5,591 ratings
Region Trading
Tags: mod, Campaign
File Size
162.781 KB
2 May, 2018 @ 1:59pm
5 Dec, 2020 @ 9:28am
15 Change Notes ( view )

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Region Trading

This mod adds a new UI which provides a basic version of region trading. Functionality currently includes purchasing and gifting of regions. The main reason this mod was added was to allow the player to obtain regions which have been taken by friendly AI factions, stopping the player from obtaining a complete province.

If you would like to remove the restrictions added for balance, I have created a submod which can be found here:
Region Trading Unrestricted
If you would like to use this sub-mod, please ensure you still subscribe to this mod.

Q. What does this mod do?
A. This mod allows you to purchase regions from an AI player.

Q. What is the requirement for purchasing a region?
A. Before you can purchase a region you must first have a standing of at least +50 with the faction. You must also own at least 1 region in the province you wish to buy a region from.

Q. What is the requirement for gifting a region?
A. You can gift any region to any faction, as long as you are not at war with them. If you would like to remove these restrictions, I have created a sub-mod which removes them which can be found here.

Q. How do I open the new Region Trading UI?
A. A new button (which looks like a coin) has been added to top right corner of the diplomacy screen. Click this button to open the Region Trading UI.

Q. I can't see the new button!
A. Please make sure you have the dependant mod, UI Modding Framework.

Q. Is this mod save-game compatible?
A. Yes this mod is 100% save-game compatible.

Q. Is this mod compatible with ...?
A. This mod should be compatible with any other. There are no known in-compatible mods.

Q. Will this mod work in multiplayer?
A. Yes! This mod has recently been updated to support multiplayer.

Q. Can the AI purchase/gift regions?
A. Not currently. Not too sure if this will be added due to balance and lore.

Q. Which campaigns will this work for?
A. Both mortal empies and vortex.

Q. This mod stops my lords and heroes getting XP!
A. This is likely due to missing the required sub-mod, UI Modding Framework, or another mod causing a conflict/issue.

You now receive a diplomatic bonus when gifting a region to a faction. This bonus is based on the value of the region ranging between +10 and +50.
Regions can no longer be purchased from a faction you are at war with.

Known Issues:

* Purchased regions may not count towards campaign objectives


Vanishoxyact's Patreon[]
Creating and supporting a mod as complex as this takes huge amounts of time. If you would like to support me, please consider becoming a Patreon! From this you will have access to the up-and-coming features and early access betas.

Alternatively, if you would like to donate, it would be highly appreciated!
Popular Discussions View All (5)
3 Aug, 2023 @ 3:04pm
[FIXED] Major bug: No experience gain with no mods on other than this one
22 May, 2020 @ 12:13pm
You should get a bonus to diplomacy for gifting regions to a faction.
29 May, 2021 @ 9:24am
It's possible to buy a factions last (only) settlement. Feels wrong.
CaptainTeamwork 11 Jan @ 1:48am 
bummer this mod makes my game quit to desktop
Fiur 7 Jan @ 3:37pm 
This mod blackscreems on new games. Be aware that this can happen. For me at least on the 4k monitor.
Jenkins 25 Sep, 2024 @ 8:24am 
Works like a charm. Love it! :praisesun:
Junky 19 May, 2024 @ 12:56pm 
this mod still works, just have it at the top of your load order
임띠 17 May, 2024 @ 8:12am 
이거안됨 검은화면뜸 Update please
Hrokir 28 Apr, 2024 @ 10:54am 
Update to my last post:

If anyone encounters the error I detailed below - use Kaedrin's Mod Manager. Once I went back to using KMM, the crashes stopped.
Hrokir 28 Apr, 2024 @ 10:28am 
Hoping someone might know the answer to this:

I've tried testing this mod a few times, and continue to have crashes. The only mods active are this one and UI Modding Framework. I have already tried verifying files, as well as unsubbing and resubbing.

The trade button shows up; it appears it's working, but when I click on the "Gift" button, it crashes the game.

Has anyone encountered this or knows a fix for it?
Layth36 19 Apr, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
Tested this today on Vortex campaign and it still works! It's also save game compatible!
Rune 2 Apr, 2024 @ 12:18pm 
The mod says it's an old version, but it still works fine. I guess the people in the comments who say it's not working are the ones who don't even read instructions.
Gibbanator 23 Mar, 2024 @ 10:04pm 
this is working just fine. it shows outdated mod but turn it on and it works just fine. I have found no bugs at all on it. if you got bugs than your probably not using the UI modding that has to be used with this mod