Sudden Strike 4

Sudden Strike 4

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Operation NORDLAND v.1.5
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4 Dec, 2017 @ 6:56am
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Operation NORDLAND v.1.5


28.April 1945 - Battle of Berlin.

this is only a map testversion without a lot of buildings. also mission is not finished. after ready map terrain i will work out hard mission with all units. by the way its nice to try. FEEDBACK and ideas wanted :) THX lets rock ^^
Obstler 23 Dec, 2017 @ 10:56am 

its a nice Mission, but i seen some problems (maybe you made it deliberately?)
Some places around of the Reichstag are marsh areas? Is this wanted by you? Because its no marked and i lost some tanks in the mud areas ....
And maybe you will rebuild the water at the Siegessäule? I lost there some tanks too because i didnt notice the water .....
But this could be one epic Misson i will follow you for more update :)

greetings from Germany
Emperor Locutus 7 Dec, 2017 @ 1:48pm 
i know it sounds like what you think but i did not to mean that way. So the editor works fine with youit....... must be my computer.... i sent a email to unity creator saying it needed patched but no reply at all

i have

windows 7 64 bit
3 ghtz prossesor
8 gb of ram
1050 4gb card
would there be a problem the windows 7 64 bit operating system

i love big maps in the game i wasnt to keen on small ones i also thought not a lot of reinforcements were given on both sides

i think your maps are very good and this and that needs added i think that a map should have a place always for bulding a bridge to cross and then defend for possible reinforcements

i didnt like the idea when you lay mines you could few the small area with them the devs should correct that
cLOWn_ hAbAkUk  [author] 6 Dec, 2017 @ 7:05am 
i know its not easy to work with it but i also have to test everything and if you crash the mission you can start from begin :( be carefull !!! a lot of objects are not working. for that i have a second save where i test all units and other things. if they work i can import them to other mission ^^ peace
Emperor Locutus 5 Dec, 2017 @ 9:52pm 
how are some of you are able to make single missions yet i cant get my editor to load any of my saves in the editor are all of you are secertly the devs
cLOWn_ hAbAkUk  [author] 4 Dec, 2017 @ 7:00am 
NEW update. problem with the scale of map. i think its to big but i will fix that..... have fun ^^ peaceeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaa :)