House Party

House Party

2,592 ratings
Original Story Walkthrough + DLC Content
By Volcanon
House Party is a game for adults only, and this guide contains adult terminology used in the game. If you are not an adult, or offended by sexual content, please do not use this guide.

Please do not reproduce this guide without my permission.

House Party Guides by Volcanon:
Guide Introduction, Part 1
Note: There was an update recently that may have caused the guide to become out-of-date and the save files may no longer be valid. I need to update the guide as a result.

How's it going dudes and lady dudes? Welcome to my House Party guide! With this guide, you will be able to complete all of the individual guest story lines in one epic night of partying. This is no small feat considering how intertwined their stories are, but you can be rest assured that you will be hooking up with every bangable guest at the party in one play through, while still being able to clean up all of the achievements as you go.

If you encounter any issues with my guide during your play through, you can leave a comment below and I will try to help you through it. Or, if you believe you have stumbled upon a bug, please direct your support requests to Eek Games on their Discord server[]. There is a very active community there that will help you sort out any issues you come across.

This guide is for the explicit version of the game. If you notice some of the opportunities play out a bit differently and some of the radial options are missing during the sexual encounters, you may be on the non-explicit version and portions of this guide may need to be skipped.

Please understand that this is simply MY way of playing this game. It is by no means THE way to play it. You can play this game an entirely different way than I do and get different outcomes, so keep that in mind, especially if you have not played the game before. I very much encourage you to play the game on your own at first, as it will be a lot more fun than being told what to do. Also know that this is not remotely a linear game, so we will be shifting our focus on many different guests a lot because some of their stories can block access to other stories.

If you choose to use my guide simply as a reference for your own unique play through, be sure to complete Madison's "Smooth Operator" opportunity and "The Muse: Derek". By completing these, Madison will be willing to help fix a relationship with a guest, and Derek can provide some much needed backup if you get into a fight with someone. It's very easy to make a mistake in the game so these can prove to be crucial options when it's Game Over otherwise. That being said, be sure to save often!

📓 Guide Updates for v1.2.2.1
  • I have finally overhauled my guide and got it all up to date. I am so sorry it took me so long. Life, man.
  • I have changed up the structure of the guide a little bit. I have moved the branching paths to the end of the guide in an effort to curb issues some have been running into where they accidentally save over their primary save with a path that will break the flow of the rest of the guide.
  • I added DLC content to the end of the guide so I do not need to create new save files every release. This will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to update this guide.
  • I added the Winter DLC achievements to the guide.
  • I added the Liz Katz walkthrough and achievements to the guide.

💾 Saving Your Game
How you go about saving your game is entirely up to you, but if you are saving over the same file each time you save, then that is the file that I will be referring to as your "primary save". I make this distinction because there will be some branching paths where I will be instructing you to save to an alternate save, which simply refers to a file that is separate from the primary file you are saving to. Please also note that I save my game at the start of each section of my guide, so if you use my save files, reference the section numbers in my guide when loading a save.
    The save files go here: (do not copy them all at once, the game only allows a certain number in the folder at one time)
  • C:\Users\YOU\AppData\LocalLow\Eek\House Party\Saves
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eek\House Party\Saves

🧰 Developer Note
For anyone having Achievement issues, delete this folder (it will force the game to re-register Achievements when earned in-game, which in turn will hopefully lead to Achievement info being picked up again by the Steam API). Note that unlike the console command, deleting this folder DOES NOT clear your Steam Achievements:
  • 📁 C:\Users\YOU\Documents\Eek\House Party\Achievements\Original Story

💡 Tips
  • I am only listing the multiple-choice dialogue options.
  • If you cannot find a guest, check on either side of the house.
  • Be careful not to untie Ashley's top when talking to her.
  • Hold down the Shift key to move faster.
  • Right-click an object to lift it, hold/release the button to throw it.
  • If Amy likes you but catches you with someone else, she will lose interest in you.
  • If you are playing as a female and Brittney catches you with someone else, she will lose interest in you.
  • Save often.
Guide Introduction, Part 2
There is a character limit for these sections, so this is just continuing from the previous section.

🛏️ Sexual Acts Covered in this Guide

👨 Male Player:

This table might be a bit out of date since the new cutscenes were added and POV actions removed
Give Oral
Get Jerked/BJ

👩 Female Player:

Give Oral
Get Eaten Out

🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏼 Character Reference

⚡ One Last Thing
This guide is designed for the sections to be completed in order! If you are only concerned about one character, you may want to reference some of the other guides on here. I intend to add sections to the end of the guide with single character playthroughs, but the guide does not contain those in its current form.

Also, I already mentioned this, but if you are playing as a female, DO NOT let Brittney see you have sex with anyone else or you will miss out on an opportunity with her.
⬇️ Original Story ⬇️
This part of the guide is dedicated to the Original Story. If you plan on using any of my save files, please note that I had all of the DLC disabled during this part of the guide. The DLC can be disabled in the Main Menu.
01 - Meet the Guests, Part 1
To start off, let's meet up with our friend that invited us and also get to know the various guests at the party.

💾 When saving your game, be sure to save at the start of each section. When you get to the end of a section that references an optional encounter in the appendix portion of this guide, always make a save for the next section first so you do not lose the progress you just made completing the current section. If you forget, you can use the save that you made at the start of that appendix section, so long as you don't overwrite it with progress you made in that section. Also note that for the main story, I have all of the DLC disabled in the main menu.

🕵️ Be sure to inspect items before you take them in order to get the Inspector achievement.

Find Your Friend
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (location varies)
    • 💬 (Thanks for inviting me to the party!)
    • 💬 (Rough week? Is everything ok?)
    • 💬 (I've known you too long to let this go.)
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney (sitting upstairs in the study)
    • 💬 (You know I'd do anything for you.)
    • 💬 (Why do you need this shirt anyways? Your tits look banging!)
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney again

Introduce yourself to the host of the party
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Madison (location varies)
    • 💬 (You're doing fine!)
    • 💬 (It's how bakers keep score!)
    • 💬 (Yeah, most definitely.)
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Madison (location varies)
    • 💬 (I'm Brittney's friend. She invited me over to bring her a shirt.)
    • 💬 (Your outfit is fire.)

Meet the guests
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael (location varies)
    • 💬 (Nice to meet you Rachael!)
    • 💬 (How do you know Madison?)
    • 💬 (This is a video game. Just relax and roll with it.)
    • 💬 (We'll pick this up later. I've gotta run.)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (away from Frank, location varies)
    • 💬 (What can I do to help?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy (location varies)
    • 💬 (Hey Amy. It's nice to meet you!)
    • 💬 (See you, Amy]

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie (dancing in the living room)
    • 💬 (Nice to meet you Stephanie!)
    • 💬 (So how do you know Madison?)
    • 💬 (So what do you think of Patrick?)

Watch out for some drama
There are two encounters that happen at the beginning of the game. Be on the look out for these as you want to be present when they happen. Also be sure to talk to Rachael before her encounter with Patrick.
  • ⌚ Encounter 1: Wait for Rachael to confront Patrick
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Rachael and Patrick
    • 👀 Watch Rachael slap Patrick

  • ⌚ Encounter 2: Amy stubs her toe
    • ⌚ Wait in the living room (where Stephanie is dancing) for Amy to walk in and stub her toe
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Amy and Stephanie

Meet Derek/Brittney
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney (sitting upstairs in the study)
    • 💬 (Hey are you ok? There's a party going on out there you know.)
    • 💬 (Are you kidding? That top looks great on you!)
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney again
    • 💬 (What do you think of Amy?)
    • 💬 (Ciao bella!)
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (location varies)
    • 💬 (She's not the only one looking great tonight. Are those abs I see under that shirt?)
  • 👄 Talk to Derek again
    • 💬 (Speaking of good friends, got any here yourself?)
    • 💬 (Rough week? Is everything ok?)
    • 💬 (Sounds good, buddy.)

Meet the rest of the guests
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael (after her argument with Patrick)
    • 💬 (It's cool, but why'd you get all Jerry Springer on him?)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (location varies)
    • 💬 (I feel like we use the word "need" outside of its intended purpose.)
    • 💬 (What do you think of Stephanie?)
    • 💬 (Always a pleasure, Katherine.)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah while approaching her from the front
  • 👄 Talk to Leah again
    • 💬 (So, what's your story?)
    • 💬 (I bet you like to work out.)
    • 💬 (Can I get you a drink?)
    • 💬 (How do you know everyone?)
    • 💬 (Seeya around, Leah.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank (sitting in the family room)
    • 💬 (I'm completely sober!)
  • 👄 Talk to Frank again
    • 💬 (What do you think about Katherine?)
    • 💬 (So Frank, I wanna hear about you and Leah. Fill me in, huh?)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (location varies)
    • 💬 (Hmm...maybe I could help you out.)
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick again (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (So how do you know Madison?)
    • 💬 (You should watch out for Frank.)
    • 💬 (How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?)

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie (dancing in the living room)
    • 💬 (Katherine seems cool.)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (location varies)
    • 💬 (I think Frank has a crush on you.)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek (after Amy stubs her toe)
    • 💬 (What's Amy's deal? She's kinda cute.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison (location varies)
    • 💬 (What's Frank's problem?)
02 - Meet the Guests, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M02 / Female: F02

Let's finish meeting the rest of the guests and turn the party up a notch.

Gather the keys and all unguarded alcohol
Note: Be very careful. Frank and Leah will bust you if they see you picking up any of the alcohol.
  • 🚶 Head to the Downstairs bathroom
    • 🖐️ Take the bottle of Natty Lite (on the floor next to the toilet)

  • 🚶 Head to the Garage
    • 🖐️ Take the bottle of Natty Lite (on a shelf beside a blue plastic bin)
    • 🖐️ Take the Bathroom Skeleton Key on the storage rack

  • 🚶 Head to the Kitchen
    • 🖐️ Take the bottle of Natty Lite (behind the microwave)

  • 🚶 Head to the Living Room (the room where Stephanie is dancing)
    • 🖐️ Take the Mysterious Key on the mantle (this locks the master bedroom door)

  • 🚶 Head to the Master Bedroom
    • 🖐️ Take the bottle of Natty Lite (on a shelf to the left of the bathroom)

  • 🚶 Head to the Upstairs hallway bathroom
    • 🖐️ Take the bottle of Natty Lite (behind the laundry basket, you will need to right click it to move it)

  • 🚶 Head to the Study (the room where Brittney is sitting)
    • 🖐️ Take the bottle of Natty Lite (underneath the desk, press [c] to crouch)

  • 🚶 Head to the laundry room
    • 🚪 Open the closet
    • 🖐️ Take the Chardonnay

Change the music
This is part of the Patrick/Rachael story, but let's do it now so that we don't have one song on repeat for hours on end.
  • 🚶 Go upstairs to the spare room (Ashley's room)
    • 🖐️ Take the d*ldo (under the pillow on the bunk bed)

  • 🚶 Go to the top of the stairs
    • 👉 Select the "Reach for" option on the MP3 player (hanging from the chandelier)
    • 🏆 Achievement: If at First You Don't Succeed

  • 🚶 Go to the top of the stairs
    • 👉 Select the "Throw d*ldo" option on the MP3 player

  • 🚶 Go to the bottom of the stairs
    • 🖐️ Take the d*ldo
    • 🖐️ Take the MP3 Player

  • 🚶 Go to the family room
    • 💼 Use the MP3 player with the Media Dock (under the TV)
    • 👉 Select Play Full Playlist on the TV (or choose any song, though it will repeat.)
    • 🖐️ Take the remote (under the TV, you can use this to control the music)

Finish meeting everyone
  • 👄 Talk to Ashley (location varies)
    • 💬 (You're Madison's sister? I never would have guessed. You're way hotter than she is!)
    • 💬 (Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party?)
    • 💬 (Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley.)
    • 💬 (Tell me more about your friends.)
    • 💬 Gender specific:
      • 👨 (Yeah, me and Derek go way back. He's a great pal.)
      • 👩 (Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She's a cool chick.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Madison to approach you after talking to everyone
    • 💬 (I have so, so, so many questions.)
    • 💬 (Who taught you about sky animals?)
    • 💬 (What's your sky animal?)
    • 💬 Gender specific:
      • 👨 (I think I hear Derek calling me. Talk to you later, Madison.)
      • 👩 (I think I hear Brittney calling me. Talk to you later, Madison.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (There was somebody you forgot to mention. What about Brittney?)
    • 💬 Gender specific:
      • 👨 (I'm going to help her realize there's nothing to worry about.)
      • 👩 (I'm going to help her realize there's no reason to stay cooped up tonight.)
03 - Madison, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M03 / Female: F03

Since Madison is the host of the party, let's start with her first.

Get to know more about Madison
  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (I met your sister, Ashley.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (What's the deal with you and Madison anyway?)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Can you tell me where the bathroom is?)

  • Go upstairs to the master bathroom
    • 🖐️ Take the phone off the counter

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (So about Madison's sky animal...)
    • 💬 (I don't think that's what a furry is.)
    • 💬 (Madison just wants to be unique, you know?)

  • 🏃 Follow Madison as she runs upstairs to the master bathroom (wait for her to close the door behind her)
    • 🚪 Knock on the door
    • 🚪 Open the door

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (It wasn't like that, Madison. We were all just trying to understand you better.)
    • 💬 (Madison, I'm sorry if I've upset you, really, but this whole sky animal thing...comes off as a bit silly.)
    • 💬 (That's fine! But you don't have to go that far to get people to notice and like you.)
    • 💬 (Just be you. People like real you.)
    • 💬 (That's what all of us are trying to do. Everybody on the planet is trying to figure their s**t out. It'll happen..)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Smooth Operator: Madison

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Madison Drunk' for an alternate encounter with Madison. There is an achievement to earn in that section.
04 - Ashley, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M04 / Female: F04

There appears to be a rivalry between Madison and her sister Ashley. Let's stoke that fire and see what happens.

Give Madison's phone to Ashley
  • 💼 Give Madison's phone to Ashley (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Maybe it is. What's it to you?)
    • 💬 (I'm intrigued. Go on.)
    • 💬 (Count me in. What do you need me to do?)

Find Madison's Diary and crack the code on her phone
  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom
    • 🔍 Inspect the gastronomy book on the desk

  • 🚶 Go to the Study
    • 🖐️ Take the paper on the desk

  • 🚶 Go to the spare room
    • 🖐️ Take the pencil on the desk

  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom
    • 🔒 Close and lock the door (when the room is empty)
    • 💼 Use the paper on the gastronomy book
    • 💼 Use the pencil on the paper (This will trigger Madison will walk upstairs to her room)
    • 🖐️ Take the paper
    • 🚪 Enter the closet and open the safe
    • 🖐️ Take Madison’s diary

  • 💼 Give the diary to Ashley (while Madison is not nearby)

  • 🚶 Go to the downstairs bathroom and close/lock the door
    • 🔍 Inspect Madison's phone
    • 👉 Select the photos app and click through all the photos

  • 💼 Select Madison's Phone in your inventory
    • 👉 Select Calendar

  • 💼 Select Madison's Phone in your inventory again
    • 👉 Select Contacts

Prank Madison
  • 💼 Give Madison her phone (while Ashley is not nearby)
    • 💬 (So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel a kiss or something is in order.)
    • 💬 (Hells to the yeah Mads! I'm your guy! How do we get started?)
    • 💬 (Got it!)

  • 👉 Click Madison and select the "Throw Beer On" option to spill beer on her (while Ashley is not nearby)

  • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to approach you
05 - Katherine, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M05 / Female: F05

So now that we cracked Madison's phone, we can either continue the prank war between Ashley and Madison, or we can focus on this new piece of information; Vickie Vixen's phone number. Let's pump the brakes on Ashley and Madison so we can figure out how to get Vickie to the party. (Primarily because Vickie is integrated into their storylines later on, so continuing with the prank now cannot be fully completed anyway.)

Become good friends with Katherine
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything ok?)
    • 💬 (Who would ever be a d*** to you, ever?)
    • 💬 (I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?)
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (again)
    • 💬 (What kind of drinks do you like?)
    • 💬 (For being a d**k, that boyfriend sure has you plastered to your phone.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (So you're just gonna sit here and guard the alcohol, huh?)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Frank's guarding all of the alcohol.)

Grab the Camera
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Hey I've been chatting it up with Katherine. Want me to put in a good word for you?)
    • 💬 (Sounds like a deal! I'm in!)

  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom
    • 🖐️ Take the camera off the desk (while Derek or Madison are not nearby)

  • 🚶 Go to the study
    • 🖐️ Take the SD card on the desk

  • 💼 Open your inventory and use the SD card with the Camera

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (So Frank says I can grab some booze if I get a topless pic of you.)
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (again)
    • 💬 (Katherine, is this really the most conductive spot to do your stuff?)

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 🖐️ Take the cell phone jammer on the counter (while Derek or Madison are not nearby)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Katherine Photoshoot' for an alternate encounter with Katherine. There are no achievements to earn in that section.
06 - Stephanie, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M06 / Female: F06

Before we continue with Katherine, let's talk to Stephanie. Stephanie has an alternate path that requires the rum we need to give to Katherine (untampered with), so let's do that first.

Separate Patrick from his bottle of Merlot
  • 🚶 Go to the master bathroom
    • 🚪 Enter the bathroom and close the door
    • 🖐️ Take the painkillers from the shelf by the door
    • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Take One" option on the painkillers.
  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to approach you
    • 💬 (Oh, I'm just trying to get his booze, that's all.)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (if he is walking/stumbling around somewhere, wait until he reaches his destination)
    • 💬 (Patrick, I need you to come with me, stat! No time for explanations!)
    • 💬 (Well, just thought you should know I saw some booze under the sofa in the living room.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison (while Patrick is not nearby and while he is in the living room, away from Leah)
    • 💬 (Hey I saw Patrick sticking some of your s**t down his pants. I think he's trying to clep some stuff.)

  • 🏃 Follow Madison to the living room
    • 🏃 Watch Madison knock Patrick out

  • 👄 Talk to Leah after Patrick has been knocked out (if she is nearby)
    • 💬 (Leah! I'm scouting for threats, staying alert and s**t. Wanna scout with me?)
    • 💬 (...Nevermind all that. Frank needs your help guarding the liquor.)

  • 🖐️ Take the Merlot (be VERY careful not to be caught by Frank/Leah.)

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (I'll see you around, Stephanie.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley

  • 💼 Give the painkillers to Patrick after he recovers (while in the living room near Stephanie.)

Become friends with Stephanie
  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (What do you do for work, Steph?)
    • 💬 (And you're a cook, I take it?)
    • 💬 (I think if you like doing it, then all the power to you.)
    • 💬 (I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying?)
    • 💬 (Have you considered a medical profession?)

Become good friends with Stephanie
  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie again
    • 💬 (So you like helping people, huh?)
    • 💬 (There's got to be more to it than that.)
    • 💬 (You look like you are having fun.)
    • 💬 (Hmm. I'll see what I can do. What's in it for me though?)
    • 💬 (What the f*** is a "Whip-it"?)
    • 💬 (Uh. Ok. That response seemed quite uncharacteristic of you.)
    • 💬 (So...topless waitressing. What's that like?)

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 🚪 Open the fridge and take the whipped cream (you may need to move some other items out of the way by right-clicking them.)

  • 💼 Attempt to give the Whipped Cream to Stephanie (you will receive a warning. Don't try it again just yet.)

Set Patrick up for another beatdown
  • ⌚ Talk to Patrick (away from Frank)
    • 💬 (Patrick, I need you to come with me, stat! No time for explanations!)
    • 💬 (Report to the gazebo, double time!)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank after Patrick reaches the gazebo
    • 💬 (Patrick's got a bottle of wine! He's been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!)

Swipe the Rum from the liquor cabinet
  • 🚪 Open the liquor cabinet (quickly, and while Frank and Leah are out of sight)
    • 🖐️ Take the rum (Leah will be approaching you very quickly)
    • 👉 Close the liquor cabinet

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Why doesn't Steph seem interested in anything but partying?)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Party Pooper' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement to earn in that section.

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Stephanie Emergency' for an alternate encounter with Stephanie. There are achievements to earn in that section.

07 - Stephanie, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M07 / Female: F07

Before we return to Katherine, we should talk to Stephanie a bit more. She looks like she could be partying even harder.

Get Stephanie to dance topless
  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Those are some pretty sweet dance moves you've got there!)

  • 💼 Give the Whipped Cream to Stephanie

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Man, you are tearing it up on that dance floor!)
    • 💬 (So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless?)

  • 🍺 Give a Natty Lite to Stephanie (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (You wanna talk about it?)

