

69 ratings
The Armory: WWII
Modifications: Custom Theater
File Size
3.232 GB
24 Feb, 2018 @ 10:55pm
10 Mar, 2024 @ 7:23am
47 Change Notes ( view )

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The Armory: WWII

In 1 collection by DeltaMike
The Armory Modifications
16 items

More details coming soon, go ahead and check out the theater by using one of the following theater override commands below, currently only supports cooperative checkpoint gametype!

8 Players (no medic) - doi2ins_8p_nomedic 10 Players (no medic) - doi2ins_nomedic 8 Players (medics) - doi2ins_8p 10 Players (medics) - doi2ins 8 Players (medics + artillery fire support) - doi2ins_8p_artillery 10 Players (medics & flamethrower) - doi2ins_flamethrower

Note: Medic, artillery fire support, and flamethrower theaters require specific SourceMod plugins for each.

xrist 3 Sep, 2024 @ 7:51am 
soo... it cant be used in singleplayer?
BlueShinobi 25 Jun, 2023 @ 11:56am 
I keep getting bad CRC for these files saying the server is enforcing consistency for the files, this never used to happen not sure why it started now. Any suggestions for what I should do?
ozzy 8 Feb, 2022 @ 9:39pm 
It takes many hours doing theaters, and he does it for free. Maybe you could learn it and do it :)
A Bat 8 Feb, 2022 @ 7:58pm 
Ill even host it, without first party support the community depends on mod makers like yourself for your support.
A Bat 8 Feb, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
I understand that you said no more gametypes but why only checkpoint its just a funnel point a to b mode, conquer still gets daily player counts but lacks the content cause of how many are checkpoint only its not like a updates going to break your mod later.
DeltaMike  [author] 2 May, 2020 @ 5:24am 
I will look into it here shortly and report back what I find. Thanks for letting me know.
千早爱音 2 May, 2020 @ 4:16am 
I couldn't hear any of the guns, but I could hear the shells falling to the ground
[InsG]Th3Krow 19 Dec, 2019 @ 3:39pm 
I'm getting no sound from most the weapons any fixes? they all work on all your other servers.
Nullifidian 2 Jul, 2019 @ 12:26pm 
@ JoeSmellSomeNapalm
Set server to sv_pure 0 or -1
Idler 2 Jul, 2019 @ 7:51am 
It's showing wireframes, how can I fix this?