Arma 3
445 ratings
PLP Materials
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Structure, Terrain
File Size
50.044 MB
6 Apr, 2018 @ 4:27pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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PLP Materials

Don't rely on anyone - Do it yourself!

This compilated set of simple construction materials was originally created as an addon
to be used exclusively with xCam. Now you can use it with Eden, too! Although i recommend
to use it sparingly in Eden Missions, due to the heavy performance hit in multiplayer when
using a lot of objects. All textures have been carefully crafted and handpainted by myself.

Please note:
If you already use xcam_metal.pbo, xcam_woodworks.pbo and xcam_glass.pbo you wont need this addon.

Any unauthorized modification of the released files is not allowed without any written permission by the author(s).
You are using those files at your own risk.
Author(s) of those files are not liable for any damage or loss of data caused by using of those files.
Usage of those files is also prohibited for any commercial purposes.

Popular Discussions View All (1)
25 Jul, 2018 @ 4:10pm
NikiTret 28 May, 2023 @ 12:22pm 
Hi I would like to inform you that this mod {LINK REMOVED} is using assets from your mod and presents it as it's own. This mod is pretty much a composition of stolen mods.
JusTaGamer 11 May, 2022 @ 7:14am 
My easy Solution. If you want that the Glass Objects have a break on Hit Effect then give your Glass Object a Name, as Example: Glass1.

Put this in the init Field of your Glass:

Glass1 addeventhandler ["hitPart", {Glass1 hideobject true;}];
rufengxiyu 13 Apr, 2022 @ 7:16am 
Well, actually, I want to use this module to improve the vehicle, just like the U.S. military refitted Hummer with a pile of steel plates in Iraq

Does your friend have anything like a grille Because I really can't find it
LED 14 Feb, 2021 @ 6:27am 
How to use this mod
rufengxiyu 4 Feb, 2021 @ 9:58pm 
Can these materials only be edited in the editor? Can't they be used in Zeus?
John Harro 9 Jan, 2021 @ 11:10pm 
Can't wait to turn the M113 into an armoured turtle instead of a roll of tinfoil
Sams 29 Dec, 2020 @ 12:38am 
Have you ever considered expanding this concept onto larger building elements? Like room-height wall segments, floors, stairs, doors, pillars, panelling etc? I know you can build pretty much anything with the current materials already, but bigger blocks could be less labour-intensive and more performance-friendly?

I can't quite picture how many material/size/type variations, i.e. objects, this would require but at least they would probably be fairly simple models.
poolpunk  [author] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 1:18pm 
@Crowdaddy - Yes, they are. Most of the time at least.
@b3lx - This is more or less still there for downwards compatibility, no update planned in this regard
Crowdaddy 19 Dec, 2020 @ 11:53am 
Are the ballistic properties modeled with these materials? Like will steal defeat ball ammo while the wood will not?
b3lx 13 Oct, 2020 @ 7:20am 
This is great but I would much prefer if instead of various angles (which you can already change pretty easily in 3den) it had more size variations