Rocket League

Rocket League

666 ratings
[MP] RL Racing Royale - Alpha2.2
Maps: Maps
File Size
172.798 MB
31 Jan, 2018 @ 10:35pm
8 Mar, 2018 @ 5:22am
8 Change Notes ( view )

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[MP] RL Racing Royale - Alpha2.2

Alpha 2 released! Check the Workshop description for Changelog and Update Instructions

RL Racing Royale isn't just a single small Map, it is aiming to establish a new Gamemode into the Rocket Leauge universe: Multiplayer Racing - by mixing the best gameplay features from Rocket League and your favourite kart racing games!


  • Multiplayer Racing with support for up to 10 Players
  • completely custom ingame Menu and HUD with custom Scoreboard, Minimap and more!
  • for now featuring one single race track (rc_Lake) for public testing, but more tracks comming very soon
  • racing framework easily extendable, so other devs can integrate new tracks without the need to code (other than very very few basic Kismet nodes)

How to Play:

PSA: The map itself is not really playable without two extra steps!

Step 1:
Problem: The Framework uses Level Streaming to load in only the necessary files (-> only the active race track), but without (manual) changes RL will crash, because it cant find the track and its dependencies.
[Copy track files into ...\*STEAM*\SteamApps\common\rocketleague\TAGame\CookedPCConsole by hand (-> extra HDD space needed)]


[create symbolic links in ...\*STEAM*\SteamApps\common\rocketleague\TAGame\CookedPCConsole to point to your workshop folder (where this mod will get dl'ed by steam: *STEAM*\SteamApps\workshop\content\252950\1287922725)(-> no extra HDD space needed)]


(preferred) [use my [i]Install.bat[/i] inside the workshop folder (*STEAM*\SteamApps\workshop\content\252950\1287922725) to automatically create the above mentioned symbolic links. PSA: don't blindly execute the .bat if you don't trust my files/don't understand the code!]
code from Install.bat
@ECHO OFF :: // Switching from Workshop folder into RL main folder cd.... cd.. cd.. cd.. cd.. cd %cd%\common\rocketleague\TAGame\CookedPCConsole echo RL Folder: %cd% echo ... :: // calling "CreateRLFolderLink"(function) for each file needed (definition below) call:CreateRLFolderLink RR_Assets_KHS.upk call:CreateRLFolderLink RR_Assets_Lake.upk call:CreateRLFolderLink RR_KHS_Mats.upk call:CreateRLFolderLink RR_Prefabs_KHS.upk call:CreateRLFolderLink RR_rc_lake.upk call:CreateRLFolderLink RR_VersionInfo.upk pause :: // Function definition "CreateRLFolderLink" :CreateRLFolderLink :: // "%~1" = Filename passed by function call (from above) echo File: %~1 :// Deleting old Link del %~1 :// Creating new Link; ("%~dp0" = folder, where the batch file is = workshop folder) mklink /H %~1 "%~dp0\%~1" echo ...

Step 2:
for meaningful gameplay use Rocket Launcher
recommended settings: unlimited time, default boost

How to start a racetrack after loading up:

Only the Host can control the ingame Menu! Controlling it should be quite intuitive: use the same Gamepad(!) controls as RL to navigate (keyboard/mouse not really supported at this point)
To start a game navigate to 'Multiplayer' -> 'VSRace' -> select the first Cup -> select first Track -> loading screen will come up (yes, loading takes a few seconds even with SSD!) -> after loading you will get a prompt asking if you want to start the countdown
To reopen the menu press 'select' + 'right thumbstick' at the same time (default bindings of scoreboard and looking behind)
To restart the race just navigate through the menu again!
Menu Navigation slideshow[]

additional Information:

  • this is the second alpha release, so bugs might (and will!) be found.
  • more features will definitely come! this alpha is for a first public game test to get feedback!
  • I'm no artist, so the look is really basic! ^_^

Want to help develop this Gamemode?

Come to the RLMods discord and whisper KarlHeinzSchneider#1566 (I'm a Mod there!)
I'm looking for anyone interested, high demand on 2D artists for Menu/HUD art, and 3D artists for additional race tracks!

Error Codes:
  • Error #1 - No Package installed | Necessary Packages not installed, see installation guide ("how to play") above!
  • Error #2 - Wrong Package version installed. | Some Packages and/or old versions installed, please redo the installation as mentioned under "how to play"!

Known Issues:

Popular Discussions View All (1)
31 Aug, 2023 @ 2:00pm
Splitscreen Issue
【Flandre Scarlet】
Ashtray 15 Jul, 2020 @ 6:16am 
Rune Wolf 18 Nov, 2019 @ 10:07am 
i realy love it when its finisht i cant wait to chair it to my :steamhappy:friends
TheScepticBlock 13 May, 2019 @ 5:34pm 
I really love your mod for RL! If i could just get some people to play it with...
LeeQuid 23 Apr, 2019 @ 5:34am 
I did execute the .bat, now it loads and I have access to the menu but lot of textures are still black...
ShadyShamaster 8 Mar, 2019 @ 12:22pm 
when you play it multiplayer it only loads the textures of the host. Is there any way to fix this problem?
limpi 14 Oct, 2018 @ 4:40am 
Whenever i start playing with my friends, the host gets on the course but me and my friend dont. We are just flying in the air. Also when we start orange scores and we get a replay.
76561198417036005 2 Oct, 2018 @ 5:33pm 
@Biggie Chedd Well said!
Blu Hood 14 Jul, 2018 @ 1:43pm 
@Reenbola Can you tell me why it sucks ass? Saying something sucks without having a reason doesn't help the creator at all. In fact, it could make it worse! The creator might try to change every single thing in the map just so he can find what's wrong with it! So please, next time, give a reason
Bazinga! Waffle! 3 Jul, 2018 @ 11:47pm 
when me and my friend go in only the host can see the map
dudu sensações 1 Jul, 2018 @ 6:42am 
do it