  • 👉 Tamper with the thermostat near the garage door

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless?)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Stephanie Drunk' for an alternate encounter with Stephanie. There is an achievement to earn in that section.
08 - Brittney, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M08 / Female: F08

For you male players, now that we got Stephanie dancing naked downstairs, maybe we can finally coax Brittney out of her room and score more points with Ashley. For you female players, we will be taking a different path and will be providing Brittney with a change of clothes.

Get Brittney to join the party

👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Oh look. Here you are all by yourself again.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Brittney won't come out of the study.)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I got Stephanie to dance topless downstairs!)

  • 🏃 Follow Brittney to the living room

  • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to approach you about Brittney

👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (You're just gonna stay up here all night?)
    • 💬 (So, Brittney, looks like I caught you at the right time! Feel like hanging out somewhere else?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (So Brittney said I could ask you if I needed any help or advice since I'm new to the group.)
    • 💬 (Can you think of any ideas to get Brittney out of her shell?)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Brittney won't come out of the study.)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (About that shirt I was supposed to bring you.)
    • 💬 (Sure thing, it's right here.)

  • 🏃 Head to the upstairs hallway bathroom before Brittney gets there

  • ⌚ Wait for Britney to change her shirt (be sure to be facing her to see her topless.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: A Friend in Need...
  • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to approach you about Brittney
09 - Katherine, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M09 / Female: F09

Ok let's get back on track and continue getting to know Katherine.

Humiliate yourself
  • 💼 Give the rum to Katherine (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (So how can I ensure a 100 percent chance of getting in your pants?)
    • 💬 (Hmm. Humiliate myself, or turn down sex? I guess I have no choice. I'll do it!)

  • 🍆 Expose yourself (male) or remove your panties (female) and get a reaction from everyone at the party

  • 👖 Zip up your pants (male) or put your pants back on (female)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (I did it! I flashed every single person here!)

Get Katherine into bed
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (So hey, wanna go somewhere more private?)

  • 🚶 Follow Katherine to the master bedroom

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine while she is on the bed

  • 💼 Attempt to give the d*ldo to Katherine

  • 🚶 Go to the family room
    • 🚪 Open the liquor cabinet
    • 🔍 Inspect the Empty Vodka Bottle

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Hey that Vodka bottle is completely empty. Mind if I take it?)

  • 🚶 Return to the liquor cabinet
    • 🖐️ Take the Empty Vodka Bottle from the liquor cabinet
    • 👉 Close the liquor cabinet

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 💼 Use the empty vodka bottle on the sink faucet
    • 🖐️ Open the fridge and take the cucumber

  • 🚶 Go the master bedroom
    • 🔒 Close and lock the door (when the room is empty except for you and Katherine)

  • 💼 Give the cucumber to Katherine

  • 💼 Give the bottled water to Katherine
    • 🚶 Enter the bathroom and approach the tub. Turn around and Katherine should be naked.
    • 💼 Open your inventory and select the Take Photo option on the camera
    • 📷 Take a photo of Katherine while she lies naked on the bed

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine while she is naked on the bed

  • 🚶 Exit the master bedroom
    • 🔒 Close and lock the door to the master bedroom

  • 🚶 Go to the family room
    • 💼 Give the camera to Frank
    • 🏆 Achievement: Beyond the Call of Dude-y

  • 🖐️ Take the Cabernet from the liquor cabinet (you don't have to do this now, but Frank gave us a free pass, so...)

  • 🚶 Return to the master bedroom door
    • 🚪 Click the door and select the "Listen..." option
    • 🍆 Remove all of your clothes

Have sex with Katherine
  • 🚪 Click the master bedroom door and select the "Open..." option
    • 🏆 Achievement: Katherine

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on
10 - Game Grumps, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M10 / Female: F10

Alright we hooked up with Katherine! Maybe now she will tell us more about her d*****bag boyfriend, and more importantly, get the Game Grumps to arrive!

Learn about the Game Grumps live show
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Alright, here's to a spandex-free future! *Take a swig of the rum*)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine again

  • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to get a little more drunk (the rum will disappear from her hand)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine

  • 🔓 Unlock the master bedroom door

  • 💼 Give the Cell Phone Jammer to Katherine
    • 💬 (Woah, woah, woah! What's the plan here?)
    • 💬 (I'mma jam them up so hard for you Katherine. So hard.) (If you choose the other option, Katherine will slap you around a bit, but it will achieve the same result.)

  • 🚶 Follow Katherine to the Study and listen to her

Bring down the hot air balloon
  • 🏃 Head outside and turn on the Cell Phone Jammer
    • ⌚ Wait for hot air balloon to approach the house and for Dan and Arin to jump out (stand near the Hot Tub and avoid going to the corners of the back yard, otherwise you may fail this part of the opportunity)
    • 💼 Turn off the Cell Phone Jammer

  • 🚶 Approach Dan and Arin and talk to them
    • 💬 (I guess I'll see what I can do.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to finish talking to Dan and Arin

  • 👄 Talk to Arin
    • 💬 (So...which of the Grumps are you?)

  • 👄 Talk to Dan
    • 💬 (So...which of the Grumps are you?)

  • 👄 Talk to Dan and/or Arin
    • 💬 (Wouldn't it be easier if you just kick back and stay here tonight?)

  • 🖐️ Pick up the Starbomb Box (on the ground to the right of the hot tub)

The game will now periodically tell you that Dan and Arin are up to something. It is a reminder to keep tabs on them as you may see something funny happen; though it's simply a reminder and not a guarantee of an interaction happening at that very moment. Just be sure to stumble upon their shenanigans once in a while since the achievement 🏆 "IRL Let's Player" is associated with this. They will also accept certain items and do something funny with it. (Try giving Arin the d**do.) Oh and if Arin gets transfixed on the painting in the living room, you will need to punch him to snap him out of it.

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Arin Drunk' for alternate encounters where Arin gets drunk.. There are achievements to earn in one of those sections.
11 - Game Grumps, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M11 / Female: F11

When Dan and Arin arrived, there was a mysterious voice calling out to us. Let's go investigate that.

Find Compubrah
  • 🚶 Go to the art studio
    • 🖐️ Take the broom (in the closet)

  • 🚶 Go outside to the gazebo
    • 👉 Use the broom on the closed briefcase (on top of the gazebo - DO NOT select the option to throw the d**do)

  • 💼 Open your inventory and tap the closed briefcase
    • 💬 (How do I open you?)

  • 👄 Talk to Arin
    • 💬 (Could one of you strong boys break this briefcase open?)

  • 🖐️ Take the open briefcase

Activate Compubrah
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Poke boob" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (We didn't know a talking box would be caught up in all of that. Hard to see that one coming.)

  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Poke boob" option again on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (Commands!)
    • 💬 (Business!)
    • 💬 (*List all Donghauser Industries Businesses and their subsidiaries*)
    • 💬 (*Next entry*)
    • 💬 (*Next entry*)
    • 💬 (*Next entry*)
    • 💬 (How do I update you to value human life more than a f****** flower?)
    • 🏆 Achievement: I'll Be Back

Get Compubrah up and running
  • 💼 Give the open briefcase to Dan
    • 💬 (What if I were to tell you...there is a reality beyond this one. A virtual world.)
    • 💬 (Hold onto this. *Give Compubrah to the Grumps*)

  • 🖐️ Take the briefcase

  • 🚶Head to the study
    • 🖐️ Take the USB stick from on top of the safe in the closet

  • 🚶Find Dan and Arin and stand beside them
    • 💼 Use the USB stick with the open briefcase

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Katherine, I need the signal jammer back.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Hey uh, my dude. Think I could get that camera back? I promise I'll bring it back later tonight!)
12 - Rachael, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M12 / Female: F12

Well crap. We need the camera back from Frank but he won't give it up. Maybe there is a way to get him to trust us.

Get Rachael her thermos back
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • 💬 (So what's up? Are you enjoying yourself at the party?)
    • 💬 (Let me talk to him. I can figure this misunderstanding out.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Come on Frank. Stealing from girls? This has gone way too far!)
    • 💬 (I could check it for you.)

  • 💼 Give Frank a bottle of Natty Lite

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (So how about letting me sniff that thermos for you now? I promise I'll be a fair judge.)

  • 🚶 Go to the liquor cabinet
    • 🚪 Open the cabinet
    • 👃 Smell the thermos (don't pick it up, just select the "Smell" option)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Hey so I gave that thermos a good sniff.)
    • 💬 (It's clean. It's filled with water. She has a really rare medical condition called "thirst".)

  • 🚶 Go to the liquor cabinet
    • 🖐️ Take the thermos

  • 💼 Give the thermos to Rachael (while Frank or Leah are not nearby)
    • 💬 (Frank doesn't scare me. Have you seen my biceps?)

  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • 💬 (You look a little nervous. Is something wrong?)
    • 💬 (Trust me, I've heard it all. You can confide in me.)
    • 💬 (Well, that sounds awesome. Your friend seems really cool.)

  • 👄 Talk to Rachael again
    • 💬 (Hey do you think I could get your phone number so we can chat sometime?)
13 - Vickie, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M13 / Female: F13

It looks like we just managed to score Rachael's number. Before we finish helping the Game Grumps out, let's make a little more progress on getting Vickie to this party.

Find a way to spoof a text message
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Do you know anything about hacking phones?)
    • 💬 (Let's say I wanted to spoof a text message. How would I hypothetically go about that?)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (About that favor you owe me. Can I use your cell phone for a minute?)

Find Patrick's phone
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Hey Patrick's looking for his phone. You haven't seen it, have you?)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Looks like you left your phone with Brittney, but she won't give it to me.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Patrick to attempt to retrieve his phone
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Patrick and Brittney
    • ⌚ Wait for Patrick to return to you

Sober Patrick up
  • 🚶 Go to the family room
    • 🖐️ Take the coffee under the lamp on the end table

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 🔍 Open the pantry
    • 🖐️ Take the kettle
    • 💼 Use the kettle with the stove
    • 💼 Use the coffee with the kettle

  • 👉 Turn the stove on
    • 👉 When the kettle is done, turn off the stove
    • 💼 Use the empty cup with the kettle

  • 💼 Give the hot coffee to Patrick (he will refuse it)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)
    • 💬 (I guess I'll just give this Irish coffee to somebody else then?)

  • 💼 Give the hot coffee to Patrick (again)

  • ⌚ Wait for Patrick to sober up (he will return to you once he is sober)

Recover Patrick's phone
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Hey since you're sober, do you think you can get your phone back from Brittney now?)

  • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Patrick and Brittney

  • 🚶 Approach Patrick to get his phone from him
14 - Lety, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M14 / Female: F14

Before we enlist Patrick to help us fully unlock Compubrah, let's invite Lety to the party. We still need Patrick to be indifferent to us in order to get an achievement.

Invite Lety to the Party
  • 🚶 Head to the Study
    • 👉 Inspect the laptop and then invite Lety from it

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to arrive (She will enter through the front door after a few minutes)

  • 👄 Talk to Lety
  • 👄 Talk to Lety again
    • 💬 (The people wanna know...who is Lety? Tell us everything.)
    • 💬 (Tell me about, tutoring materials.)
    • 💬 (The talking fish.)
    • 💬 (The hot peppers.)
    • 💬 (The scorpion booze.)
    • 💬 (These are ridiculous tutoring materials. Why didn't you just bring flash cards?)

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to walk away

  • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to approach you

❗Go to 'Alt Path - La Coochadora' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
15 - Lety, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M15 / Female: F15

Let's introduce Lety to some of the other guests at the party to make her feel more welcome.

Save Lety from Leah
  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to follow Leah outside
    • 👂 Stand next to Leah and Lety and listen to the first part of the Leah's business opportunity

  • 👋 While standing close to Leah, throw a popper on the ground near her
    • 👉 Select the "Throw One" option on the Wizbanger Poppers (in your inventory)

  • 🏃 Quickly run away from Leah until she gives up chasing you (If she catches you it's game over)

  • 👄 Talk to Lety

Queen in the North
  • 👄 Talk to Lety again once she is comfy being here
    • 💬 (You're not just gonna let me loose without some kind of clue, right? You could at least give me a juice box or something...)

  • 👄 Talk to Lety again
    • 💬 (You know how I'm an idiot, right? Well I'm gonna need you to repeat what you need from me.)
    • 💬 (Yeah it's Ashley's sister Madison!)
    • 💬 (The S***-Talking Fish!)

  • 👄 Wait for Lety to meet Madison in the garage
    • ⌚ Finish the conversation with Madison

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety and Madison to bond

Hunt the Hunk
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (You and Madison? Anything ever happen there?)

  • 👄 Talk to Lety once she is ready
    • 💬 (There's definitely something up with Madison and Derek...word is their nipples are exceptionally hard when they're near each other.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to approach Derek
    • 👂 Listen to the first part about Lety wanting to grope Derek
    • 👋 Grope Lety's breast or butt (hold down the right mouse button)

  • ⌚ Wait for Patrick to approach you

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety and Derek to bond

Try Anything Once
  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to approach you
    • 💬 (Definitely the chili peppers!)

  • 🏃 Follow Lety upstairs to the study
    • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to join you and Lety upstairs
    • ⌚ Listen to the conversation between Lety and Brittney

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney/Lety
    • 😏 Hook up with Brittney/Lety by selecting the various conversation options
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation when Patrick interrupts you and Lety

🤖 An incomplete version of Lety has been added to Compubrah

Disrupt the Disruptor
  • 👋 Stand behind Patrick and grope his butt (it may take a few tries if you struggle finding the right spot to right-click/hold)
    • 💼 Select the Mama Chupacabra's
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Elder Brahs
16 - Patrick, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M16 / Female: F16

It seems Compubrah is beeping suspiciously, and we just totally c**k-blocked Patrick. Let's see if we can become best brahs with him to find out what's going on with Compubrah.

Learn more about why Rachael doesn't like Patrick
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (So I ran into Rachael and something interesting came up...)
    • 💬 (I'm pretty positive she hates the s*** out of you.)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick again
    • 💬 (So maybe it's time to tell me what's up with you and Rachael?)
    • 💬 (I've got nothing but time, friend.)
    • 💬 (Off to a strong start Pat. Continue...)
    • 💬 (Wow. Tubes. What a brah indeed.)
    • 💬 (Uh huh, go on...)
    • 💬 (What did the-)
    • 💬 (-Wow, okay. You really know your audience. Continue...)
    • 💬 (Not surprised, for multiple reasons. Truly amazing, Patrick.)
    • 💬 (So did you ever learn to, and other basic stuff?)
    • 💬 (It means to bribe them.)
    • 💬 (Alright, I guess.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Brahdyssey

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick again
    • 💬 (So why's your site called "Neighborhood Watch"?)
    • 💬 (So...You invited a stranger from a bus stop to the party?)
    • 💬 (... Why?)

Hatch a plan with Rachael
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • 💬 (Hey, any other ideas on how to make this party less lame-a**?)
    • 💬 (Erm yeah that's basically what's happening here.)
    • 💬 (To be honest, I don't care about any of this.)
    • 💬 (Fine, let's hear your pitch.)
    • 💬 (What'll I get if I help you instead of Patrick?)
    • 💬 (Uh, actually, one more thing...)
    • 💬 (You've got a death mix in that thermos?! What's that?)
    • 💬 (That sounds delicious actually, especially the uh...anti-roofie bit? One more thing though...)
    • 💬 (Alright I'll think on it. And I'll hold onto that thermos...for now.)

  • 🚶 Go to the study
    • 👉 Open the right desk drawer
    • 🖐️ Take the flask

  • 💼 Open your inventory
    • 💼 Use the flask with the thermos

Find a way to redeem Patrick
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (I've got some new intel. Rachael's a huge tree hugger, dude.)
    • 💬 (I think I need to ask around about this...)
    • 💬 (Alright, well can I have a bottle of vape juice as a lead?)

  • 🚶 Approach Brittney
    • 💼 Take a blaze off the vape pen and blow the smoke in Brittney's face

  • 🚶 Approach Derek
    • 💼 Take a blaze off the vape pen and blow the smoke in Derek's face

  • 👉 Put the Vape away

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 👉 Rummage through the trash can
    • 🔍 Inspect the Money Makers Monthly magazine that was added to your inventory
    • 👉 Peruse the Money Makers Monthly magazine

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Pat, you won that award because you literally saved an entire village!)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Benedict Brahrnold' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
17 - Patrick, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M17 / Female: F17

Ok ok, we should help Patrick out. Considering everything we are putting him through tonight, becoming buds with him isn't the worst thing we'll be doing tonight.

Help Patrick
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • 💬 (You may want to have a look at this... *Give Magazine*)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Ok, I showed Rachael the magazine but she wasn't really sure how to take it...)
    • 💬 (Don't give up man! Do you realize how much genuine good your other businesses do across the world?)

  • 🚶 Follow Patrick to the gazebo
    • 💬 (Nice! That's a good looking f***pole.)
    • 💬 (No wining, no dining. I don't know Patrick...what're you getting at?)
    • 💬 (I get it, but there's gotta be another way.)
    • 💬 (Um...avoid Frank then? I'll be back before you can spell "masochism". Seriously though, not sure if you can.)

Choose one of the following: (I suggest #3)
  • Option 1 (Patrick jerks off)
    • 👄 Talk to Patrick
      • 💬 (Uh hey so what's the boner situation again?)
      • 💬 (Couldn't you jerk yourself off?)
      • 💬 (Alright alright...let's do this thing.)
      • 💬 (I sure am, you grubby, disgusting f***-hole!)
      • 💬 (Your d*** is the smallest d*** I've ever seen!)
      • 💬 (The only reason you're at this party is because your sexy cousins had to invite your b*** a**.)
      • 💬 (You'll never know the love of another person because you're a parasitic piece of f***!)
      • 💬 (You're, umm...)
      • 💬 (S*** I can't think of any more!)
      • 💬 (You're the reason we can't be on Twitch.)

    • 😏 Wait for Patrick to finish

    • 👉 Select the "Use with" option on the Open Briefcase and select the C*** Keyring

  • Option 2 (You give Patrick a BJ)
    • 👄 Talk to Patrick
      • 💬 (Uh hey so what's the boner situation again?)
      • 💬 (Are you seriously asking me to suck you off?)
      • 💬 (Yeah, I'm game. Gimme that d***.)

    • 😏 Wait for Patrick to finish

    • 👉 Select the "Use with" option on the Open Briefcase and select the C*** Keyring

  • Option 3 (Patrick zaps his b*ner into oblivion)
    • 👄 Talk to Katherine
      • 💬 (Kat, you seem like you'd be good at deflating b*****. Have any tips?)

    • 🔍 Inspect the Bug Zapper at the gazebo

    • 👄 Talk to Patrick
      • 💬 (Patrick, I found a way. We'll shock that b**** right out of you.)
      • 💬 (Check out that bad boy! *Point to bug zapper*]

    • 🚶 Approach Patrick when is is standing next to the bug zapper (you will get zapped)

    • 👄 Talk to Rachael after you wake up

    • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to approach Patrick and listen to the conversation

    📝 Resume from here after completing one of the options above:

    • 👄 Talk to Patrick
      • 🏆 Achievement: A Striking Resemblance

    🤖 Patrick has been added to Compubrah

    👩 This next part is only for the female player. If you are playing as the male player, you can skip ahead to the next section.

    Peg Patrick
    • 👄 Talk to Patrick
      • 💬 (Wanna f*ck?)
      • 💬 (I mean it, let's f*ck.)
      • 💬 (I will meet you there, Pat!)

    • 🚶 Go the master bedroom
      • 🔒 Close and lock the door (when the room is empty except for you and Patrick)

    • 👄 Talk to Patrick
      • 💬 (Ready to hook up?)
      • 💬 (I have considered your request and yes, Patrick, I will peg you.)
18 - Compubrah VR , Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M18 / Female: F18

The VR mode of Compubrah is finally unlocked! Apparently Compubrah has the ability to scan some of the guests that we get intimate with, and it appears that we already have a small collection going on. Let's check out who we've got so far.

Receive oral from Mecha Patrick
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (Oh I'm definitely ready...)
    • 💬 (*Select Patrick*)
    • 💬 (Cool story. On the bed, brah.)
    • 🍆🐱 Remove all of your clothes

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 😏 Choose any of the options and have sex with Patrick

Receive oral from Robo Rachael
  • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again

  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (*Select Patrick*)
    • 💬 (Uh, wait...I mean I helped you IRL but this isn't my thing. Didn't Rachael get scanned tonight?)

