - Dragon.
Irondrakes Torpedo : " Troll " - Troll.
Quarrellers: " Dok " - Watch, observe, see, the eye.
Thane : " Gov " - Thane, and " Grim " - Harsh, unyielding.
Runesmith : " Rhunki " - Runesmith.

And here is my other reskin mod.
Popular Discussions View All (5)
26 Oct, 2017 @ 2:52pm
天才 ★★★
18 Dec, 2020 @ 12:37am
totally understand your decission to quit PC gaming
26 Oct, 2017 @ 2:52pm
Steveatron3000 30 Jan @ 9:14am 
I'm sorry for your loss. Stay strong!
Rannoc_ 2 Jan @ 5:28pm 
Happy new year man! i hope the going has got easier. Keep your chin up and keep doing things you love.

I'm sure your old man looks down on you, smiles and tells all the other souls he's with, "That's my son. I couldn't be prouder :)"

Slàinte Mhath

- A stranger from Scotland
J 7 Oct, 2024 @ 4:19pm 
J 7 Oct, 2024 @ 2:30pm 
Can you let someone update your mod please?
J 7 Oct, 2024 @ 2:30pm 
J 7 Oct, 2024 @ 2:29pm 
pls update
Tomato Jockstrap 31 Aug, 2024 @ 1:14pm 
Sorry about your dad
[WaW] Desertor 18 Aug, 2024 @ 5:21am 
May your father rest in peace.
TheJanissary 21 Apr, 2024 @ 4:39am 
My condolences from turkiye brother hope you doing well we are sorry