Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Items (10)
MART | Whip's Mouse Aimed Rotor Turret Script
Created by Whiplash141
Yes, this works with hinges. ATTENTION As of game version 1.200, the game now properly synchronizes player inputs in seats. This means that you can finally use MART with multiple people simultaneously on the same ship! Also update 1.200 introduced the Cust...
Automatic LCDs 2
Created by MMaster
Everything you will ever need to know about your ship and station displayed in real time on LCD panels in any vanilla games. modded games and servers! Now with cockpit panels support! Thank all of you for making amazing creations with this script, using it...
Battery Status Script V.1.1 [Vanilla] - Lightwolf Adventures
Created by Lightwolf
Note: Thanks to Morphik and his Comment, i was able to change the Font also with the script, because of that, i uploaded a new version. Note Update 29.12.17: Both Versions are now the same new Version, since i understand how to update my Workshop projects ...
Gun Fire Control System Mk3
Created by imivi
Bugfix (again) Update the script if your turrets aren't responding (with Auto Target off or without sensors). > Read the full guide to the GFCS script here. < Video example (old version) Showcase/tutorial world (old version) WHAT THIS SCRIPT DOES This scri...
[RETIRED] Whip's Missile Launch Script
Created by Whiplash141
This code is no-longer supported! New version can be found here: Code now fires missiles alphabetically, this will make them fire in order! You can now kill guidance of any active missiles b...
3D Ship Projection
Created by Georgik
CAUTION: Use at your own risk! Never use it on public servers! Heavy performance impact! ======================================================================== Text surfaces support added. Keep in mind the script was not originally written to support thi...
Whip's Block Renamer
Created by Whiplash141
Whip's Group Based Block Renaming Code Howdy! This program makes renaming large groups of blocks easy! You can use this script to rename, prefix, or suffix block names. Additionally, there are built in functions to prefix or suffix the grid name to your bl...
Floor Plan Script Mk1
Created by Alysius
This script draws the Floor Plan Layout of your ship to a Text Panel. It is customizable with zooming, panning and manipulation of ship layout. Now drawn with Monospace Font. This is a Vanilla Script. NO MODS are required. For the Manual Refresh version of...
Show Damaged On HUD
Created by MMaster
v0.37 (1.105 game compatibility, Ability to turn HUD on and off + Fix thruster renaming) In-game script by MMaster Shows all damaged blocks on station/ship on HUD. Also shows blocks which are in construction (when someone grinds them). Automatically rename...
Whip's Turret AI Slaving Script
Created by Whiplash141
(Previously titled: "Whip's AI Rotor Turret Control Script") Note In the documentation below, "rotor" refers to both rotors and hinges! This is because the game considers hinges to be just fancy sideways rotors.   Features Slaves targeting of AI turrets, p...