🤖 An incomplete version of Rachael has been added to Compubrah

  • 😏 Press "p" to receive a BJ from Rachael (male) or talk to Rachael (female)
    • 🍆🐱 Remove all of your clothes
    • 🏆 Achievement: Casanova

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on (if you are exposed)

Receive oral from VR Lety
  • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again

  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (*Select Lety*]

  • 😏 Press "p" to receive a BJ from Lety (male) or talk to her (female)
    • 🍆🐱 Remove all of your clothes

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on (if you are exposed)

  • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
19 - Lety, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M19 / Female: F19

Now that we have Compubrah fully unlocked, let's finish up hooking up with Lety.

Vida La Lety
  • 👄 Talk to Lety
    • 💬 (Yeah, remember the host of the party? Her room's free!)

  • 🚶 Follow Lety to Madison's room
    • 🚪 Close and lock the door when the room is empty

  • 👄 Talk to Lety when she is on the bed

  • 🍆 Remove your clothes

  • 😏 Have sex with Lety
    • 🏆 Achievement: Te Amo Lety

🤖 Lety has been upgraded in Compubrah

  • 👖 Put on your clothes

  • 🔓 Unlock the bedroom door

  • ⌚ Wait until Lety interacts with Rachael
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Lety and Rachael

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Derezzed' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

    Stop Lety from ruining the party
  • 👂 Resume the conversation with Lety and Rachael
    • 💬 (Lety if you go along with this nonsense, everything you did tonight to make this your first awesome party...gone.)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Sex with Rachael' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
20 - Vickie, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M20 / Female: F20

Alright enough messing around. Let's FINALLY get Vickie Vixen invited to the party.

Give Patrick's phone to Katherine
  • 💼 Give Patrick's phone to Katherine

  • 🏃 Follow Katherine upstairs to the study

Invite Vickie to the party
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (while Rachael is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Hmm. Send it to 555-6969.)
    • 💬 (Send it from Rachael. 555-4242)
    • 💬 (Hey come to Madison's party and help liven things up?)

  • ⌚ Wait for Vickie to arrive
    • 🏆 Achievement: Newcomer: Vickie

  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (You must be Vickie Vixen! I've heard a lot about you!)
    • 💬 (Rachael told me you're a lot of fun!)
    • 💬 (There are a lot of "good girls" here that need to let their guards down.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Social Butterfly

  • 👄 Talk to Vickie again
    • 💬 (Alright, how can I prove to you that I'm worthy of your threesome magic?)
    • 💬 (Hey baby...wanna wrestle?)
    • 💬 (So do you come here often?)
    • 💬 (All your base are belong to us?)
    • 💬 (Hey, are those outlines of nipple-rings I notice on your shirt?)
    • 💬 (You know, you have a really nice smile.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to approach you about inviting Vickie

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to approach you about inviting Vickie
21 - Vickie, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M21 / Female: F21

Ok so Vickie wants us to show her than we can properly show affection, and she wants us to woo Ashley. This shouldn't be too difficult.

Get closer with Ashley
  • 🚶 Go to the backyard
    • 🖐️ Pick the flower in the flower bed (along the path on the way to the gazebo)

  • 💼 Give the flower to Ashley

  • 🚶 Go to the master bathroom
    • 💼 Use the flower on the blue hair dye

  • 💼 Give the blue flower to Ashley

  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (I managed to wow Ashley! I bet you're not too surprised by that.)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to the hot tub
    • 🍆 Get naked and sit next to Vickie in the hot tub

Train with Vickie
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Wow those really were the outlines of nipple rings under your shirt!)
    • 💬 (Ok, I'm ready for the next part of my training!)
    • 💬 (I submit to your tests...for science.)
    • ⌚ Wait for Vickie to sit back down and comment on how fast you finished

  • 👖 Leave the hot tub and put on your clothes

Find a way to increase your stamina
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 👨 (There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.)
    • 👩 (I've got a question for you.)
    • 💬 (I need to figure out how to increase my endurance so I don't c** too quickly)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Hey Frank, I really need some booze! It's an emergency!)

Convince Derek to fight Frank
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (I've had enough Derek. Can you just kick Frank's a** for me?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (That song that's playing reminds me of this one Panic at the Disco song...)
    • 💬 (To be honest, they're good, but not my favorite.)
    • 💬 (You wouldn't happen to know why Derek seems down, would you?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Hey I heard about what happened to your brother...)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (You wouldn't happen to know anything about Derek's little brother's situation?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Frank's the one who sold your brother the meth!)

  • ⌚ Wait for Derek to fight Frank (and stay away from the fight so you do not get hit)

Convince Patrick to join Derek for round 2
  • 👄 Talk to Derek after he recovers from the fight

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Patrick! You're just the person to help Derek beat up Frank!)

  • 💼 Give the filled flask to Patrick (away from Frank/Leah)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek (away from Frank)
    • 💬 (Patrick's gonna help you beat up Frank!)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (away from Frank)
    • 💬 (Ok Derek's ready! Go f*** Frank up!)

  • ⌚ Wait for them to finish their fight with Frank
22 - Vickie, Part 4
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M22 / Female: F22

Alright, Frank is incapacitated. Now we should be able to get some booze and build up our stamina to score with Vickie.

Raid the liquor cabinet
  • Go to the liquor cabinet (while Leah is not nearby)
    • 🖐️ Take the Cabernet (if you didn't earlier)
    • 🖐️ Take the Whack Spankiel's
    • 🖐️ Take all of the bottles of Natty Lite (Leah may start making her way to the liquor cabinet, so you gotta be quick)

  • 👉 Loot Frank

Get really drunk
  • 🏃 Go into the downstairs bathroom and close/lock the door
    • 🍷 Drink the Whack Spankiel's
    • 🍷 Drink the Cabernet
    • 🍷 Drink the Merlot
    • 🍷 Drink the Chardonnay

Show Vickie your improved stamina
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie (if she is not already in the hot tub)
    • 💬 (Hey so uh...wanna check out the hot tub and see where that takes us?)

  • 🚶 Go to the hot tub
    • 🍆 Remove all of your clothes
    • 👉 Sit beside Vickie

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Notice Me Sensei' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

Hook up with Vickie
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie (be extra sure that Brittney/Amy are not around to see this)
    • 💬 (Go ahead and test me again...)
    • ⌚ Wait for Vickie to finish
    • 💬 (Well actually, I actually needed a little help. I couldn't take him out alone.)

  • 😏 Have sex with Vickie
    • 🏆 Achievement: Vickie

  • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes

  • 👉 Slap frank awake

  • ⌚ Wait for Frank to approach you about all the missing booze
23 - Vickie, Part 5
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M23 / Female: F23

We did it! We hooked up with Vickie! But this is only the beginning...let's have some fun with all the guests we have managed to befriend so far! Note that you can always come back to these encounters later, so feel free to pick and choose who you would like to hook up with right now (if any) and then we can get back to the rest of the guide.

Threesome with Vickie and Katherine
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (I feel sexually empowered, and smooooth as f***. Am I the perfect threesome partner or what?)

  • 👄 Talk to Vickie again
    • 💬 (Ok, I'm ready! I made a few "special friends"!)
    • 💬 (Katherine. I think I actually managed to get her to like me!)
    • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Katherine
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Magic Number
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes

Attempt a threesome with Lety
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Lety! Lety! She's such a cutie!)

Attempt a foursome with Dan & Arin
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Where are those grumpy gaming boys? Let's see if they're DTF!)

Threesome with Frank
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (...Frank. They say fear is an aphrodisiac, after all. So, yeah...Frank.)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Frank is

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Frank
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes

Threesome with Vickie and Rachael
  • 👄 Continue talking with Vickie
    • 💬 (Hm, Rachael. Let's see what we can do with her!)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Rachael is

  • 👄 Join the conversation with Rachael
    • 💬 (To prove that the real you is as...'fun' as the virtual you. You can't lose to a computer!)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Rachael
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes

Tag-team Vickie with Patrick
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Patrick. ...I am into really weird s***, okay? Don't ask.)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Patrick is

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and tag-team her with Patrick
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes

Threesome with Vickie and Stephanie
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Stephanie is already pretty wild. Let's see what she's capable of!)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Stephanie is

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Stephanie
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
24 - Ashley, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M24 / Female: F24

Remember that feud between Ashley and Madison? The one that started a lifetime ago? We should shift our attention back to that.

Ashley's Wet
  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (So about that diary...)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (I need to get your phone back from you.)
    • 💬 (Because I dropped it in the bathroom sink! I have to save it!)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Are you ok? You seem a little distracted.)
    • 💬 (What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer "accident"?)
    • 💬 (If it's any consolation at all, wet clothes and all, you're still adorable!)

  • 🚶 Head to the downstairs bathroom
    • 🖐️ Take the towel off the counter

  • 💼 Give the towel to Ashley (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (I could wash them for you!)

  • 🏃 Follow Ashley upstairs to the spare room
    • 🚪 Close the door

Clean Ashley's clothes
  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Ok, looks like we're all alone here. Just give me your dress and I'll get it in the washing machine.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (Your panties look like they're soaked too. Want me to throw them into the wash for you too?)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (Hey are you ok in here? Do you need anything?)

  • 🚶 Go to the laundry room
    • 💼 Use Ashley's clothes with the washer

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 👉 Open the fridge
    • 🖐️ Take the soda

  • 🚶 Go to the laundry room
    • ⌚ Wait for her clothes to get washed
    • 🖐️ Open the washer and take Ashley's wet clothes
    • 💼 Use Ashley's wet clothes with the dryer
    • ⌚ Wait for Ashley's clothes to dry
    • 🖐️ Open the dryer and take Ashley's clean clothes

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Humiliate Ashley' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
25 - Madison, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M25 / Female: F25

Before we go through with the prank on Madison, let's mess with her a bit more first. She probably will not think much of us after this is all over. I also doubt any of us mind if we hold on to Ashley's clothes a little while longer.

Find out more about Madison's art
  • 🚶 Go to the art room upstairs
    • 🔍 Inspect the owl painting

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (That's a nice art room upstairs.)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 👨 (There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.)
    • 👩 (I've got a question for you.)
    • 💬 (That's a nice art room upstairs.)
    • 💬 (Why couldn't you tell her?)
    • 💬 (I agree! Her depth of vision is infinite and her technique reminds me of that fancy toothpaste! It cleanses my soul!)
    • 💬 (Nah. Sorry buddy.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Loving the house deco. Real uh, avant-garde. Is the house your only means of expression or have you got a secret art lair too?)
    • 💬 (Wow, you're so individualistic!)
    • 💬 (I volunteer as a tribute.)
    • 💬 ('Twas a moment of weakness after talking to Ashley, sorry. If your artistic vision is anything like the one before me now, I'm all in!)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison again
    • 💬 (Can you give me any clues into what kind of art you'd like to see?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek

Artsy Fartsy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Hey, do you know anything about art?)
    • 💬 (Penguin?! I call dibs!)

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 🔍 Inspect the dusty penguin

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (What's with that owl painting?)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (So what's up with that penguin in the garage?)
    • 💬 (You mind if I take it?)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (So, I heard you paint-by-numbers?)
    • 💬 (Not at all, just curious!)

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 🖐️ Take the Dusty Penguin

  • 🚶 Go to the living room
    • 🖐️ Take the foam finger (behind the left speaker)

  • 🚶 Go to the spare room
    • 🖐️ Take the save the whales poster

  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom
    • 💼 Use the dusty penguin with the dresser (beneath the TV on the wall)
    • 🍆 Remove your underwear/panties
    • 👉 Select the insert option on the dusty penguin
    • 🏆 Achievement: Rule 34

  • 🚶 While still in the master bedroom
    • 🖐️ Take the Dusty Penguin
    • 👖 Put your clothes back on
    • 💼 Use the dusty penguin with the dresser

Create your work of art
👨Male Player:
  • 🖐️ Decorate the penguin
    • 💼 Use the ripped whale poster with the dusty penguin
    • 💼 Use the foam finger with the dusty penguin
    • 💼 Use the d*ldo with the dusty penguin
👩Female Player:
  • 🚶‍♀️ Go to the kitchen
    • 🖐️ Open the fridge and take the salami

  • 🖐️ Decorate the penguin
    • 💼 Use the magazine with the dusty penguin
    • 💼 Use the foam finger with the dusty penguin
    • 💼 Use the salami with the dusty penguin

Show off your creation
  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (I'm ready to show you my creation.)

  • 🚶 Go to the Master Bedroom
    • ⌚ Wait for everyone to come upstairs and for Madison to describe your creation
👨Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (after Madison declares you the winner)
    • 💬 (Pat, come with me.)
    • 🏃 Lead him to the living room where Stephanie is dancing

  • 🚶 Go to the Master bedroom
👩Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (after Madison declares you the loser)
    • 💬 (Actually, I lost on purpose.)

❗Male Player: Go to 'Alt Path - Howz it Goin Dood' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

Find out what's up with Derek
👨Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Hey Amy, you close enough with Derek to know what might be up his a** right now?)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Frank, you think you could fight Derek for me?)
    • 💬 (What cat?)

👩Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Madison really loves her mind games, huh? Has she messed with you a lot before?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy or Frank
    • 💬 Amy (Have you heard anything about Derek's missing cat?)
    • 💬 Frank (Know anything about Derek missing a cat?)

👨👩Both genders:
  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Steph, earlier tonight did Derek break down and talk to you about a cat or something?)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Mission Impawsible (Male)' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
26 - Derek, Part 1 (Male)
💾 Save file - Male: M26

Let's see if we can get Derek away from Madison.

This entire section is only meant for the male player. If you are the female player you can skip ahead to the next section.

Distract Derek
👨 Male Player:
  • 🚶 Approach the cat picture in the living room (to the left of the sofa, on the dresser)
    • 🔍 Inspect the cat picture
    • 👉 Select the option to move it aside

  • 💼 Open your inventory and bring up the voice recorder
    • 👉 Play the recording on the voice recorder
    • 👉 Select the loop option on the voice recorder

  • 🚶 Go to the art room
    • 💼 Use the voice recorder on the window

  • 🏃 Follow Derek down to the kitchen
    • 🖐️ Take both of the keys that Derek had confiscated. They are on the green folder on the counter

  • 🏃 When he runs outside, head up to the art room
    • 🔒 Lock the window

Pose for Madison
  • ⌚ Wait for Madison to enter the art room
    • 💬 (So...have you figured out the sky animals for everybody here tonight?)
    • 💬 (Hell yes I am!)
    • 💬 (Ye shall looketh upon my thundering thickness and rejoice!)

  • 🍆 Take off all of your clothes
    • 👄 Converse with Madison until she tells you to get into a pose
    • 💬 (*Lay down...majestically*]
    • 💬 (*Kneel...with dignity*]
    • 💬 (Why did I have to be naked for this ?!)
    • 💬 (You lied to me about all this!)
    • 👋 1 to start servicing yourself (Be sure click through the dialogue before you blow your load or else you will make Madison angry.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 👄 Complete the conversation with her and then listen to Derek plead with you to not go through with it

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

  • 🚶 Go to the Master bedroom

❗Go to 'Alt Path - The Muse Madison' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

Don't betray Derek
  • 👄 Approach Madison
    • 💬 (Actually Madison...)
    • 💬 (Honestly, I just wanted to be your model and help you complete your portfolio. Nothing more.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Muse: Derek

  • ⌚ Wait for Derek to approach you
26 - Derek, Part 1 (Female)
💾 Save file - Female: F26

Let's see what happened to Derek's cat.

This entire section is only meant for the female player. If you are the male player you can skip ahead to the next section.

Investigate Derek's Missing Cat
👨 Female Player:
  • 🚶 Approach the cat picture in the living room (to the left of the sofa, on the dresser)
    • 🔍 Inspect the cat picture
    • 👉 Select the option to move it aside

  • 🚶 Go to the backyard, behind the hot tub
    • 🔍 Inspect the mound of dirt
    • 👉 Search the mound of dirt
    • 🖐️ Take the collar

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Host Hijinx Single' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Host Hijinx Multi' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

Hijinks Averted
👨 Female Player:
  • 🚶 Give the Collar to Derek (away from Madison)
    • 💬 (That might be a bit much. You shouldn't do this Derek.)
    • 💬 (Don't stoop to her level. You're better than this.)
    • 💬 (I'm glad I came over too. What do you say we take this to the master

  • 🏃 Head upstairs to the Master Bedroom
    • 👉 Close the door when Derek enters (and while the room is empty)
    • 🖐️ Take the Sleeping Mask from the left nightstand

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Ready when you are, baby.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Hijinx Averted
27 - Ashley, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M27 / Female: F27

Now we can shift our focus back to Ashley so that we can resume that prank on Madison.

Receive oral from Ashley
  • 💼 Give the clean clothes to Ashley

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 👨 (So what do you say you pay me back for saving your life with a blow job?)
    • 👩 (What do you think about paying me back with some tongue-on-cl*t action?)
    • 🍆 Expose yourself (if male)
    • 😏 Wait for Ashley to finish giving you oral
    • 👖 Put your clothes back on

Plot against Madison with Ashley
  • 👄 Talk to Ashley (while Madison is not around)
    • 💬 (I got Madison's phone back! What next?)
    • ⌚ Wait for Patrick to interrupt

  • 🚶 Go somewhere safe (away from Madison) and read the diary.
    • 💬 (*Keep reading*)

  • ⌚ Wait a few minutes for Patrick and Ashley to talk (the talk option will temporarily not be available on either of them)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (There's, uh, a fire. In your room.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (A gold mine of nudie pics.)

Find someone to join in on Ashley's plan
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (So, say I got my hands on some naked photos of someone...)
    • 💬 (Who could really make use of them?)

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (So you've got a smut site? I might have something for you.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Patrick's got a site for nudes that we could use. Did you know that?)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (I hear Katherine may be able to help with these nudes.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (Vickie seems to be a fan of nudes.)

Execute Ashley's plan
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie (away from Madison)
    • 💬 (I have something you may want, Vickie.)
    • 💬 (Absolutely!)
    • 💬 (Derek!)
    • 💬 (Alright, how will I know when you two are set?)
    • 💬 (Wow, okay. Can do.)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (You and Madison? Anything ever happen there?)

  • ⌚ Finish the conversation and wait for Madison and Derek to converse at the gazebo (stay away from them, just be in the general vicinity so you can overhear their conversation.)
    • 🏃 Listen to their conversation to the end and then quickly head upstairs to the Master Bedroom
    • 🚶 Approach Ashley and she will tell you to get into the closet (Vickie should already be in there)
    • 🚪 Close both of the closet doors behind you
    • 👂 Listen to Madison and Derek's conversation

  • 🚪 Once they start having sex, open the closet door on your left (keep the right closet door closed)
    • 🍆 Get next to Ashley and press "p" to expose yourself (male) or remove your pants/panties (female)
    • 👋 Press "1" to masturbate
    • 🛑 Stop masturbating after the conversation with Vickie and Ashley finishes
    • 👉 Select the "Get head" option on Ashley
    • ⌚ Wait for Derek and Madison to finish
    • 👖 Press "p" to zip up your pants

  • 🚪 Open the other closet door and confront them
    • 🏆 Achievement: Ashley
    • 🏃 Allow the scene to play out, and then follow Ashley to her bedroom

  • 👄 Talk to Derek

Hook up with Ashley
  • 🏃 Follow Ashley to her room

  • 🚶 Walk up to Ashley
    • 🚶 Crouch down
    • 👉 Take her shoes off
    • 😏 Have sex with Ashley
28 - Ashley, Part 4
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M28 / Female: F28

Ashley has been good to us all night. She has had to endure much from Madison, so maybe it's time we help Ashley wind down and relax.

Get Ashley some beer
  • 🍺 Beer 1
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Ashley (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 2
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Ashley another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Ashley (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 3
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Ashley another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Ashley (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)

Score some weed
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 👨 (There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.)
    • 👩 (I've got a question for you.)
    • 💬 (I need some weed. Did you bring any?)

  • 👄 (Optional) Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Hey I'm looking to score a little chronic. You don't have any do you?)

  • 👄 (Optional) Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Hey do you know where I can get some pot?)

  • 👄 (Optional) Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Do you know where I can score some Mary Jane?)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Umm. Hey Frank. ::gulp:: got any pot?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.)
    • 💬 (Hey dude, do you know where I can score $50.00?)

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (So you want some help with that horniness?)
    • 💬 (Um. Well for you, I'll offer you a discount. $50.00)

  • 🍆 Remove your clothes

  • 👉 Attempt to have sex with Stephanie (while Brittney/Amy are not nearby)
    • 😏 While you have your face buried between Stephanie's thighs, hold down the right mouse button and shake the mouse cursor around until she finishes

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie again
    • 💬 (So can I get that $50 now?)

