Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

856 ratings
LTs Farming
Buildings: Buildings
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107.804 MB
24 Nov, 2017 @ 3:50pm
12 Nov, 2020 @ 3:27am
35 Change Notes ( view )

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LTs Farming

In 1 collection by EzequielM
LTs Conan Exiles Server
3 items

Mod ID: 1210390760

This Mod is a recopiled and updated version of the HomeBrew Mod with some improvements:

- Contianer sizes now are x2.
- Changed the stack sizes so the weapons, tools and armor will keep the original stack. They sometimes dissapear if you stack an item with full health and another borken.
- Placeable items now can be returned to the inventory.
- All the craft stations that have a Thrall box accept a cooker that will speed up the production (They can work without Thrall too tho).
- Windmill makes Flour that with Water-filled Flask and Leavening Agent can be used to make bread at the Furnace using less resources and being a bit more realistic.
- New craft stations:
- Midnight Blue Flower Garden
- Desert Berries Garden
- Highland Berries Garden
- Leavening Agent Garden
- Shroom Amanita Garden
- Puffball Mushroom Garden
- Asura's Glory Garden
- Mountain Goat Corral
- Serpent Corral

There is no need to learn any recipe nor to reset the feats to can make the exchanges since the mod will make the player to learn them authomatically after this update. This feature intents to avoid to give extra work to the server admins on this and the incoming updates.

Feats for Smoker and Thrall stand were removed. They can only be spawn by an Admin.

Some of the original craft stations from HomeBrew were taken off since the items they created are already in-game.
The current Crafting Stations are:
- Water Catcher
- Compost Bucket

- Fern Garden
- Aloe Garden
- Cactus Garden
- Hops Garden
- Yellow Lotus Garden
- True Indigo Garden
- False Mandrake Garden
- Grey-flower Lupine Garden
- Aquatic Plants Garden

- Rabbit Traps
- Rabbit Hutch
- Croc Corral
- Spider Corral
- Ostrich Corral
- Antelope Corral
- Grey Rhino Corral

- Jumble Market Buy and Sell only available from Admin spawn. They can easly be replaced for a custom NPC if you are using Pippi.

Each kind of plant has a drop chance to get their seed in a range from 1% to 30% which are used to create the gardens.
The eggs and special items needed to create the corrals are given with the same drop chance as the seeds killing the animals.

So go ahead and grow your own plants!
Popular Discussions View All (12)
13 Oct, 2022 @ 3:57am
Bug Report
6 Mar, 2019 @ 12:15am
PINNED: Feature Request
31 Aug, 2021 @ 2:22am
PINNED: Servers running this Mod
Trebort 9 Aug, 2024 @ 3:37am 
I miss this mod. :(
eduardozarate519 1 May, 2024 @ 9:54pm 
Do you know why with this mod it doesn't allow followers to follow me?
xBadOmenS94x 8 Feb, 2024 @ 7:43am 
breaks my gamesave.. my items doesnt stack anymore.. ..uninstalling doesnt solve that...
MaksTR 19 Dec, 2023 @ 2:21am 
DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD! This mod breaks other mods. The first thing I noticed was that "Moe Item Stack former LitMan" completely stopped working, and "Thralls are alive" partially broke. Uninstalling the mod does not solve the problem, the game remains broken.
Ramsis2000 15 Dec, 2023 @ 1:32am 
auf sipta sorgt die mod dafür das meine begleiter keine befehle mehr ausführen
Coelmatius 30 Nov, 2023 @ 10:59am 
In my case, after loading this mod, my thralls do not want to follow me. Therefore, it is not worth adding this mod to the collection, and then look for the cause of the conflict
Khora 24 Sep, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
is some one fixed the thrall bug? i love this mod...
Mariska 9 Sep, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
As if Sept 2023 I would NOT recommend this mod. I host a server and after using this mod, it has completely broke the game. We noticed that thralls would not follow and after some extensive testing we found out that this mod was preventing it. After taking this mod off the list we now have major issues with crafting and knowledge. Just simply taking the mod off did not work, we are having to reconfigure the server because the coding for this mod would not come off. This mod use to be it has made more issues and stress than it is worth. We also only used it on the exiled lands not siptah. Use at your own risk but back up everything before you do!
SnorlaxRae 25 Aug, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
Please update this mod, it was fantastic.
Nekro 18 Jun, 2023 @ 5:23am 
Last update 12. Nov. 2020, this mod is not ongoing, it´s a shame it was a very nice mod.