Oriental Empires

Oriental Empires

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Thornia, The Cat Head Shaped Continent
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5 Mar, 2018 @ 2:32pm
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Thornia, The Cat Head Shaped Continent

Welcome to Thornia, one of my fictional lands of my world. This Continent is the smallest of the four in the world, It is home to four kingdoms. It's structure resembles that of a cat's head.

The Human Kingdom of Tiera (Ty-ra) dwells within the desert/mountain biome of the map to the south-west, their renown for their ore rich mountains and their craftsmen who forged the best equipment of the land, though their also the most aggressive due to their constant food and order troubles. Valles (Val-wes), the God of Earth, Crafts, and Burden is worshipped within these lands. people believe the mountains were Valles' remains after fighting with the god Diraco, God of Order & Death, who threw an asteroid at his face causing half of his head to break off into space while his body fell to the world and shattered into the mountains.

To the south-east of them is the Human Kingdom of Coraina (Co-re-ina), the wealthiest of the kingdoms who allows has quarrels with Tiera, their known to have some of the most fertile lands and the best forests of the land. Due to their booming economy, They seek continously to expand outward and attempt to establish trade with foreign lands from over sea with their grand navy.

There's an Kingdom to the North known as the Avian Kingdom of Kaswek (Kas-Wreck), their known to hold the most knowledge in the known world. They live among the mountains past vast grasslands in isolation from the rest of the beings of the continent, afraid that if their wisdom falls into the wrong hands, great destruction would await everyone.

Then there's the Human Kingdom of Jasique (Ja-sin-que), who live beyond the mountains to the North-east. They're known for their horsemen and the balance of resources, despite they holding th least amount of land among the kingdoms. Yet, they have the best position for defense, it would be harder for them to expand beyond the mountains against their bigger rivals.
Azure Toroto  [author] 5 Nov, 2018 @ 12:50pm 
It actually was intentional as the north parts of the map are suppose to be close to the northern hemisphere of that world, which is why there is less fertile land up there and more grassland to behave more like tundra.
I meant them to be more valuable for Herdmen then the farmer Civilizations as one of the kingdoms from the story this map was made for was renown for their cavalry, another one was made up of isolationist who reside in north-western mountains across the vast grasslands. I written a bit of this lore of those kingdoms in the description, which is the last two paragraphs.
Sanvone 5 Nov, 2018 @ 10:36am 
Actions->Scenario Setting's-> Uncheck Random resources

Also do you know that Grassland/Plateau is non-farmable? Cause more than half of map is non farmable. Was wondering if it was intentional :)
Azure Toroto  [author] 5 Nov, 2018 @ 9:33am 
Where is the option to do that? I'm curious in case I make some future maps.
Sanvone 5 Nov, 2018 @ 9:03am 
As I'm currently working on my own Mirror Map (for MP to avoid inbalance in starting position) I can confirm that you can turn random resources off (and place them manually).
Azure Toroto  [author] 5 Nov, 2018 @ 7:43am 
I believe I left it to the RNG, which seems to have a habit of spawning a bunch of minerals to the south more than the desert. This was my first map for this game, so it's bound to be unbalanced in some ways, also I design it after another map made by my sister for roleplay purposes. I don't know if they added the option to manual resource placement yet.
Sanvone 5 Nov, 2018 @ 6:43am 
We are currently playing this map on Friday's Iceberg streams so Kudos to you!

I was wondering - did you manually placed resources or just left them to RNG? Because south as always seems overloaded.