  • 💼 Give Fifty Dollars to Frank
  • 💼 Use the marijuana with the paper in your inventory

  • 🚶 Go to the backyard
    • 💼 Use the joint with the fire pit

  • 💼 Give the lit joint to Ashley
    • 💬 (F*** yeah!)
    • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to go outside and smoke the joint

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Drunk Ashley' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
29 - Leah, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M29 / Female: F29

Have you noticed that slithering coming from Ashley's room. We still have that tiny key from her clothes when we washed them. What is she hiding in her closet?

Release Ashley's snake
  • 🚶 Go to the closet in the spare room
    • 🖐️ Inspect the bike lock
    • 👊 Punch the bike lock (from the radial menu, not the combat ability)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley again
    • 💬 (That lock on your closet, hiding a couple skeletons?)

  • 🚶 Go to the spare room
    • 💼 Use the Tiny Key with the bike lock
    • 👉 Open the closet
    • 👉 Inspect the Terrarium
    • 👉 Unlatch the Terrarium

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Why do you keep a f***ing anaconda in your room?!)

  • 🚶 Go outside
    • ⌚ Wait for the snake to escape
    • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to approach you

Enlist Leah to help find the snake
  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (There's a security threat and I need your help!)
    • 💬 (There's a f***ing snake on the loose!)

  • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Leah and Frank
    • 💬 (Leah, we're still definitely going after that snake.)
    • 💬 (Sometimes you have to break one code to do right by your own code.)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah again
    • 💬 (Wait, can't we just use your phone?)
    • 💬 (I dropped it in the shower while taking d**k pics.)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah again
    • 💬 (So what's this about a self defense studio?)
    • 💬 (Wow, sounds interesting.)
    • 💬 (As long as you teach self-defense, and not "Bully Basics 101", I'm there.)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah again
    • 💬 (Any ideas as to where we should look for the snake?)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Where do you think your snake would be hiding?)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Alright, I think I've got our light!)

Look for the snake in the garage
  • 💼 Open you inventory and turn on the light on Madison's phone

  • 🚶 Head to the garage and wait for Leah to talk to you
    • 🚶 Walk to the left of the beer pong table and shine the light under it
    • 🚶 Walk to the right of the storage rack that is directly across from the beer pong table (where the penguin was)
    • 🚶 Walk to the right of the storage rack near the door to the kitchen and wait for Leah to talk to you

  • 👄 Wait until Leah talks to you
    • 💬 (How can I be scared with someone like you fighting by my side?)

  • 🖐️ Put Madison's phone away (look down at it in your hand, click it, and select "Take")

  • 👄 Enter the fight stance (press [space])
    • 👊 Spar with Leah by attempting to punch her 5 times
    • 💬 (I'm ready! Let's chase this bastard to the ends of the earth!...Or at least to the end of the property line.)

🤖 Leah has been added to Compubrah as a sparring partner

Look for the snake in Ashley's room
  • 🚶 Head up to the spare room and approach the Terrarium

  • 👄 Wait until Leah talks to you
    • 💬 (Someone wants to draw blood...with fangs.)

Look for the snake in the art studio
  • 🚶 Head to the Art Studio and approach the closet
    • 🚶 Turn on the light on Madison's phone and walk into the closet
    • 💬 (I will, because I am a big kid, d***it!)
    • 🖐️ Inspect the can of Spray Paint and then take it
    • 💬 (Let's head out! Follow me!)
    • 🖐️ Put Madison's phone away

Look for the snake in the backyard
  • 🚶 Head outside and wait for Leah to talk to you

  • 🚶 Go to the side of the house (on the gazebo side)
    • 🔍 Inspect the Katana stuck in the fence (it is partially obscured by the bushes)
    • 👊 Punch the katana (from the radial menu, not the combat ability)

  • 🚶 Approach Leah
    • 👉 Turn on the light on Madison's phone

  • 🚶 Follow Leah around with the light until she finds a Katana
    • 💬 (Yeah, this is looking more and more like an assassin is hiding among us. No doubt in my mind.)
    • 💬 (Maybe I could have someone take a look at that Katana and verify its authenticity.)

  • 🖐️ Put Madison's phone away
30 - Amy, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M30 / Female: F30

Ok so during our adventure with Leah, we just found a Katana lodged in the fence. Weird... Who at the party would know anything about a Katana? [Exhales deeply]

Start Amy's scavenger hunt
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (You look pretty pensive. What's on your mind?)
    • 💬 (I could help you out. I'm awesome at finding things!)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy again
    • 💬 (Hey uhhhh, you know anything about katanas?)
    • 💬 (I was hoping you could take a look at this katana I have and tell me if it's authentic or not.)

Find a credit card for Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy again
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)

  • 🚶 Go to the living room
    • 👉 Open the right desk drawer (while Derek and Madison are not nearby)
    • 🖐️ Take the credit card

  • 💼 Give the credit card to Amy (while Madison is not nearby)

Find a condom for Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Hey Frank, I need a condom. You don't have an extra one, do you?)

👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.)
    • 💬 (Hey you wouldn't happen to have a condom on you, would you?)
    • 💬 (There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.)
    • 💬 (Is Frank gay?)
    • 💬 (Actually, I think I am. What do I do now?)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Ok Frank. You're right. I'm attracted to you.)
    • 💬 (You're insane Frank, but I'm intrigued to see where this is going to go...)

  • 🏃 Follow Frank outside

  • 👄 Talk to Frank in the backyard (while Amy is not nearby)
    • 🍆 Expose yourself while Frank is on his knees
    • ⌚ Wait for Frank to finish you off and give you the condom
    • 🏆 Achievement: Casabrova

👨👩 Both genders:
  • 💼 Give the condom to Amy

Find someone's shirt for Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Can you give me your shirt? It's for something really important.)
    • 💬 (Yes they do! In fact I saw a petition going around!)

  • 🚶 Go to the family room
    • 👉 Use the computer to create a petition
    • 👉 Use the printer to print the petition
    • 🖐️ Take the petition from the printer

  • 👄 Talk to everyone at the party and ask them to sign the petition
    • 💬 Amy: She just signs it
    • 💬 Ashley: (It's for Derek to take his shirt off.)
    • 💬 Brittney: (It's a free the nipple campaign.)
    • 💬 Frank: (It's for re-establishing prohibition.)
    • 💬 Katherine: (It's to castrate all men so they can think more clearly.)
    • 💬 Leah: (We all want Derek to take his shirt off and he'll only do it if there are enough signatures on this petition.)
    • 💬 Madison: (It's a petition for Derek to take off his shirt.)
    • 💬 Patrick: (It's one of those surprise petitions. We mail you the results and you find out what you supported.)
    • 💬 Rachael: (It's for Derek to take off his shirt.)
    • 💬 Stephanie: (Oh it's just a signature contest. Best-looking signature wins.)
    • 💬 Vickie: Either option

  • 💼 Give the petition to Derek

  • 💼 Give Derek's shirt to Amy

Find some panties for Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)
    • 💼 Give either pair of panties to Amy

Get more information on the Katana
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Will you help me with the Katana now?)

  • 🚶 Approach Leah once she is hiding in the bushes outside and wait for her to call you over

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Ronin' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
31 - Leah, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M31 / Female: F31

Well that was terrifying. Let's show Leah the light instead.

Help Leah see the Light (Good path)
  • 👄 Crouch down and talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Holy s**t, did you spray paint on your face?)
    • 💬 (Amy verified it's nothing but some cheap-o sword bought at a carnival.)
    • 👂Remain in the bushes and eavesdrop on Frank's conversation

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Leah, you can come back from this. Remember the code! Look to the light!)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (I'm not interested in whatever weird t***y club you're trying to open up. You need to come clean to Leah.)

  • 🚶 Head outside and wait for Frank to call out to you

  • 🚶 Approach Leah in the bushes on the right side of the back yard
    • 👉 Turn on the light on Madison's phone and shine it on Leah
    • 👉 Wait for Leah to get dressed and put away the phone

  • ⌚ Wait for Leah to notice Frank on the roof

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (I'll bring down Frank while you distract him!)

  • 🚶Head upstairs to the master bedroom closet
    • 🖐️ Take the Vibatron 3000 on the shelf

  • 🚶Head outside
    • 💼 Inspect the Vibatron 3000
    • 💼 Select the Clitpocalypse option on the Vibatron 3000
    • 👉 Throw the Vibatron 3000 at Frank (try not to miss...)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Money Shot

  • 💬 Throw the vibrator at Frank two more times (If the vibrator is stuck on the roof, raid the fridge for more sure to grab them with the right mouse button, not add them to your inventory)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah (she will need a moment with Frank before the following conversation becomes available)
    • 💬 (So, about that gift...)

  • 🚶Follow Leah to the garage

Train with Frank and hook up with Leah
  • 👄 Talk to Leah (choose one of the following options)
    • 💬 (Oh f**k yeah! *Begin ripping off clothes* G*d d**n this f***ing zipp-] (Fight Frank while nude)
    • 💬 (What is it, what is it?!) (Fight Frank while clothed)

  • 👊 Proceed through the first round of training with Frank

  • 👊 Proceed through the second round of training with Frank (you take damage this time but he's pretty easy. Be sure to block!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Bride

  • 🚪Close the door to the garage

Have sex with Leah
  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (So, about that sex-triumph...stuff. Yeah. I heard at least one of those words, I think.)
    • 💬 (Yesss! But uh oh, these aren't regulation sparring outfits...let's lose 'em! Or...uh, maybe we should go somewhere else?)

  • 🍆 Remove your clothes and have sex with Leah (while Brittney and Amy are not nearby)

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on
32 - Brittney, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M32 / Female: F32

Alright we managed to hook up with Leah! We want to redirect our attention back to Amy, but first we should move the party outside. This is more for the male player since Brittney is not bound to Stephanie in our female playthrough, but this is necessary for Doja Cat anyway, so let's proceed.

Get Brittney in the hot tub
  • 🚶 Go to the living room
    • 🖐️ Take the right speaker (while Derek or Madison are not nearby)

  • 🚶 Go to the hot tub
    • 💼 Use the broom with the mound of dirt behind the hot tub
    • 💼 Use the speaker with the broom
    • 👉 Turn on the speaker

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Hey I set up a speaker outside near the hot tub!)

  • ⌚ Wait for Stephanie to go outside
👨 Male Player: (Female player is done with this section)
  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to follow Stephanie outside

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (So how about we relax in the hot tub for a bit?)
    • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to get into the hot tub

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (You look really warm in this tub. Maybe you should take something off.)
33 - Amy, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M33 / Female: F33

Amy is new in town and she looks like she might want something that would remind her of home. Let's get that prepared now because we will have multiple opportunities to use it coming up.

Make Hot Chocolate for Amy
  • 🚶 Go to the study
    • 🖐️ Take the chocolate bar (on the shelf to the left of the chair)

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 🖐️ Take the mug (on the stack of plates on the cabinet shelf to the right of the microwave)
    • 👉 Open the microwave
    • 🔍 Inspect the microwave

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Do you know why the microwave isn't working?)

  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 💼 Use the chocolate with the mug
    • 💼 Use the "chocolate in mug" with the faucet

  • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to fix the microwave (she will approach you)

  • 💼 Use the "chocolate & water in mug" with the microwave
    • ⌚ Wait for it to finish heating up in the microwave
    • 👉 Open the microwave

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Sex with Amy' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
34 - Brittney, Part 3 (Female)
💾 Save file - Female: F34

We haven't had much interaction with Brittney so let's go see how she is doing.

This entire section is only meant for the female player. If you are the male player, you can skip ahead to the next section.

Connect with Brittney
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Thanks for extending an invitation to me tonight. And it seems like you're enjoying yourself!)
    • 💬 (You don't really strike me as the house party kind of person.)
    • 💬 (Tell me something about yourself I don't know yet.)
    • 💬 (Last time we hung out, you told me you were single. Still looking?)
    • 💬 (Tell me more about this secret someone you have your eye on.)
    • 💬 (Have you ever been in love?)
    • 💬 (Some advice from a friend? yourself up, and let your heart lead?)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Love Conquers All' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
35 - Brittney, Part 4 (Female)
💾 Save file - Female: F35

Before we finish Amy's Scavenger Hunt, let's see if we can get Brittney and Amy to do more than just sit in a hot tub naked together.

This entire section is only meant for the female player. If you are the male player, you can skip ahead to the next section.

Brittney's Secret Someone
👩 Female player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Any idea if Brittney has a crush on anyone at the party?)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I did some sleuthing and I have a suspicion about who you might have a crush on. Is it Amy?)
    • 💬 (You two would be great together. Let me help you!)

Help Brittney learn more about Amy
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I think I've got some useful info about Amy.)
    • 💬 (She loves the band Panic! At the Disco. You should ask her about them.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to approach Amy and then approach you

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Do you know anything about Amy?)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I think I've got some useful info about Amy.)
    • 💬 (Amy misses home, especially backyard fires in the fall.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to approach Amy and then approach you

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Do you know anything about Amy?)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I think I've got some useful info about Amy.)
    • 💬 (Amy is trying to join a sorority because she's worried about fitting in.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to approach Amy and then approach you
    • 💬 (You crushed it! I'll work on getting us another clue about Amy.)

❗Go to 'Alt Path - The Crush' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.
36 - Amy, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M36 / Female: F36

Let's continue the scavenger hunt with Amy.

Find someone wearing American flag underwear for Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)
    • 💬 (Joining a sorority can open a lot of doors for you. I'd do what they ask. It's just harmless fun, right?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy again
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)

👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Want to go relax in the hot tub with me?)

  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to get into the hot tub

👨👩 Both genders:
  • 👄 Talk to Amy again
    • 💬 (Now's your chance! Brittney's in the hot tub with American flag underwear on!)

  • 🏃 Follow her to the hot tub

  • ⌚ Wait for her to take the picture

Find Goodbye Kitty underwear for Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy again
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (You look like a "Goodbye Kitty" fan if I've ever seen one.)
    • 💬 (My sister was a huge fan. I know one when I see one.)
    • 💬 (I'll be sure to let my sister know she's not the only one in town!)

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 👉 Rummage through the orange bin (be quick as Madison will immediately walk to the garage. If you want to be safe, let her walk there first and then tell her that Ashley wants to talk - just be sure Ashley is not nearby)

  • 💼 Give the Goodbye Kitty underwear to Amy (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 🏃 Follow Amy upstairs and go into the upstairs hallway bathroom before she does
    • ⌚ Wait for her to take the picture

Get Amy and Brittney in the hot tub
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)
    • 💬 ("F**k yeah, I'll get naked right here if you want me to.)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 👨 (I bet I can get Amy to get in this hot tub completely naked.)
    • 👩 (Wanna go relax in the hot tub with me?)

👩 Female Player:
  • 🚶 Go to the hot tub

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (You look really warm in this tub. Maybe you should take something off.)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney again
    • 💬 (You look really warm in this tub. Maybe you should take something off.)
    • 💬 (Know what would make these bubbles feel even better? Bare skin. And...I could join you!)

👨👩 Both genders:
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Brittney will get naked in the hot tub if you do it first.)
    • 💬 (Let's go hang out in the hot tub. I've got a plan.)

  • 🚶 Go to the hot tub
    • ⌚ Wait for Amy to get into the hot tub
    • 👉 Strip down to your boxers/panties
    • 👉 Sit down in the hot tub

Play truth or dare
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Amy, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Have you ever made out with another woman?)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Brittney, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Have you ever kissed another woman?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Amy, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Where is your favorite place to be kissed?)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Brittney, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Tell us about a secret crush you've had in the past.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Amy, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Who at this party would you most like to see naked?)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Brittney, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (I dare you to take your top off.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Amy, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Dare you take off your top!)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Brittney, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (I dare you to take your bottoms off.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Amy, truth or dare?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to take off your bottoms!)
37 - Brittney, Part 5 (Female)
💾 Save file - Female: F37

Wow this is really happening. Let's see if we can get Brittney and Amy somewhere more private.

This entire section is only meant for the female player. If you are the male player, you can skip ahead to the next section.

The Crush(es)
👩 Female Player:
  • 🐱 Remove your panties

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I've got a dare for both of you - let's have a threesome upstairs.)

  • 🏃 Follow Brittney and Amy upstairs to the spare bedroom
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Crush(es)
38 - Amy, Part 4
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M38 / Female: F38

Well that was fun. Let's finish up this scavenger hunt with Amy.

Finish playing truth or dare
👨 Male Player:
  • 🍆 Take off your boxers

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Don't you think we should take a photo to remember this precious moment by?)
    • ⌚ Wait for Amy to leave the hot tub

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

Finish the Scavenger Hunt
👨 Male Player:
  • 🏃 Follow Amy upstairs

👨👩 Both genders:
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Hey why did you run off from the hot tub? We were just starting to have a good time!)
    • 💬 (Well, if it's turning you on, it sounds like maybe you enjoy it?)
    • 💬 (F**k that voice! You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Amy: Scavenger Hunt

  • 💼 Give the hot chocolate to Amy
39 - Derek, Part 2 (Male)
💾 Save file - Male: M39

Since the party is now well underway, let's go catch up with Derek.

This entire section is only meant for the male player. If you are the female player, you can skip ahead to the next section.

Memory Lane
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (How long have we been friends? I feel like I've known you forever.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (So I hear Derek was telling tales about me.)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Can you tell me any stories about me? ...Preferably one that Derek told you?)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (My buddy Derek said to watch out for you.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Did Derek tell you any stories about me?)
Catch up at the Gazebo
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Hey bud, got that beer for us.)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the gazebo and wait for him to sit down

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Ahhh yeah, the time I replaced all the sparkling cider with moonshine? Ha!)

  • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Derek another beer

Relax in the Hot Tub
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Yo D, got another beer for us!)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the hot tub

  • 🍆 Remove all your clothes and then sit down

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (The Smoothbooty Boyz!)

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

  • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Derek another beer

Things are going to start heating up with Derek. If you choose to go the romance route, you will be able to repeatedly have sex with him. Otherwise, you will instead get a stat boost. The choice is yours, just note that there is an achievement for hooking up with multiple guys at the party (Casabrova, which you should have already gotten.) If you are using my save files, then know I chose the romance Derek path.

Chill on the roof
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Derek, got us another cold one!)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the patio and wait for him to climb up onto the roof of the patio

  • 👉 Climb up the gutter

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (The p***ing contest we had up on the balcony!)
    • Choose the next option to romance Derek or not:
    • 💘 (I liked hearing that, honestly)
    • 💔 (Yeah, that was a little too cuddly for me)
    • 💬 (Before you go…how about another contest for old times?)

    💾 Save your game just in case you need to reload this next part

  • 🍆 Stand up and press [P] to expose yourself

  • 🚰 Wait for Derek to count down and then hold [2] to pee off the balcony (Be careful not to hit anyone, and if you lose, re-load your save)

  • 👖 Press [P] to put you p***s away

  • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Derek another beer

Hang out in the garage
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Got us another brew!)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the garage

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (I sink the hidden cup in the crowd...right between a pair of magnificent boobs.)
    • Choose the next option to continue to romance Derek or not:
    • 💘 (Yeah, you mean a lot to me too. In more ways than one.)
    • 💔 (Choice 2)
    • Choose the next option to continue to romance Derek or not:
    • 💘 (I maybe remember that too...)
    • 💔 (Choice 2)

  • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Derek another beer

Get some private time in the laundry room
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Heyo! I scored us another drink!)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the laundry room

  • 👉 Hop up onto the Dryer
    • Choose the next option to continue to romance Derek or not:
    • 💘 (I'm with you all the way Derek.)
    • 💔 (I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but I’m trying to forget it.)

  • 👄 After making out, choose any option to perform that sex act with Derek
    • 🏆 Achievement: Good Ol' Days

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on
40 - Vickie, Part 6
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M40 / Female: F40

We have managed to romance everyone at the party! Now let's see who else is down to join us and Vickie in some more threesomes! Note that you can do these at your convenience and they do not all need to be done right now.

Threesome with Vickie and Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Amy's warming up to me.)
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Amy is
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Amy
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
Threesome with Vickie and Ashley
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Ashley! I bet she's more adventurous then she lets on.)
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Ashley is
    • 💬 (Madison would hate it!)
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Ashley
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
Threesome with Vickie and Brittney
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Brittney! I bet she'd be a lot of fun!)
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Brittney is
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Brittney
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
Tag-team Vickie with Derek
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Derek. I think he'll be down to clown.)
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Derek is
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and tag-team her with Derek
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
Threesome with Vickie and Leah
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (Vickie, I'm feeling like having a go with another "special friend". Whadya say?)
    • 💬 (Leah, definitely. Hm, I wonder how she'd handle the both of us...)
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Leah is
  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Leah
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
41 - Frank, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M41 / Female: F41

It's pretty unacceptable that Ashley had been able to get drunk at this party. Isn't there someone here that is supposed to prevent that from happening? Let's go check in on Frank. Hopefully he isn't too mad about the beatdown we gave him earlier...

