Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Five Rivers of Cora'ce
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3.147 MB
21 Oct, 2017 @ 10:32pm
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Five Rivers of Cora'ce

These lands were once said to be sacred and belong to Cora'ce, the goddess of Water and Ice. Tribes used to dwell these land alongside her shrines, giving her offerings of food and precious objects like jewelry and gold in return for their safety for the upcoming winters and harsh blizzards. Though her influence is beyond that of ice as she also overlooks the sea, protecting those who prayed at her shrine as they travel across it's salty waters. Yet, these lands haven't been touched in a long time. The shrines that lined this region have perished with time, though it still holds value, especially for someone who aspires to create their own city upon it. Will this place became one of influence?