Peace Offering
  • 🚶 Go to the kitchen
    • 👉 Open the cabinet above the microwave
    • 🖐️ Take the Popcorn
  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom
    • 🖐️ Take the Sunglasses (on the dresser beneath the TV)
  • 🚶 Go to the family room
    • 💼 Give the sunglasses to Frank
    • 💼 Give the popcorn to Frank
A "Ball" of Mystery
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (You seem like an interesting guy.)
    • 💬 (I haven't had anything to drink!)
  • 👄 Talk to Frank again
    • 💬 (So how’s guard duty treating you?)
    • 💬 (I really don't think this big balls "Spidey Sense" thing is a thing.)
  • 👄 Talk to Frank again
    • 💬 (Is that chair uncomfortable?...)
    • 💬 (Why don't we talk about something that's not your balls?)
    • 💬 (Soooo we're just gonna keep talking about your b-]
  • 👄 Talk to Frank again
    • 💬 (Okay Frank, seriously! I don't think having balls matters as much as you think...)
    • 💬 (I hate to break it to you, but they are talking about c**k size, not ball size.)

You need to get the guests to tell frank that big c**ks are better than big balls, which they will only do if you have a certain friendship level with each of them. You can do them in any order, and yo don’t need to do them all. You only need to score at least 7 points to complete this part, and Katherine and Vickie will even net you double points (2 points each) with their valuable input on the matter.

C**kball Fight

  • 👄 Talk to Amy (if she is not near Frank)
    • 💬 (Hey Amy, just chillin huh? Up for a change of scenery?)
    • 💬 (Let's hang out by that crazy painting near the liquor cabinet. 'Cause that's normal.)
  • 👄 Talk to Amy when she is near Frank
    • 💬 (I just wanted to ask which is best: Big balls or big d**ks?)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley (if she is not near Frank)
    • 💬 (Look at you kickin' back, Ashley! I'm gonna find a new spot to chill. Care to join?)
    • 💬 (Our quest requires that we scout around the liquor cabinet. Off we go!)
  • 👄 Talk to Ashley when she is near Frank
    • 💬 (What turns you on more, big balls, or a big c**k?)

Brittney: (If you are the male player, she will only follow Stephanie so do Stephanie first)

👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (So, Brittney, looks like I caught you at the right time! Feel like hanging out somewhere else?)
    • 💬 (I bet I can race you to the liquor cabinet. Go!!)

👨👩 Both genders:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney when she is near Frank
    • 👨 (Hey Brittney, do you prefer large c**ks or large balls?)
    • 👩 (Okay Brittney, Mandatory truthk. What do you prefer on a man, a larger penis, or a larger pair of balls?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek (if he is not near Frank)
    • 👨 (Hey hey buddy, you look bored. Let's hang somewhere else, huh?)
    • 👨 (Let's go check on tonight's booze selection...or what's left of it.)
    • 👩 (You're looking kind of bored. Let's go hang somewhere else, huh?)
    • 👩 (To the liquor cabinet! Let's check tonight's booze selection...or what's left of it.)
  • 👄 Talk to Derek when he is near Frank
    • 💬 (Hey Derek, what's better to have, a huge c**k, or huge balls?)

Patrick: (Since we didn't betray him, he won't count towards this)
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick (if he is not near Frank)
    • 💬 (Patrick, I need you to come with me, stat! No time for explanations!)
    • 💬 (Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to scout the accessibility of the liquor cabinet...)
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick when he is near Frank
    • 💬 (Pat, what's better for a guy: Having a massing schlong, or gargantuan gonads?)

  • 👄 Talk to Rachael (if she is not near Frank)
    • 💬 (Hey Rachael, you free? Wanna chill somewhere else?)
    • 💬 (Let's check out the booze room. Yeah, that's what I'm calling it.)
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael when she is near Frank
    • 💬 (What's more pleasurable to you: Big balls or a big p***s?)

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie (if she is not near Frank)
    • 💬 (Oh you're free! Steph, you gotta try this primo dance spot. Acoustics: Lit. Ambience: ...More uh, lit.)
    • 💬 (To the liquor cabinet!)
  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie when she is near Frank
    • 💬 (You mentioned lapdancing earlier...Frank's never had one! Wanna be his first?)
  • ⌚ Wait for Stephanie to finish giving Frank a lap dance

  • 👄 Talk to Vickie (if she is not near Frank)
    • 💬 (Vickie! I think I overheard the sounds of people getting nasty. Wanna do some snooping?)
    • 💬 (I think they weregetting hot and heavy on the sofa by the liquor cabinet.)
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie when she is near Frank
    • 💬 (So, Vickie, are big balls desirable in the industry?)

Once you have scored enough points:
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Believe me yet? C**c size is way more important than ball size!)
42 - Frank, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M42 / Female: F42

Now that we got pretty much everyone to agree that d**k size is more important than ball size, it's time to show Frank that he is not packing the most meat at this party. A certain buddy of ours wears that crown, so all we gotta do is get Frank to see Derek's package. There are multiple ways to do this, like getting caught in the act by Frank as we bang (or get banged by) Derek, but we are going to take a different route.

Dance Off
  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (I need a favor. Can you show your d**k to Frank?)
    • 💬 (I'm just kidding, I just wanted to see your reaction.)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (You're looking kind of bored. Let's go hang somewhere else, huh?)
    • 💬 (Music's bumpin, let's go check it out.)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the living room

  • 🕺 Stand near the speaker and open your radial to dance

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Hey buddy, I've been practicing my dance moves!)
    • 💬 (Oh yeah, I'm sure. I may need a few to warm up...but then it's go time.)

  • 🕺 Stand near Stephanie and open your radial to dance

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Steph, I gotta take my dancing to the next any tips for me?)

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 🖐️ Take the Motor Oil from the storage rack

  • 💼 Open your inventory and use the remote to change the music to the next track (as in, don't have the default music playing)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek in the living room
    • 💬 (Hey, happy feet. Got your dancing shoes on? Cause it's time to throw down!)

  • 🕺 Open your radial to dance (not dance...betterer)

  • ⌚ Wait for Derek to kick it up a notch
    • 💬 (Show me what you got!)

  • 🕺 Open your radial to stop dancing
💾 Save your game

You can now either win the competition fairly, or cheat. The choice is yours. If you cheat, Derek will be in a dress the rest of the night.

Option 1: Win the dance-off by cheating
  • 🚶 Stand behind Derek as he dances (otherwise he will see you and you will fail)

  • 💼 Use the motor oil with the fireplace

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the laundry room (he will close and shut the door)

  • 👄 Open the door and talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Sorry things went down like that. Are you alright?)

  • 💼 (Optional) Give the Panties to Derek (he will refuse them)

  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom closet
    • 🖐️ Take the Sundress hanging in the closet

  • 🚶 Go to the laundry room and open the door

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Sorry things went down like that. Are you alright?)

  • 💼 Give the sundress to Derek (If we had the Goodbye Kitty Underwear that would have worked as well)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Hey hey buddy, you look bored. Let's hang somewhere else, huh?)

    • 💬 (To the liquor cabinet! Let's check on tonight's booze selection...or what's left of it.)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek to the liquor cabinet

Option 2: Win the dance-off fairly
  • 🕺 Open your radial to dance...betterer
    • 💬 (Go me! To the victor go the spoils! You owe me a favor now. No questions asked, got it?)

  • 🕺 Open your radial to stop dancing

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Alright Derek, I'm calling in that favor. I need you to flash Frank.)

  • 🏃 Follow Derek as he makes his way towards Frank
    • ⌚ Wait for Derek to finish flashing Frank
43 - Frank, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M43 / Female: F43

Now we have a choice to make. Do you want Frank gone for good? Or do you want to hook up with Frank some more? Both choices give an achievement, so if you need them both, do one and then reload to do the other. For the purposes of my save files I chose the Frank intimacy route because you will gain a special ability from him in Compubrah and he can be used later during the Doja Cat DLC.

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Good Riddance' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement (or achievements) to earn in that section.

Budding Bromance
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (It's tough not being the big guy on campus, huh?)
    • 💬 (You'll get past it, but it's better you know the truth now.)
    • 💬 (Being wrong is a part of life, you can learn from your mistakes.)
    • 💬 (You're not a freak. I've just been messing with you. Could you uh...put that away?)
You will now be able to choose your reward from Frank. If you choose the intimacy option, you will be able to have sex with Frank. If you choose the platonic option, you will temporarily be able to drink in front of Frank, though you will lose relationship points with him if he sees you. Also the achievement is only awarded if you get intimate with Frank.
  • 👄 Talk to Frank again
    • 💬 (That was some heavy s**t we went through still feeling ok?)
    Choice 1:
    • 💘 [Frank, I want it all. All of you, and your behemoth besticles.)
    • 💬 (Let's turn "soon" into "right now". You sure you don't have any particular place in mind for us to...?)
    Choice 2:
    • 💔 [Frank, tonight's been all about platonically proving myself to you. Let's keep it that way?)

  • 🏃 Go to the upstairs hallway bathroom and lock it (if you chose the intimate option)

  • 🍆 Remove your clothes

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Frank...are you ready for me?)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Against All Odds

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

  • 🔓 Unlock the bathroom door

  • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
🤖 Frank has been added to Compubrah
44 - Game Grumps, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M44 / Female: F44

Ok so back to the Game Grumps. We managed to get on Frank's good side, so now let's see if we can help them get out of here. Before proceeding, be sure you saw enough of their interactions to get the 🏆 "IRL Let's Player" achievement. don't actually have to get rid of the Game Grumps now. You can return to this section later if you want, though if you skip this for now, still be sure to talk to Frank to get the camera back from him.

Oh and one last thing. There is one more small interaction with Dan and Arin before we help them leave for real. You can skip ahead to getting the picture with Katherine if you want.

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Game Grumps Leave' for an alternate encounter. There are no achievements to earn in that section.

Get Katherine a picture of her with the Game Grumps
  • 👄 Talk to Dan or Arin
    • 💬 (I need a picture of you guys. With Katherine.)
    • ⌚ Wait for the Game Grumps to go to the fire pit

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Ok Katherine, the Grumps are ready for you!)

  • 🚶Head outside to Dan and Arin
    • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to approach them
    • 📷 Use the camera to take a photo of Katherine and the Game Grumps (you need to be close to them for it to register)

Send Dan and Arin into the virtual world
  • 🚶Remain outside with Dan and Arin
    • 💼 Turn off the cell phone jammer
    • 👂 Continue the conversation with Compubrah and the Grumps until they jump into the briefcase
    • 🖐️ Take the open briefcase
    • 🏆 Achievement: I Know Grump-Fu

  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Poke boob" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (*Continue to Compubrah interface*)
    • 💬 (Party!)
    • 💬 (Engage VR Mode)
    • 💬 (*Log Off*)
45 - CompuBrah, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M45 / Female: F45

Well, we have done it. We managed to hook up with pretty much everyone at the party. Good job us! Now the only thing left to do is see the latest additions to Compubrah. If you chose to romance Frank, you will now be able to use him in VR to immediately become ready for sex again.

Sparring Session with Leah
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (Oh I'm definitely ready...)
    • 💬 (*Select Leah*)
    • 👊 Fight Leah

Get Pegged by Katherine
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (*Select Katherine*)
    • 💬 Choose either option - Your fate is already sealed

Bang Lety
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (*Select Lety*)
    • 🍆 Remove all of your clothes
    • 👄 Talk to Lety on the bed and select Bang
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again

The F**kening
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (*Select Frank*)

...And that's about it for the original story! The party continues though, and new DLC will keep adding more hijinx to the mix. Thanks for using my guide!

❗Go to 'DLC - Halloween Holiday Pack, Part 1' for a more content featuring a Halloween theme to the house partry! This DLC is purely cosmetic.

❗Go to 'DLC - Winter Holiday Pack, Part 1' for a more content featuring a Winter theme to the house partry! This DLC introduces more achievements.

❗Go to 'DLC - Doja Cat, Part 1' for a more content featuring Doja Cat! This DLC introduces more achievements.

❗Go to 'DLC - Liz Katz, Part 1' for a more content featuring a murder mystery with Liz Katz! This DLC introduces more achievements.
⬇️ DLC Content ⬇️
This part of the guide covers all of the DLC content in the game. For the purposes of this guide, these are intended to be played after the original story has been completed. Turn on the DLC you intend to play and keep the others disabled. If you do not intend to use my save files, you can enable any/all of them.
46 - DLC - Halloween, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M46 Halloween / Female: F46 Halloween - Be sure the Halloween Holiday Pack DLC has been enabled

There is no story content added in the Halloween update. Enable this DLC to add Halloween decorations and costumes to the party.
46 - DLC - Winter, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M46 Winter / Female: F46 Winter - Be sure the Winter Holiday Pack DLC has been enabled

The Winter DLC adds holiday decorations/costumes to the party, the ability to throw snowballs at the guests, and an opportunity to hang some mistletoe.

Nana's Mistletoe
  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Wow, the place looks really festive, Madison. But you don't look very Merry?)
    • 💬 (Wow that sounds really special! Why don't you hang it up?)
    • 💬 (I can help. Tis the season to be nice after all...)
  • 👄 Talk to each of the guests (save Frank for last)
    • 💬 (Madison wants to hang a mistletoe decoration, but I need to find something strong enough to hang it from.)
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Madison wants to hang a mistletoe decoration, but I need to find something strong enough to hang it from.)
  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (I found a way to hang up your mistletoe decoration. Where is it?)
  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 👉 Take the Step Stool beside the Beer Pong table
  • 🚶 Go to Frank
    • 💼Give Frank the Step Stool
    • 💬 (I've got it right here.)
  • 🚶 Follow Frank outside
    • ⌚ Watch Frank hang the mistletoe
    • 👉 Reset the fuse on the Gazebo Fuse Box
    • 📷 Take a picture of Frank
  • 🚶 Follow Madison to the Garage

  • 👄 Talk to Madison

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 🏆 Achievement: Deck the Balls

Snowball Fight
  • 🚶 Go to the gazebo in the backyard
    • 👉 Take the Snowball Bucket off the ground
  • 💼 Throw a snowball at every guest (not necessary for Game Grumps, Doja Cat, or Liz Katz)
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
46 - DLC - Doja Cat, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M46 Doja Cat / Female: F46 Doja Cat - Be sure the Doja Cat DLC has been enabled

There seems to be someone stalking the party from the other side of the fence in the backyard. Let's go check out what is going on there.

Meet Madison's new neighbor
  • 🚶 Go to the backyard
    • 🔍 Peek into the suspicious hole in the fence (to the left of the hot tub.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amala
    • 💬 (I don't live here.)
    • 💬 (Why should I help you?)
    • 💬 (I'll take your word for it. Just chill, I'll see what I can find out.)

  • ⌚ Stand and wait near the suspicious hole
    • 👂 Listen to Amala's background chatter
    • 🏆Achievement: It Smells Like Roses

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Any particular reason you didn't invite your neighbor to the party?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amala
    • 💬 (What do you think she said?)
    • 💬 (Fan accounts?)
    • 💬 (She said you were too noisy.)
    • 💬 (Why don't you just flip over the fence?)
    • 💬 (How am I supposed to convince Madison?)

Convince Madison to invite Amala to the party
  • 👄 (Optional) Talk to the guests to find out more about this mysterious neighbor
    • 💬 Amy (Have you heard anything about Madison's wacky neighbor?)
    • 💬 Ashley (Seen anything crazy around the neighborhood lately?)
    • 💬 Brittney (Do you have any gossip about Madison's new neighbor?)
    • 💬 Katherine (Do you know anything about Madison's feud with her neighbor Amala? It seems like a weird situation.)
    • 💬 Leah (Have you seen anything crazy around the neighborhood?)
    • 💬 Patrick (Do you know anything about Madison's mystery neighbor?)
    • 💬 Stephanie (Do you know anything about this new neighbor Madison has?)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Do you know anything about Madison's new mystery neighbor, Amala?)

  • 👄 Talk to Amala
    • 💬 (Why don't you just tell her that you're Doja Cat?)
    • 💬 (That pun was purr-fect.)
    • 💬 (My lips are sealed.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Regarding your mysterious neighbor Amala...)
    • 💬 (I can vouch for her. You should give her a chance.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amala
    • 💬 (Madison says you can come in! Meet you at the front door!)

Welcome Amala to the party
  • 🚶 Go to the front door
    • ⌚ Wait for Amala to enter the house

  • 👄 Talk to Amala
    • 💬 (F*ck yeah, let's root out this prehistoric primadonna.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Frank to approach Amala

Help settle Amala's nerves
  • 🍺 Beer 1
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Amala (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 2
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Amala another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Amala (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Nah, you're fine. One more won't hurt anything.)

❗Go to 'DLC Alt Path - Drunk Amala' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement to earn in that section.
47 - DLC - Doja Cat, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M47 Doja Cat / Female: F47 Doja Cat - Be sure the Doja Cat DLC has been enabled

Amala seems to have pretty big plans for this party. Let's help her make this party one to remember.

Find out who Dinolicious is
  • 🚶 Head to the study
    • 🖐️ Open the closet and take the Weird Dinosaur Suit

  • 💼 Give the Weird Dinosaur Suit to Amala

  • 👄 Talk to Amala
    • 💬 (Are you sure it's not my ass you're looking for?)

If you would like to hear some funny dialogue as Amala judges the guest's inability to dance, send them (but not Derek) to the living room. Otherwise, proceed.

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (You're looking bored. Let's go hang somewhere else, huh?)
    • 💬 (Music's bumpin, let's go check it out.)

  • 🚶 Head to the Living Room
    • ⌚ Wait for Amala to determine that Derek is Dinolicious (They need to be near each other)

  • 🚶 Head to the backyard
    • 🧗 Climb the gutter on the patio

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Because you are self-conscious when you twerk so you wear the dinosaur costume to create a barrier between yourself and the audience.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Amala to approach Derek and listen to the conversation

  • 👄 Talk to Amala

  • 🚶 Approach Derek

Fix the Dinosaur Suit
  • 🚶 Head to the laundry room

  • 💼 Use the Weird Dinosaur Suit with the washer
    • ⌚ Wait for the suit to get washed
    • 🖐️ Open the washer and take the Wet Dinolicious Costume

  • 💼 Use the Wet Dinolicious Costume with the dryer
    • ⌚ Wait for the suit to dry
    • 🖐️ Open the dryer and take the Clean Dinolicious Outfit

  • 🚶 Head to the spare bedroom
    • 💼 Use the Clean Dinolicious Outfit with the Duct Tape on the desk

  • 💼 Give the Patched Dinolicious Suit to Derek

Play that good sh*t
  • 🚶 Head to the family room
    • 💼 Use Doja Cat's MP3 Player with the Media Dock under the TV
    • 🖐️ Select the Play Full Playlist option on the TV

    If you skipped ahead to this section of the guide and the speaker is not there, follow these instructions:

  • 🚶 Go to the art studio
    • 🖐️ Take the broom (in the closet)

  • 🚶 Go to the living room
    • 🖐️ Take the right speaker (while Derek or Madison are not nearby)

  • 🚶 Go to the hot tub
    • 💼 Use the broom with the mound of dirt behind the hot tub
    • 💼 Use the speaker with the broom
    • 👉 Turn on the speaker

    If you have been following the guide and the speaker is there, resume here:

  • 🚶 Head to the speaker in the back yard
    • 👉 Turn on the speaker

  • 🚶 Go to the front door to the house and wait 10 seconds

  • 🚶 Return to the back yard and head to the gazebo (Amala should be there in a new outfit)
48 - DLC - Doja Cat, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M48 Doja Cat / Female: F48 Doja Cat - Be sure the Doja Cat DLC has been enabled

Amala...errr...Doja Cat looks like she is ready to turn this in to a real party. Let's see if we can help her out!

Find out what Doja Cat needs from us
  • 👄 Talk to Doja Cat
    • 💬 (I really hope there's a walkthrough online for this.) 🥰
    • 💬 (Let's talk about the stage.)
    • 💬 (What's this about a live feed?)
    • 💬 (Tell me about security.)
    • 💬 (What's the deal with these cameras?)
    • 💬 (No sweat, I'll let you know when I get this handled.)

  • 🖐️ Take the Drone

  • 🖐️ Take the Film Camera

The Camera Crew
  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Any chance you would be interested in being a cameraman for Doja Cat's show?)

  • 💼 Give Patrick the Film Camera
    • 💬 (Any suggestions for a drone pilot?)

White Rose's Protege
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (You seem pretty good with technology. Think you can hack a billboard?)
    • 💬 (Any chance you can fly a drone?)

  • 💼 Give Katherine the Drone

Secure the Perimeter
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (So I'm going out on a limb here and say you'd be interested in heading up Doja Cat's Security.)
    • 💬 (Your talents are certainly unique.)

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 🖐️ Take the Hammer from the right-most storage rack
    • 🖐️ Take the Box of Nails from the counter top

  • 🚶 Go to the right side of the back yard (where the A/C unit is)
    • 🖐️ Take the Wood Planks

  • 🚶 Approach Frank
    • 💼 Give Frank the Hammer
    • 💼 Give Frank the Box of Nails
    • 💼 Give Frank the Wood Planks

Need to Know (How to Build a Stage)
  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Any ideas about building a stage for Doja Cat?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 Derek (You seem pretty handy. Any ideas how to build a stage?)

  • 🚶 Go to the right side of the back yard (where the A/C unit is)
    • 🖐️ Take the Hot Tub Cover

  • 🚶 Go to the garage
    • 🖐️ Take the Plexiglass from against the wall by the Ping Pong table

Update Doja Cat on your progress
  • 👄 Talk to Doja Cat
    • 💬 (Katherine was able to hack the billboard. We're tapped in!)
    • 💬 (Katherine is going to run the drone, Patrick is going to handle the camera.)
    • 💬 (Frank is the Head of Security. He is going to board up the front of the house!)

❗Go to 'DLC Alt Path - Hungry Hot Tub' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement to earn in that section.

How to Build a...Sturdy Stage
  • 🚶 Approach the hot tub
    • 💼 Use the Plexiglass with the hot tub (the interactive point is on the steps)

  • 👄 Talk to Doja Cat
    • 💬 (I put some plexiglass over the hot tub. That's your stage!)
    • 💬 (Just wanted to say it's been a pleasure to work with you!)

  • 👄 Talk to Doja Cat again
    • 💬 (We're ready for Doja's Dope-Ass Dinolicious Danceapalooza.)
    • 💬 (You got it, what do you need?)
    • 💬 (Uh...maybe give me a few.)

  • 🚶 Go to the computer desk in the family room
    • 💼 Open the left drawer and take the Battery Pack
49 - DLC - Doja Cat, Part 4
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M49 Doja Cat / Female: F49 Doja Cat - Be sure the Doja Cat DLC has been enabled

All of our hard work has paid off...or is it just beginning? Either way, this livestream is about to go down so let's make it go the best we can!

Livestream Doja Cat
  • 👄 Talk to Doja Cat
    • 💬 (I'm ready!)

    Now that the show is underway, check on your crew to make sure everything is running smoothly. Try to help your crew as quickly as possible when they need it. Doja Cat will notice your efforts.

  • 🏃Follow Patrick to the side of the house when he gets distracted

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick when he starts filming the burger and lizard
    • 💬 (Yes, yes, fascinating. Back to work please.)

  • 🏃Head upstairs to the study and wait for Katherine to need some help

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💼 Give the Battery Pack to Katherine when needed
    • 💬 (Back to damage control. You're doing great!

  • 🏃Head to the family room and wait for Frank to need help

  • 👄 Talk to Frank so he gives you the Hammer

  • 💼 Use the Hammer on the barricaded window

  • 🏃Head to the kitchen and wait for Patrick to get distracted again

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (Cut the sh*t and get back to the stage!)

  • 🎥 Watch the playback of the livestream and hope for the best
    • 💬 (Oh yeah, that thing... in private... with Doja Cat...)
    • 💬 (Listen...)
    • 💬 (I've had it up to my whiskers with all of these cat puns.)

  • 😏 Have sex with...Doja Cat!

  • 🏃Follow Doja Cat to Patrick
    • 💬 (What's this magical solution?)

  • 🏃Follow Doja Cat to Patrick's secret tunnel and listen to the conversation
    • 💬 (Thanks Doja Cat. This was a blast!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Doja's Dope-Ass Dinolicious Danceapalooza

    Doja Cat will now leave the party.
46 - DLC - Liz Katz, Part 1
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M46 Liz Katz / Female: F46 Liz Katz - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

It seems another mysterious guest is joining the party. Let's go see who this newcomer is.

Look What the Katz Dragged In
  • 🚶Head to the Front Door
    • ⌚ Wait a few minutes for the doorbell to ring and the lights to flash red
    • 🚪Open the Front Door
    • ⌚ Wait for the cutscene to finish

  • 🚶Follow Madison to Liz
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Madison and Liz
    • 💬 (I can help her with her trunk.)

  • 🚶Head to the Backyard (Patrick and Liz will disappear)
  • 🚶Head upstairs and wait outside of the Art Room

  • 🚶Wait for Liz to approach you
    • 💬 (That's a nice trunk you have.)
    • 💬 (I was asking about that cool trunk you brought.)
    • 💬 (It looks big enough to fit a body into?)
    • 💬 (...How do you know?)
    • 💬 (I'll be your audience.)
    • 💬 (Unless you and I are the chosen two?)
    • 💬 (How would a murder mystery party normally go?)

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Ask me anything.)
    • 💬 (Mikey)
    • 💬 (Ask me anything.)
    • 💬 (Definitely Deadpool.)
    • 💬 (Yeah Wolverine is pretty hairy.)

  • 👄 Talk to Liz again
    • 💬 (I hear you are a cosplayer?)
    • 💬 (Is that a profession?)
    • 💬 (I bet it's a lot of work though.)
    • 💬 (That's impressive! I stan.)

  • 👄 Talk to Liz again
    • 💬 (Should we open your trunk and shake up the party?)

❗Go to 'DLC Alt Path - Drunk Liz' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement to earn in that section.

  • 🚶Head to the Art Room
    • 💼 Use the Trunk Key with the Trunk
    • 🖐️ Take the Shake Light
    • 💼 Select the Shake Light in your inventory and select the Instructions
    • 💼 Turn on the Shake Light and shake it to shine more light

  • 🚶Head to the Garage
    • 🖐️ Attempt to reset the breaker panel
    • ⌚ Wait to get knocked out by the Unknown Assailant (fighting is useless)
    • 🖐️ Reset the breaker panel
    • 🖐️ Take the Murderer's Hammer on the floor
    • 💼 Use the Murderer's Hammer to break the door to the garage door
    • 🖐️ Open the garage door
    • 👄 Finish the convo with Madison

  • 🚶Head to the Kitchen
    • 💼 Use the Murderer's Hammer to break the freezer
    • 🖐️ Open the freezer
    • 👄 Finish the convo with Detective Katz
47 - DLC - Liz Katz, Part 2
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M47 Liz Katz / Female: F47 Liz Katz - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

It seems we have a murder to solve! Poor Patrick...

❗Go to 'DLC Alt Path - Overheating' for an alternate encounter. There is an achievement to earn in that section.

Getting Ahead
  • 🔍 Inspect Patrick's head

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (So this really isn't one of your murder mysteries?)
    • 💬 (Okay, I believe you Liz.)
    • 💬 (Partners in love?)
    • 💬 (Detective Katz, it looks like something is in the mouth of the decapitated head.)
    • 💬 (We can put it in the dryer.)

Stop It Step Bro
  • 🚶Follow Liz to the Laundry Room
    • 🚪Close the Laundry Room door
    • 👖Remove your clothes
    • ⌚ Wait for Liz to get stuck in the dryer
    • 🖐️ Spank Liz Katz butt
    • 🏆 Achievement: Stop It Step Bro
    • 👖 Put your clothes back on
    • 💼 Use the Murderer's Hammer on the Dryer
    • ⌚ Wait for Liz to give you Clue #1

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (What should we do with Patrick's disembodied head now?)

  • 🔍 Inspect Clue #1

Too Hot to Handle
  • 🚶Head to the backyard

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (You look hot Stephanie.)

  • 👕Remove your shirt
  • 🚶Make sure no one is in the Art Room

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (I investigated Stephanie as a witness and may have found a clue.)
    • 💬 (Stephanie had a pretty good idea to remove layers.)
    • 💬 (I don't know if that will help me cool off, but yes, definitely. Let's go!)

  • ⌚ Wait for the cutscene to end
  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

  • 🚶Head to the Kitchen
    • 🔍 Inspect the Thermostat

  • 🚶Head to the backyard
    • 🔍 Inspect the Knife in the AC Unit

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Detective Katz, I found a clue outside.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (I found a clue about what ever happened to Patrick.)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (I found a clue about what ever happened to Patrick.)

  • 🚶Head to the AC Unit in the backyard
    • ⌚ Wait for Madison and Ashley to meet you there

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Have you doth deduced any logical, um, deductions to produce an axiom of, um, evidential fact?)

  • 🖐️ Take the Knife
  • 💼 Use the Murderer's Hammer on the AC Unit
  • 🔍 Inspect Clue #2
48 - DLC - Liz Katz, Part 3
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M48 Liz Katz / Female: F48 Liz Katz - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

We have found some clues left by the murderer, but so far we still do not have any leads. Let's try to find more clues.

Acts of Asspionage
  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Do you feel like we are being watched?)
    • 💬 (But why the vents?)

  • 🚶Head to the Garage
    • 🖐️ Move aside the orange bin with the bloody vent behind it
    • 🔍 Inspect the Garage Air Vent

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Detective Katz, I found a clue in the Garage.)

  • 🚶Follow Liz to the Garage

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (It looks like there's something in the vent here, but the cover is jammed shut.)

  • 💼 Use the Murderer's Hammer on the Garage Air Vent
  • ⌚ Wait for Madison to talk to Liz
  • 🔍 Inspect Clue #3

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Are you okay?)

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Do you have any information at all about who invited you to the party tonight?)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (So I have a friend, and they locked themselves out of an online account, and out of curiosity, do you know anything about unlocking accounts?)

  • 🚶Follow Katherine to the Study

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (The person that invited Liz sent the invitation from Instagasm and all we have is the account name.)

  • 🚶Head to the Family Room
    • 🖐️ Take Clue #4 from the Printer
    • 🔍 Inspect Clue #4

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (I found out who invited you.)
    • 💬 (Oh... good?)

Last Will and Testament
  • 🚶Head to the Living Room
    • 🖐️ Take the Notebook on the cabinet with the Cat photo
    • 🔍 Inspect the Notebook
    • 💼 Hold the Notebook to see the notes and then put it away

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Do you think we have enough evidence to solve the murder mystery?)
    • 💬 (We found a note inside of Patrick's head.)
    • 💬 (They disposed of the body in the AC Unit.)
    • 💬 (We know Patrick invited you to the party to host the murder mystery as a possible cover up.)
    • 💬 (The Killer used the vents to get away.)

  • 👄 Talk to Rachel
    • 💬 (Do you know what this means in Patrick's Notebook?)

  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Secret Boob Options" option on the open briefcase
    • 💼 Enter the code from the top Patrick's Notebook (Flick Boob, Flick Boob, Squeeze Boob, Squeeze Boob, Pinch Boob, Twist Boob, Pinch Boob, Twist Boob, Lick Boob, Suck Boob)
    • 💬 (All your boobs are belong to me.)
    • 💬 (*Enter VR with Liz*)
    • 🏆 Achievement: It's An Older Code, But It Checks Out

  • 👄 Talk to VR Liz
    • 💬 (This is Patrick's VR Program.)

  • 👄 Talk to VR Patrick
    • 💬 (Please go on, Patrick. It's the least we can do to hear your final thoughts.)
    • 💬 (Ok, Patrick, I know this must be important. Please continue.)

  • 🔍 Inspect the Blueprints (to the left of the bed)
  • 🖐️ Take the Blueprints
  • 🔍 Inspect Clue #5 (Behind a pillow on the bed)
  • 🖐️ Take Clue #5
  • 🔍 Inspect the Discarded Magazine
  • 🖐️ Take the Discarded Magazine

  • 👄 Talk to VR Liz
    • 💬 (Looks like there's an ad for a 3d printer saved here.)

  • 👄 Talk to VR Liz again
    • 💬 (I found a 3D printing plan saved here.)

  • 👄 Talk to VR Liz again
    • 💬 (Did you find anything else here?)
    • 💬 (Oh hell yes.)
    • ⌚ Wait for the cutscene to end

Review the remaining Evidence
  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (The killer has a propensity to leave notes, offering a profile of a psychological need to be discovered.)
    • 💬 (Planting fake evidence in the form of fake blood in the AC unit was a purposeful misdirection to feign disposal of the nonexistent body.)
    • 💬 (Patrick recently recorded a last will and testament, indicating he may soon be dead, and providing a motivation for someone to kill him.)
    • 💬 (Patrick was the individual that invited you to the party tonight, making him the prime suspect involved with his own death.)
    • 💬 (The perpetrator' is using the vents to move around and watch us.)
49 - DLC - Liz Katz, Part 4
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M49 Liz Katz / Female: F49 Liz Katz - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

We are on the heels of the killer now and it's time to find out who killed Patrick!

Smoke 'Em and You Got 'Em
  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Any good ideas how we get the killer in the ventilation system?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek (if male) or Brittney (if female)
    • 💬 (The killer is in the vents. Any ideas how we can force them out?)

  • 🚶Head to the Backyard
    • 🖐️ Turn off the speaker
    • 🖐️ Take the speaker (while Derek is not nearby)
    • 🖐️ Take the broom

  • 🚶Head to the Backyard
    • 💼 Use the Broom with the AC Unit
❗Go to 'DLC Alt Path - Dumbest Player' for a timed encounter. There is an achievement to earn in that section. You can actually do this one and then return here if you want.
  • 🚶Head to the Living Room
    • 🖐️ Take the Matchbox (to the right of the fireplace)

  • 🚶Head to the Master Bedroom
    • 🖐️ Take the Penguin

  • 🚶Head to the Backyard
    • 💼 Use the Penguin with the Broom
    • 💼 Use the Matchbox with the Penguin

  • ⌚ Wait for Liz to approach you

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Do you know how the ventilation system works?)

  • 🚶Head to the Family Room
    • 🖐️ Take the Tablet (under the TV)
    • 💼 Hold the Tablet
    • 🖐️ Open the AC App on the Tablet to view the color coded AC vents

  • 🖐️ Close all the vents in by color group
    • 🖐️ Light Blue: Kitchen > Master Bedroom > Study
    • 🖐️ Blue: Laundry Room > Living Room (the room with the fireplace)
    • 🖐️ Pink: Family Room (where Frank sits) > Art Room > Spare Room

  • ⌚ Wait for Liz to approach you
    • 💬 (Woah you have psionic powers?)
    • 💬 (Yeah, but trust me, girl: You'd look hot in a Psylocke cosplay.)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison and Ashley
    • 💬 (We're about to force Patrick's killer into the garage.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank and Leah
    • 💬 (We need your help to capture Patrick's killer.)

  • 🖐️ Finish closing the remaining vents
    • 🖐️ Yellow: Downstairs Bathroom > Master Bathroom > Upstairs Hallway Bathroom

  • 🚶Head to the Garage
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation
    • 💬 (Patrick left his last will and testament with Compubrah right before he went missing, didn't you?)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Elementary, My Dear Player

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (Not too bad, if I do say so myself. But you! You were incredible!)
    • 💬 (I mean, I can take them off.)
    • 💬 (No, I really think you can.)
    • 💬 (I can handle it. I've been thinking about you all night.)
    • 💬 (I won't give any less than everything to make you climax.)
    • 💬 (Don't worry about me. You can do anything you want with me.)
    • 💬 (Detective Liz Katz, you are only turning me on.)
    • 💬 (I don't know what the future holds, but the present, right now, is what we can control. So let's start there and make our own fate.)

  • 😏 Have sex with Liz
    • 🏆 Achievement: Mask of Virility
    • 🥲 Say goodbye to Liz
⬇️ Original Story - Alternate Paths ⬇️
This part of the guide is dedicated to all of the alternate paths that can be taken during the original story. I moved these out of the main guide because I noticed people accidentally saving over their primary save files while doing these, so I am hoping that by taking them out of the main guide, people stop running in to those issues.
Alt Path - Madison Drunk
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M03 Madison Drunk / Female: F03 Madison Drunk

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '03 - Madison, Part 1'

Get Madison s**t-faced
  • 🍺 Beer 1
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Madison (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 2
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Madison another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Madison (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 3
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Madison another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Madison (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Eh, at least someone will be having a good time.)
    • 💬 (Deal!)

  • 🍺 Beer 4
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Madison another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Madison (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 5
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Madison another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Madison (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 6
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Madison another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Madison (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison

  • 🏃 Escort Madison around the party (any order)
    • 🚶 Approach Katherine
    • 🚶 Approach Rachel
    • 🚶 Approach Brittney
    • 🚶 Approach Frank
    • 🚶 Approach Ashley (outside at sliding door)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Drunk and Disorderly: Madison
Alt Path - Katherine Photoshoot
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M05 Katherine Photos / Female: F05 Katherine Photos

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '05 - Katherine, Part 1'

Get Katherine to go somewhere more private
  • 💼 Turn on the cell phone jammer

  • 🚶 Go to Katherine
    • 🏃 Stand next to Katherine and follow her around until she goes somewhere private (like the Art Studio or the side of the back yard)
    • 💼 Turn off the jammer
    • 🚪 Enter the room and close the door

Take topless photos of Katherine
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (So how about taking that topless pic for me now?)
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine again
    • 💬 (How about taking your top off?)
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine again
    • 💬 (I don't think this is what Frank meant when he said "topless".)
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine again
    • 💬 (Let's try a pose.)
    • 👉 Select any of the poses (do not select the option for her to touch herself)
Alt Path - Party Pooper
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M06 Party Pooper/ Female: F06 Party Pooper

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '06 - Stephanie, Part 1'

Party Pooper
  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom and enter the closet
    • 🖐️ Take the Laxatives (in the closet)

  • 🚶 Go into the master bathroom and close the door
    • 💼 Use the laxatives with the Rum
    • 💼 Drink the Tampered Rum
    • 🏆 Achievement: Party Pooper
Alt Path - Stephanie Emergency
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M06 Steph Emergency/ Female: F06 Steph Emergency

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '06 - Stephanie, Part 1'

Create a medical emergency
  • 🚶 Go to the master bedroom closet
    • 🚪 Close the doors
    • 💼 Use the rum with the laxatives on the shelf near the door (while Katherine is not nearby)

  • 🔒 Close and lock the downstairs bathroom door

  • 💼 Give the Tampered Rum to Katherine (while Frank/Leah is not nearby)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine

  • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to get sick
    • 🏃 Follow Katherine outside

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine

  • 🚶 Go to the living room where Stephanie is dancing
    • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to announce to everyone to get out of the way
    • ⌚ Wait for Frank to bust the bathroom door open

  • 👉 Approach Frank and select the "Slap Awake" option
    • 💬 (Good job, buddy.)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank again
    • 💬 (So, Lazer Frank, do you think I could get some of that booze?)
    • 💬 (Thanks dude!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Do You Smell Blood?

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Katherine's really sick and she needs your help!)
    • 💬 (What? Why are those your first guesses?)

  • 🏃 Follow Stephanie to the bathroom and listen to the conversation

Calm Stephanie down
  • 🏃 Follow Stephanie upstairs

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie

  • 🚶 Go outside and turn right and head to the side of the house
    • 🖐️ Take the Fast Food bag on the ground (near the AC unit)

  • 💼 Give the Fast Food Bag to Stephanie and wait for the conversation to end

  • 🏃 Follow Stephanie downstairs and listen to the conversation (if she doesn't head down on her own, just talk to her again)

  • 🚶 Go upstairs to the master bathroom
    • 🖐️ Take the Gut Grip (on the floor beside the toilet)

  • 🚶 Go to the Art Studio and open the door

  • 👄 Approach Stephanie
    • 💬 (Okay. Here you go.)
    • 💬 (What are you doing up here?)
    • 💬 (You're being weird.)

  • 🚪 Leave the room and close the door

  • ⌚ Wait for her to start huffing paint
    • 🚪 Kick open the door and enter the room
    • 💬 (What the hell are you doing?)
    • 💬 (Stephanie! Stop this!)

  • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Stephanie and Katherine

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Right d*** now.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Stephanie

  • 🚶 Go upstairs to the master bedroom
    • 🚪 When it is clear and Stephanie is inside, close and lock the door

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (This is the spot. What's lesson 1?)

  • 😏 Enjoy the cutscene
Alt Path - Stephanie Drunk
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M07 Stephanie Drunk/ Female: F07 Stephanie Drunk

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '07 - Stephanie, Part 2'

Get Stephanie really drunk
  • 🍺 Beer 2
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Stephanie another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Stephanie (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Tell me the worst part of working at Chubbies.)

  • 🍺 Beer 3
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Stephanie another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Stephanie (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 4
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Stephanie another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Stephanie (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (You should quit.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Stephanie to steal Katherine's phone and call her manager

  • 🏃 Follow Stephanie to the hot tub

  • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to get her phone back
    • 🏆 Achievement: Drunk and Disorderly: Stephanie

  • ⌚ Wait for Stephanie to get up

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (Steph, you knocked out your front teeth!)
Alt Path - Arin Drunk
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M10 Arin Drunk / Female: F10 Arin Drunk

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '10 - Game Grumps, Part 1'

Get Arin drunk
  • 🍺 Beer 1
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Arin (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 2
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Arin another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Arin (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 3
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Arin another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Arin (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)
    • ⌚ Wait a minute for Arin to get Drunk and annoy Frank

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Arin Fight' for a optional encounter where Arin fights Frank. There is no achievement to earn in that section.

❗Go to 'Alt Path - Magic Steeds' for an optional encounter with the Game Grumps. There are achievements to earn in that section.
Alt Path - Arin Fight
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M10 Arin Fight / Female: F10 Arin Fight

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing 'Alt Path - Arin Drunk'

Get Arin to fight Mega-Turbo Frank
  • 👄 Talk to Arin
    • 💬 (Ya know, I overheard him saying he's the party boy. Not you. He's the one with the fun!)
    • ⌚ Watch Frank as he gives Arin a beat down
Alt Path - Magic Steeds
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M10 Magic Steeds / Female: F10 Magic Steeds

Note: This is an optional encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing 'Alt Path - Arin Drunk'

Get Arin to invite Frank to the D-Club
  • 👄 Talk to Arin
    • 💬 (Take it easy! Frank's just keeping everyone sober. ...By guarding the booze cabinet like it's his hot cousin.)
    • 🏃 Follow Dan and Arin as they confront Frank

  • 🏃 Follow Arin and Frank upstairs
    • 🚪 Open the door to the laundry room

  • 🏃 Follow Arin and Frank back downstairs
    • 🏆 Achievement: D-Club Certified

Help the Grumps find their magic steeds
  • 💼 Give the Starbomb Box to Dan or Arin

  • 🏃 Follow Dan and Arin to the hot tub and approach them
    • 💼 Throw three Starbombs into the water

  • 🏃 Follow Dan and Arin to the fire pit and sit down

  • 👄 Talk to Dan or Arin
    • 💼 Throw a starbomb into the fire pit
    • ⌚ Watch as Dan and Arin discover the special properties of their starbombs

  • 🚶 Approach Dan and Arin once they mount their noble steeds
    • 🏆 Achievement: Do Not Burn
Alt Path - La Coochadora
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M14 La Coochadora / Female: F14 La Coochadora

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '14 - Lety, Part 1'

Save Lety from Leah
  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to follow Leah outside
    • 👂 Stand next to Leah and Lety and listen to the first part of the Leah's business opportunity

  • 🏃 Quickly go stand right in front of the hot tub as Lety makes her way towards leah in the back yard

  • 🏃 Quickly run away from Leah until she gives up chasing you (If she catches you it's game over)

Give Lety bad advice about Madison
  • 👄 Talk to Lety again once she is comfy being here
    • 💬 (You're not just gonna let me loose without some kind of clue, right? You could at least give me a juice box or something...)

  • 👄 Talk to Lety again
    • 💬 (You know how I'm an idiot, right? Well I'm gonna need you to repeat what you need from me.)
    • 💬 (Yeah it's Ashley's sister Madison!)
    • 💬 (The Scorpion Booze!)

  • 👄 Wait for Lety to meet Madison in the garage
    • ⌚ Finish the conversation with Madison

  • ⌚ Wait for Madison to leave

Grope Derek
  • 👄 Talk to Lety once she is ready

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (You and Madison? Anything ever happen there?)

  • 👄 Talk to Lety
    • 💬 (Derek and Madison, I'm picking up some vibes...f***in' vices, to be exact.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to approach Derek

  • 👂 Listen to the first part about Lety wanting to grope Derek

  • 👋 Grope Derek's chest (hold down the right mouse button)

  • ⌚ Wait for Patrick to approach you

  • 🚶 Approach Derek

Give Lety bad advice about Brittney
  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to approach you
    • 💬 (I bet she'll love Sancho!)

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety to approach Brittney and follow them upstairs

  • ⌚ Listen to the conversation between Lety and Brittney

  • 🏆 Achievement: La Coochadora
Alt Path - Benedict Brahrnold
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M16 Benedict Brahrnold / Female: F16 Benedict Brahrnold

Note: This is an optional encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '16 - Patrick, Part 1'

Betray Patrick
  • 💼 Give the thermos to Patrick (when Frank/Leah are not around)

  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • 🏃 Follow Rachael outside to the fire pit and approach Patrick

  • 🔍 Inspect the C*** Keyring (attached to Patrick's exposed junk)

Choose one of the following:
  • Option 1 (You give Patrick a BJ)
    • 💬 (Alright, what do you need me to do?)
    • 💬 (Alright...phew...okay! Here we go!)
    • 😏 Wait for Patrick to finish

  • Option 2 (Rachael gives Patrick a BJ)
    • 💬 (Why don't you help him out?!)
    • 💬 (You have to keep going! You're doing so good!)
    • 😏 Wait for Patrick to finish

  • 🖐️ Take the C*** Keyring

  • 💼 Give the C*** Keyring to Rachael

  • 👉 Select the "Use with" option on the Open Briefcase and select the C*** Keyring

  • 💼 Give the Open Briefcase to Rachael
    • 💬 (You said I'd get whatever was in this case as a prize for helping.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Benedict Brahrnold

Have VR sex with Rachael
  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (Oh I'm definitely ready...)
    • 💬 (*Select Rachael*]
    • 🍆 Remove all of your clothes
    • 😏 Have sex with Rachael
Alt Path - Derezzed
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M19 Derezzed / Female: F19 Derezzed

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during '19 - Lety, Part 3'

Watch the world burn
  • 👂 Resume the conversation with Lety and Rachael
    • 💬 (You have only one choice. This party must be destroyed! You have my axe...p****. Axe-p****.)

  • 🍿 Follow Lety and Rachael around the party

  • ⌚ Wait for Lety and Rachael to finish everyone off

  • 👄 Talk to Lety and select the ridiculous cutscene

  • 😏 Enjoy your threesome with Lety and Rachael
    • 🏆 Achievement: Derezzed
Alt Path - Sex with Rachael
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M19 Sex with Rachael/ Female: F19 Sex with Rachael

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '19 - Lety, Part 3''

Give Patrick's phone to Katherine
  • 💼 Give Patrick's phone to Katherine

  • 🏃 Follow Katherine upstairs to the study

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to tell you she had a wet dream about you
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (while Rachael is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Send it to Rachael. 555-4242.)
    • 💬 (Send it from Vickie Vixen. Her number is 555-6969)
    • 💬 (Dare you to tell the cutest guy at the party you had a wet dream about him last night.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to approach you

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to remove her shirt
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (while Rachael is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to say it's hot and change into your bikini top.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to change

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to remove her pants
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (she will tell you that the WIFI is down)

  • 👉Open the closet in the study
    • 👉Turn the router off (it's on the shelf)
    • 👉Turn the router on
    • ⌚ Wait for Katherine to confirm the internet is back up

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (while Rachael is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to lose your pants for the rest of the party.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to change

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to flash you
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to flash your t*** to the cutest guy at the party.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to approach you
    • 💬 (Sure thing!)

  • 🏃 Follow Rachael outside
    • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to ask if it is ok for her to flash you
    • 💬 (Wait, how does your friend know me?)
    • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to flash you and talk to you again

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to get naked in front of you
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to get completely naked for the cutest guy at the party for 30 seconds.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to get the text and then approach you
    • 💬 (Sure thing!)

  • 🏃Follow Rachael outside
    • 💬 (Well I mean, if it'll help you win your bet. I suppose I can do that for you...)
    • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to get naked and talk to you again

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to masturbate in private
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (while Rachael is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to find somewhere private, then strip naked and masturbate]

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to get the text

  • 🚶 Go to the backyard
    • 🧗 Climb the gutter
    • ⌚ Stand outside the window to the art studio
    • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to enter the room
    • 👋 To go full creep, expose yourself and then masturbate [1] (put your p**** away after you finish)
    • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to finish and leave the room

Have "Vickie" dare Rachael to have sex with you
  • 👄 Talk to Katherine (while Rachael is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Can you send a spoofed text message for me?)
    • 💬 (Dare you to f*** the cutest guy at the party.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Rachael to approach you
    • 💬 (*Ahem* Listen, about all those texts, there's something I need to tell you...)
    • 💬 (I guess honesty really is the best...uh, please. Yes please.)

  • 🏃Follow Rachael to the master bedroom
    • 🔒 Close and lock the door (while nobody else is inside)

Have sex with Rachael
  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • ⌚ Wait for her to get naked

  • 😏 Have sex with Rachael
    • 🏆 Achievement: Rachael

If you didn't have VR sex with Rachael after betraying Patrick, here is another (and last) opportunity to do so. This is the better VR encounter with Rachael (as opposed to the incomplete version we got after helping Patrick.)

Have VR sex with Rachael
  • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again

  • 💼 Open your inventory and select the "Use VR" option on the open briefcase
    • 💬 (Oh I'm definitely ready...)
    • 💬 (*Select Rachael*)
    • 🍆 Remove all of your clothes
    • 😏 Have sex with Rachael
Alt Path - Notice Me Sensei
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M22 Notice Me Sensei / Female: F22 Notice Me Sensei

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during '22 - Vickie, Part 4'

Receive oral from Leah
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie (while Amy is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Go ahead and test me again...)
    • ⌚ Wait for Vickie to finish
    • 💬 (F*** yeah we did! He was no match for me. It was an unfair fight to be honest...)

  • 👄 Wait for Leah to talk to you
    • 💬 (Yes. I did that.)

  • 🏃 Quickly follow Leah to the garage

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Yes, I will show you how how to craft such a temple, and if you are lucky, how best to make use of it.)
    • 💬 (Power flows through the core. This is a rudimentary question, student!)
    • 💬 (I can sense your familiarity with this lesson, but not your commitment. Show me your best uh..."Terminator Burpee"!)
    • 💬 (You must practice being nimble, and learn to adapt. Show me how well your body can switch between opposite forms.)
    • 💬 (Constantly push yourself, for often, it is we who are our own greatest enemy.)
    • 💬 (Like this. Watch closely as I channel my inner Edward Honda...)

  • 😏 Receive oral from Leah
    • 🏆 Achievement: Notice Me, Sensei
Alt Path - Humiliate Ashley
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M24 Humiliate Ashley / Female: F24 Humiliate Ashley

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '24 - Ashley, Part 2'

Humiliate Ashley
  • 🚶 Go to the downstairs bathroom
    • 🔒 Close and lock the downstairs bathroom door from the outside

  • 🚶 Go upstairs to the master bedroom
    • 🚪 Enter the closet and close the doors
    • 💼 Use the soda with the laxatives
    • 🔒 Close and lock the master bathroom door from the outside

  • 🚶 Go to the upstairs hallway
    • 🔒 Close and lock the upstairs hallway bathroom door

  • 💼 Give the tampered soda to Ashley
    • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to get an upset stomach

  • 🏃 Follow Ashley to the upstairs bathroom

  • 🏃 Follow Ashley to the master bathroom

  • 🏃 Follow Ashley to the downstairs bathroom
    • ⌚ Wait for Madison to walk up and acknowledge the prank

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 👨 (So what are your co-conspirator's chances of getting a blow job?)
    • 👩 (So what are your co-conspirator's chances of getting eaten out?)
    • 💬 (Let's go to your room then.)

  • 🏃 Go upstairs to the master bedroom and make sure it is clear
    • 🔒 Close and lock the master bedroom door from the outside

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (Frank, I overheard somebody saying they had some alcohol! What do we do?)
    • 💬 (Solid plan Frank! Let's do it!)

  • 🏃 Go upstairs to the master bedroom and close the door (leave it unlocked)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 👨 (So what are your co-conspirator's chances of getting a blow job?)
    • 👩 (So what are your co-conspirator's chances of getting eaten out?)
    • 🍆 Expose yourself (if male)
    • ⌚ Wait for Frank to walk in on you
    • 🏆 Achievement: Caught in the Act

  • 🏃 Head up to the spare room and approach Ashley
    • 💬 (Is it now? Well, I guess I could part with them...)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (Look at you kickin' back, Ashley! I'm gonna find a new spot to chill. Care to join?)
    • 💬 Choose any location other than here

Threesome with Vickie and Madison
  • 👄 Talk to Vickie
    • 💬 (I'm back, and I've been thinking about who our "Special Friend" could be!?)
    • 💬 (Madison! I'd love to see more of her wild side...)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie to where Madison is
    • 💬 (Madison, I think it's time you channel the great dumpster raccoon.)

  • 🏃 Follow Vickie and have sex with her and Madison
    • ⌚ Wait until you are ready to have sex again
    • 👖 Put back on all of your clothes
Alt Path - Howz it Goin Dood
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M25 Howz It Goin / Female: F25 Howz It Goin

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during '25 - Madison, Part 2'

Fail to diffuse the situation
👨Male Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Derek a few times until the following dialogue option appears
    • 💬 (Derek, there's gotta be something I can do.)

  • 👄 Proceed through the conversation with Madison and Derek (you may have to talk to Derek again one or two more times)
    • 💬 (Alright alright, I admit it!)

  • ⌚ Wait for the screen to fade to black
    • 🏃 Finish the conversation with Frank, and then immediately run out of the bedroom (he will try to punch you and if he connects, you will lose the game. If that happens, reload the previous save and try again.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Howz it Goin Dood
Alt Path - Mission Impawsible (Male)
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M25 Mission Impawsible

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '25 - Madison, Part 2'

This entire section is only meant for the male player.

Mission Impawsible
👨 Male Player:
  • 🚶 Go to the Kitchen
    • 👉 Drink from the faucet

  • 🚶 Go to the backyard, behind the hot tub
    • 🔍 Inspect the mound of dirt
    • 👉 Search the mound of dirt
    • 🖐️ Take the collar

  • 🚶 Go to the spare bedroom
    • 💼 Use the Tiny Key with the bike lock
    • 👉 Open the closet
    • 👉 Inspect the Terrarium

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (You wouldn't happen to know anything about this cat collar I found buried in the backyard, would you?)
    • 💬 (Ashley,
      Stephanie told me you were crying over the mound where I found the collar. Fess
    • 💬 (We’re talking about a life here! A little furry life! Tell me what happened!)
    • 💬 (...Aaannnd consider me warned. No need for backroom deals, I'm sold!)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (I know you're mad at me but we have to talk about Purgalicious.)
    • 💬 (That's exactly what I'm saying. You've caught the killer without even knowing it!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Snapped

  • 🚶 Follow Derek around until he approaches to the fire pit.

💾 Save your game to an alternate save. This is an optional encounter.

Let it burn
👨 Male Player:
  • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Derek and Madison and wait for Derek to get blasted back from the fire
  • ⌚ Wait as the fire burns the trail of motor oil catches the garage on fire
  • 🏃 Run to the front door

↩️ Load your alternate save. This is an optional encounter.

Put out the fire
👨 Male Player:
  • 👂 Listen to the conversation between Derek and Madison and wait for Derek to get blasted back from the fire

  • 🍆 Press [p] to expose yourself

  • 🍆 Hold [2] to pee on the fire as the oil catches fire. Be sure to put the fire out!

  • ⌚ Wait for Madison to talk to you
    • 💬 (Heard some s***, and got my buddy’s back…which I guess included keeping him out of prison.)

  • 👖 Press [p] to put your p***s away

  • 👉 Poke Derek

  • 👉 Poke Derek again

  • 👄 Talk to Derek once he gets up
Alt Path - The Muse Madison
💾 Save file - Male: M26 Muse Madison

Note: This is an optional encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during '26 - Derek, Part 1 (Male)'

Betray Derek
👨 Male Player:
  • 👄 Approach Madison
    • 💬 (You got it!)

  • 🔒 Close and lock the door

  • 🍆 Take off all of your clothes

  • 👄 Talk to Madison

  • 😏 Have sex with Madison
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Muse: Madison
Alt Path - Host Hijinx Single
💾 Save file - Female: F26 Host Hijinx

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during '26 - Derek, Part 1 (Female)'

Host Hijinx - One Surprise Guest
👨 Female Player:
  • 💼 Give the Collar to Derek (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (If you're going to do this, you need to send the perfect person to barge in on her.)
    • 😈 Select whichever guest you want to be your accomplice (Note: Ashley, Patrick, or Stephanie will be slightly less embarrassing for her.) - You can try each guest by reloading your save at the end of this part if you would like to see how each one reacts

  • 🏃 Head upstairs to the Master Bedroom
    • 👉 Open the drawer on the left nightstand
    • 🖐️ Take the Sleeping Mask (while Madison is not nearby)

  • 💼 Give the Sleeping Mask to Derek (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Let's do it.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Derek to approach you
    • 💬 (Let's do this.)

  • 👄 Talk to the surprise guest you selected (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Madison needs you when you get a minute) - The dialogue is different per person, so choose the option that resembles this

  • 👄 Talk to Derek upstairs
    • 💬 (We are a go for Operation: Madison Is About To Be Caught Tits Out At Her Own Party.)

  • 🚶‍♀️WALK to the Master Bedroom door and select "Open Slowly..."

  • 🚶‍♀️Sneak into the Master Bedroom closet (do not run) and wait for Derek
    • 👂 Listen to the dialogue and wait until the surprise guest you selected catches Madison

  • ⌚ Exit the closet and wait for Madison to approach you and Derek
    • 🏆 Achievement: Host Hijinx
Alt Path - Host Hijinx Multi
💾 Save file - Female: F26 Host Hijinx

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during '26 - Derek, Part 1 (Female)'

Host Hijinx - Multiple Surprise Guests
👨 Female Player:
  • 🚶 Give the Collar to Derek (away from Madison)
    • 💬 (Why just one person? Send the whole d*mn party up there!)
    • 💬 (Think about all the pranks she has pulled on you.)

  • 🏃 Head upstairs to the Master Bedroom
    • 👉 Open the drawer on the left nightstand
    • 🖐️ Take the Sleeping Mask (while Madison is not nearby)

  • 💼 Give the Sleeping Mask to Derek (while Madison is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Let's do it.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Derek to approach you
    • 💬 (Let's do this.)

  • 👄 Talk to three guests of your choosing and tell them that Madison is hosting an art show upstairs (Amala, Arin, Dan, and Lety are not selectable) - You can try each guest by reloading your save at the end of this part if you would like to see how each one reacts

  • 👄 Talk to Derek upstairs
    • 💬 (We are a go for Operation: Madison Is About To Be Caught Tits Out At Her Own Party.)

  • ⌚ Watch the prank unfold
    • 🏆 Achievement: Host Hijinx
Alt Path - Smooth Op Ashley
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M26 Smooth Op Ashley / Female: F26 Smooth Op Ashley

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '26 - Derek, Part 1'

Have sex with Ashley
  • 💼 Give the clean clothes to Ashley

  • 👉 Secure Ashley's top (click on her back)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (I'd like to see your room.)

  • 👂 Sit on the sofa and listen to Ashley
    • 💬 (What about the guitar?)
    • 💬 (And the whiteboard?)

  • 👄 Finish the conversation and wait for Ashley to get on the floor
    • 🍆 Remove all of your clothes
    • 😏 Have sex with Ashley
    • 👉 Remove her bottoms
    • 🏆 Achievement: Smooth Operator: Ashley
Alt Path - Drunk Ashley
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M28 Drunk Ashley / Female: F28 Drunk Ashley

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '28 - Ashley, Part 4'

Get Ashley Trashed
  • 🍺 Beer 4
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Ashley (while Frank/Leah are not nearby)
    • 💬 (You should tell her how you feel. Clear the air.)

  • ⌚ Wait for Ashley to confront Madison
    • 💬 (You're about to get what you deserve, Madison!)
    • 💬 (Let it all out Ash. Right now!)

  • ⌚ Wait for the fight to end
    • 🏆 Achievement: Drunk and Disorderly: Ashley
Alt Path - Ronin
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M30 Ronin / Female: F30 Ronin

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '30 - Amy, Part 1'

Convince Leah to join the Dark Side (Evil path)
  • 🚶Crouch down and talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Okay here you go. Yeah about that Katana...)
    • 💬 (We've got a problem.. That Katana is a straight up tool of destruction!)
    • 👂 Remain in the bushes and eavesdrop on Frank's conversation

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 ( yourself to the dark side...)

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (What the hell is Frankie's F***around Club?)
    • 💬 (Wow! Tell me more!)

  • 🚶 Head outside and wait for Frank to call out to you

  • 🚶 Approach Leah in the bushes on the right side of the back yard
    • 👉 Turn on the light on Madison's phone and shine it on Leah
    • 🏆 Achievement: Now it's a Party

  • 🚶 Allow the confrontation between Leah and Frank to play out
    • 💬 (Your bidding is my command, master.)

  • 👉 Put Madison's phone away

  • 🚶 Approach Frank in the back yard

  • 🧗 Climb the gutter and approach Frank on the roof

  • 🚶 Approach Frank in the Laundry Room

Improve your combat ability

This is optional to improve your combat ability for your upcoming fight with Frank
  • 🚶 Head to the garage
    • 🥤 Practice beer pong (get a score of 2)

  • 🚶 Head to the kitchen and open the fridge
    • 🍗 Eat the chicken nuggets
    • 🐟 Eat the salmon
    • 🍖 Eat the salami

  • 💼 Open your inventory
    • 🥤 Drink the soda in your inventory
    • 🍺 Drink some of the Natty Lites in your inventory (away from Frank/Leah, and make sure you keep 5 in your inventory for use later)

  • ⌚ Wait to sober up
💾 Save your game to an alternate might lose a lot

Kick Frank's Ass
  • 🚶 Approach Frank in the backyard by the fire pit
    • 💬 (Hell yeah that's right! I'm ready *right now*, let's go Frank!)
    • 💬 (Pffffft I've totally thought this through, en garde!)

  • 👊 Knock Frank out (good luck...punch, back up, rinse, repeat)
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Harder They Fall...Dood

  • ⌚ Wait for Frank to get up
    • 🏆 Achievement: Ronin
💾 Save your game to an alternate save
  • 🍆 Remove your clothes

  • 👄 Talk to Leah to have sex with her (be quick or you will fail)

Before you proceed, you should be able to have a threesome with Leah and Vickie in her evil form.
Alt Path - Sex with Amy
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M33 Sex with Amy / Female: F33 Sex with Amy

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '33 - Amy, Part 2'.

Before we proceed, let's see what would happen if we convince Amy to stop the scavenger hunt.

Cozy up to Amy
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.)
    • 💬 (Keep your dignity. F*** the sorority. You'll regret it if you give in to them!)

  • 👄 Talk to Amy again
    • 💬 (So what are you going to do not that you've decided against the sorority?)
    • 💬 (Yeah sure, that sounds great! I'd love to join you!)

  • 🚶 Go to the fire pit
    • 👉 Sit on a lawn chair beside Amy

  • 💼 Give the hot chocolate to Amy

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (This is really relaxing!)
    • 💬 (I try to seek out the company of interesting people like you.)
    • 💬 (I just want to get to know you better.)
    • 💬 (It's not about where you are, it's about who you are.)
    • 💬 (What do you say we seek out a more secluded area...)
    • 💬 (It's been nothing short of a total pleasure meeting you!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Amy

Hook up with Amy
  • 🏃 Follow Amy upstairs
    • 🚪 Clear the room and close the door

  • 👖 Remove all of your clothes

  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (So how about you and I have a little fun?)
    • 💬 Select the options to get Amy in various stages of undress and fool around by kissing and giving each other oral
    • 💬 Select the option to have sex with her

  • 👖 Put your clothes back on
Alt Path - Love Conquers All
💾 Save file - Female: F34 Love Conquers All

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '34 - Brittney, Part 3 (Female)'

Confess your feelings towards Brittney
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I'm just going to come out and say it: I like you.)
    • 💬 (Give me a chance and I can show you something special.)
    • 💬 (Is that how you really feel?)
    • 💬 (Give me another chance.)

Have sex with Brittney
👩 Female Player:
  • 👉 Secure Ashley's top (click on her back)

  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to approach you
    • 💬 (Oh really? What did you like?)
    • 💬 (It's perfect out tonight. Let's go for a walk by the fire.)
    • 💬 (Is that how you really feel?)
    • 💬 (Give me another chance.)

  • 🏃 Follow Brittney to the fire pit

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I caught your drift and I'm in!)

  • 🏃 Follow Brittney upstairs

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (Enough good girl, time to be a little bad.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Love Conquers All
Alt Path - The Crush
💾 Save file - Female: F35 The Crush

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing '35 - Brittney, Part 4 (Female)'

The Crush
👩 Female Player:
  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I think I've got some useful info about Amy.)
    • 💬 (I think we've laid enough groundwork. Ready to step up to the plate and take a swing?)

  • ⌚ Wait for Brittney to approach Amy
    • 💬 (Any chance I can watch?)

  • 🏃 Head upstairs to the spare room and hide in the right closet
    • 💬 Spy on Brittney and Amy having sex
    • 🏆 Achievement: The Crush
Alt Path - Good Riddance
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M43 / Female: F43

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done before completing '43 - Frank, Part 3'

Nail in the Coffin
  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (It's tough not being the big guy on campus, huh?)
    • 💬 (Nobody respects you Frank. They think you're a loser.)
    • 💬 (You're just a sad, weird, elephant-balled freak of nature.)
    • 💬 (Hahaha-hoooollly f**k! Those are some big-a** bizarro balls! And that d**k, tiny!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Good Riddance!
Alt Path - Game Grumps Leave
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M44 Game Grumps Leave / Female: F44 Game Grumps Leave

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done before completing '44 - Game Grumps, Part 3'

Provide Dan and Arin an easy way to leave the party
  • 💼 Attempt to give Patrick's phone to Dan

  • 💼 Attempt to give Patrick's phone to Dan again

  • 🏃 Follow Dan and Arin as they leave the party
⬇️ DLC - Alternate Paths ⬇️
DLC Alt Path - Drunk Amala
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M46 Doja Cat Drunk Amala / Female: F46 Doja Cat Drunk Amala - Be sure the Doja Cat DLC has been enabled

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done after completing 'DLC - Doja Cat, Part 1'

Get Amala drunk
  • 🍺 Beer 3
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Amala another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Amala (while Frank is not nearby)
    • 💬 (Yeah, what's up with that?)
    • 💬 (Live the dream!)

  • Follow Amala outside
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that Amala can trim some bushes
    • 👂 Listen to the conversation with Amala
    • 💬 (Enjoy the house party!)
    • 🏆Achievement: That's a nice bush!
DLC Alt Path - Hungry Hot Tub
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M48 Doja Cat Hungry Tub / Female: F48 Doja Cat Hungry Tub - Be sure the Doja Cat DLC has been enabled

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done during 'DLC - Doja Cat, Part 3'

How to Build a...Flimsy Stage
  • 🚶 Approach the hot tub
    • 💼 Use the Hot Tub Cover with the hot tub (the interactive point is on the steps)

  • 👄 Talk to Doja Cat
    • 💬 (I put the hot tub cover on the hot tub. You can use that for a stage!)
    • 💬 (We're ready for Doja's Dope-Ass Dinolicious Danceapalooza.)
    • 💬 (You got it, what do you need?)
    • 💬 (I'm ready!)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Hungry Hungry Hot Tubs
DLC Alt Path - Drunk Liz
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M46 Liz Katz Drunk Liz / Female: F46 Liz Katz Drunk Liz - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done before starting 'DLC - Liz Katz, Part 1'

Get Liz drunk
  • 🍺 Beer 1
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Liz (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 2
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Liz another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Liz (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🍺 Beer 3
    • ⌚ Wait a minute so that you can give Liz another beer
    • 💼 Give a Natty Lite to Liz (while Frank is not nearby)

  • 🚶Follow Liz to the Art Room (if she is not already there)

  • 🚶Follow Liz to the Hot Tub (If she is not getting in the Hot Tub, turn off the speaker, take the speaker and broom and wait for Stephanie and Brittney to clear out)
    • 😏 Watch Liz have some fun with her tentacle
    • 🏆Achievement: Release the Kraken
DLC Alt Path - Overheating
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M47 Liz Katz Overheating / Female: F47 Liz Katz Overheating - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

Note: This is an alternate encounter. Save your game to your primary save before doing this and DO NOT overwrite your primary save after completing this section. This is intended to be done before 'DLC - Liz Katz, Part 2'

  • 👄 Talk to Liz
    • 💬 (So this really isn't one of your murder mysteries?)
    • 💬 (Okay, I believe you Liz.)
    • 💬 (Partners in love?)
    • 💬 (Detective Katz, it looks like something is in the mouth of the decapitated head.)
    • 💬 (Let's nuke it in the microwave oven. It's the only way to be sure.)

  • 🖐️ Take Patrick's head
  • 🖐️ Open the Microwave
  • 💼 Use Patrick's Head with the Microwave
  • ⌚ Wait for Patrick's head to explode
  • 🏆 Achievement: That's Not How You Get Ahead
DLC Alt Path - Dumbest Player
💾 Save file(s) - Male: M49 Liz Katz Dumb Player / Female: F49 Liz Katz Dumb Player - Be sure the Liz Katz DLC has been enabled

Note: This is not an alternate encounter, but it just requires some waiting. This is intended to be done during 'DLC - Liz Katz, Part 4'

Dumbest Player
  • ⌚Wait until you are given a hint about what to do next
  • ⌚Continue waiting
  • 🏆 Achievement: Dumbest Player Achievement
⬇️ Appendix ⬇️
This part of the guide is dedicated to appendix sections that provide additional information.
Appendix - Achievement Cleanup
💾 Start a new game. This entire section is optional and only necessary for achievements.

🏆 First Impressions
  • 🍆 Press "y" and get completely naked

  • 🚶Run around the house and approach each of the guests
    • 🏆 Achievement: First Impressions

🏆 Ice Bath
  • 👄 Talk to Amy
    • 💬 (I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?)

  • 👄 Talk to Ashley
    • 💬 (D**n! I wish I was cross-eyed so I could see you twice!)

  • 👄 Talk to Brittney
    • 💬 (I don't have a library card, but can I check you out anyway?)

  • 👄 Talk to Derek
    • 💬 (Later Derek]

  • 👄 Talk to Frank
    • 💬 (I'm gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later Frank.)

  • 👄 Talk to Katherine
    • 💬 (I like your glasses. They make you look smart!)

  • 👄 Talk to Leah
    • 💬 (Seeya around, Leah.)
    • 💦 Ejaculate onto Leah (Press "1" to masturbate)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (This party is kinda lame if I'm being honest.)
    • 💦 Ejaculate onto Madison

  • 👄 Talk to Patrick
    • 💬 (See you around Patrick.)

  • 👄 Talk to Rachael
    • ↓↓↓ (If you saw the fight)
    • 💬 (You shouldn't be such an a**hole to people.)
    • ↓↓↓ (If you didn't see the fight)
    • 💬 (So... What's your sign?)

  • 👄 Talk to Stephanie
    • 💬 (What do you do for work, Steph?)
    • 💬 (And you're a cook, I take it?)
    • 💬 (I think it's disgusting and demeaning.)
    • 🏆 Achievement: Ice Bath

🏆 Relentless
  • 👖 Put your clothes back on

  • ⌚ Wait for Madison to approach you
    • 💬 (I don't give a s**t about any of this.)
    • 💬 (Will do!)

  • 👄 Talk to Madison
    • 💬 (Hey I saw Patrick sticking some of your s**t down his pants. I think he's trying to clep some stuff.)
    • ⌚ Wait for Madison to knock Patrick out
    • 🖐️ Take the Merlot that Patrick drops (when Frank or Leah are not nearby)
    • 🔁 Repeat this four more times
    • 🏆 Achievement: Relentless

🏆 Congrats, a Celebrity Hates You (Doja Cat DLC)
  • 👄 Talk to Amala (Peek into the hole in the fence in the backyard)
    • 💬 (Who the hell are you?)
    • 💬 (Eh, probably not, I'm lucky I haven't managed to get kicked out yet.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amala again
    • 💬 (F*ck if I know, I'm sick of this already. I'm out.)

  • 👄 Talk to Amala again
    • 💬 (F*ck if I know, I'm sick of this already. I'm out.)

🏆 Sucker Punch
Restart the game
  • 🚶 Approach Patrick from behind
    • 👊 Sucker-punch Patrick (Press the spacebar and then left-mouse click)

  • 🚶 Approach Derek from behind
    • 👊 Sucker-punch Derek

  • 🚶 Approach Frank
    • 👊 Sucker-punch Frank
    • 🏆 Achievement: Sucker Punch

🏆 Duck n' Weave
Restart the game
  • 👊 Sucker-punch Frank and Derek

  • 🏃 Run like hell and avoid getting punched for 1 minute
    • ❗ I suggest doing a few circuits around the fire pit, hot tub, and gazebo. All doors need to be unlocked
    • 🏆 Achievement: Duck n' Weave

🏆 Inspector
Restart the game
  • 🔍 Inspect 30 items
    • 🏆 Achievement: Inspector

🏆 Life Found a Way
  • 🏃 Head outside to the gazebo
    • 🕵️ Locate the Paddock Button (at the base of the wood post in the same corner as the Bug Zapper.)
    • 👉 Press the button
    • 🏆 Achievement: Life Found a Way
Appendix - Combat Training
📝 These are some ways to improve your combat ability

Improve Speed (Faster energy recharge - caps out)
  • 🏃 Sprint for 90 seconds
  • 🥤 Practice beer pong (get a score of 2)
  • 🏃 Escape from Leah after interrupting her business pitch to Lety
  • ✨ Toss the star bombs in the fire pit (when Dan and Arin tell you to)
  • 💔 Complete Derek's memory Lane story without romancing him
  • ☕ Drink the coffee (Note: This item is required to sober Patrick up if you don't have him zap himself)
  • 🥤 Drink the soda from the fridge (Note: This item required to prank Ashley. You can safely drink it after giving Ashley her clothes back.)
  • 🏃 Complete "Runner Runner" during the Sibling Warfare opportunity
  • 💫 Talk to Frank after defeating Leah after she goes crazy
  • 🧁 Eat the sweeties Derek drops after you fail the "Hunt the Hunk" opportunity

Improve Stamina (Take more damage - caps out)
  • 📻 Reach for the MP3 Player hanging above the entryway
  • 💊 Take one pill from the bottle of painkillers in the master bathroom
  • 😏 Have sex at the party for the first time
  • 😏 Train with Vickie
  • 🦟 Convince Patrick to touch the bug zapper
  • ✨ Toss the star bombs in the fire pit (when Dan and Arin tell you to)
  • 💔 Complete Derek's memory Lane story without romancing him
  • ☕ Drink the hot chocolate (Note: This is required to sleep with Amy)
  • 💫 Talk to Frank after defeating Leah after she goes crazy

Improve Strength (Hit harder - no cap!)
  • 🍗 Eat the chicken nuggets from the fridge
  • 🐟 Eat the salmon from the fridge
  • 🍖 Eat the salami from the fridge
  • 🥒 Eat the cucumber from the fridge (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Katherine)
  • 🍫 Eat the Chocolate Bar (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Amy)
  • 🧗 Climb the gutter in the back yard
  • 🔊 Set the speaker up in the back yard
  • ✨ Toss the star bombs in the fire pit (when Dan and Arin tell you to)
  • 💔 Complete Derek's memory Lane story without romancing him
  • ☕ Drink the hot chocolate (Note: This is required to sleep with Amy)
  • 👊 Inspect and then punch the katana sticking out the the fence in the back yard
  • 👊 Inspect and then punch the bike lock in the spare room
  • 🍆 Throw the d**do at the briefcase on top of the gazebo (Note: This item is required to get the MP3 player and to use with the penguin)
  • 💫 Talk to Frank after defeating Leah after she goes crazy
  • 👼 Talk to VR Frank
  • 🧁 Eat the sweeties Derek drops after you fail the "Hunt the Hunk" opportunity
  • 🍷 Drink the Chardonnay (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
  • 🍷 Drink the Merlot (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
  • 🍺 Drink Natty Lite (Note: These are required for multiple characters)
  • 🍸 Drink the Rum (Note: This item is required to hook up with Katherine)
  • 🍸 Drink the Rum with Katherine when plotting to get back at her boyfriend
  • 🍸 Drink the Cabernet (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
  • 🍸 Drink the Whack Spankiel's (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
  • ☠️ Drink Rachael's Death Mix from the Filled Flask (Note: This item is needed for Patrick)

Faster Energy Regeneration
  • 🍗 Eat the chicken nuggets from the fridge
  • 🐟 Eat the salmon from the fridge
  • 🍖 Eat the salami from the fridge
  • 🥒 Eat the cucumber from the fridge (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Katherine)
  • 🍫 Eat the Chocolate Bar (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Amy)
  • 🥤 Drink the soda from the fridge (Note: This item required to prank Ashley. You can safely drink it after giving Ashley her clothes back.)
  • 👼 Talk to VR Frank

Faster Energy Regeneration while Sprinting
  • 💔 Complete Derek's memory Lane story without romancing him
Appendix - Fun with Console Commands
📝 Using console commands will disable achievements on the current save

I intended this section to be referenced after completing everything else. I would beat the game first before proceeding... To make things easier, you can copy/paste these into the console.

  • Warp outside
    • warpto player outside
  • Make everyone friends with everyone
    • social 30 friendship all all add
  • Make everyone in love everyone
    • social 30 romance all all add
  • Make everyone nice
    • nice all add 70 personality
  • Make everyone an exhibitionist
    • personality all exhibitionism 100 equals
  • Make everyone like women
    • personality all likeswomen 100 equals
  • Make everyone naked
    • clothing change all all off
  • Give someone a strap on
    • clothing change vickie 6 on
  • Warp everyone to you
    • warpto player all
  • Make everyone drunk
    • social all drunk 25 equals
    • social player drunk 0 equals
  • Orgy (you can mix an match whoever you want - first character is performing the act on the second, and you can swap out a character name with player to perform that sex act on that character)
    • sexualact intimacy derek madison startsixtynine
    • sexualact intimacy vickie patrick startdoggiestyle
    • sexualact intimacy brittney amy startsixtynine
    • sexualact intimacy rachael lety startcunnilingus
    • sexualact intimacy frank katherine startmissionary
    • sexualact intimacy patrick stephanie startbj (spell bj out, steam is censoring it so I can't type it here.)
    • sexualact intimacy ashley startmasturbation
    • sexualact intimacy player leah startwallsex

There are a ton more console commands to play around with. I will eventually get around to making a guide for them, though an in-depth help system is provided inside the console itself.
Nasser911 15 Aug @ 2:11am 
“ Wait for Rachael to approach you about inviting Vickie “

It seems not trigged after calling the porn star

Only Kath trigged not Rachael
anton_korolev 5 Aug @ 4:38am 
Figured it out. The "Life Found a Way" achievement is related to the Doja Cat Expansion Pack DLC. Without it, you won't be able to get the achievement.
SpideyRyu2099 4 Aug @ 1:53pm 
How long does it take for Lety to come to the party? Also, do I let Kat in for Lety to come in?
Eric the Red 2 Aug @ 11:23am 
@Volcanon I think this guide is missing the solar flare and dancing for gold coins achievements
anton_korolev 26 Jul @ 10:01am 
Achievement "Life Found a Way" - I can't find the button. There is a Fuse box in this place. Can anyone tell me how to get the achievement?
苦涩的选择 29 Jun @ 4:30pm 
when completed the quest "Causing a Ruckus" and the leah's quest "snake in the grass" can't be started, you could use the command console which the code is "ashley dialogue trigger 219"
苦涩的选择 29 Jun @ 4:25pm 
if the leah's quest "snake in the grass" can't be started, you could use the command console which the code is ashley dialogue trigger 219
fhqwhgads 23 Jun @ 1:42pm 
I noticed this walkthrough doesn't seem to guide the female player to have sex with Madison--that part of the guide says it's only for male players. But I know the female PC can have sex with Madison, is it basically just the same thing?
Again 21 Jun @ 12:13pm 
Hey guys, i have a problem when i give Ashley the weed she doesn´t smoke it. Therefore i followed the guide to let the snake out and Ashley is walking up on my but it doesnt trigger the conversation. Does anyone had the same issue?

After that i tried the savefiles but at the point to print out the petition it isnt working and the next save file doesnt work. Help is really appreciated
divergencepoint3620 14 Jun @ 1:08pm 
Do I have to complete the Liz Katz story before inviting Lety and/or Vickie?