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Remnants of a Forgotten Order
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9 Jun, 2018 @ 10:45pm
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Remnants of a Forgotten Order

There was once a grand order, one that once held power of a great crunk of the galaxy. Though it's days were numbered when a empire was fed up with their authority and beliefs, so they sent out a large assault on their vital starbases and evenually the capital as well. A handful of your men have managed to escaped, but they were badly battered and their spirits are low. Though they have hope that planet nearby would help them lay low and recover.

Some of the inhabitants of the planet have heard of your order's feats, as a result they come to respect your ideals. Diplomacy & Trade skills have boost by 25%. Also, Gravity is lighter on this planet, make sure you keep a steady hand on your enemy. Global Move speed is increased 25%. Overall Ranged accuracy has dropped by 25%

Because of the prior purpose of being galactic warriors, they have no knowledge to taming creatures as they never have. As they only cared for their spaceships, when they were intacted. Construction speed boosted by 25%.

Your men didn't bring much silver due to the fact they were trying escaped with their lives from a great threat.

Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 5 people, chosen from 10.
Arrive in drop pods.
Player starting characters have a 75% chance to have their mood set between 35% and 60%.
Cannot tame animals.
The stat "diplomacy power" will be universally multiplied by 125%.
The stat "trade price improvement" will be universally multiplied by 125%.
The stat "construction speed" will be universally multiplied by 125%.
The stat "move speed" will be universally multiplied by 125%.
The stat "Accuracy (short)" will be universally multiplied by 75%.
The stat "Accuracy (medium)" will be universally multiplied by 75%.
The stat "Accuracy (long)" will be universally multiplied by 75%.

Start with:
-Assault rifle x4
-Packaged survival meal x35
-Armor vest x3
-Silver x100
Azure Toroto  [author] 10 Jun, 2018 @ 8:46am 
It could be something like the Jedi from Star Wars.
Azure Toroto  [author] 10 Jun, 2018 @ 8:40am 
@The Rabid Otter Pretty much
The Rabid Otter 10 Jun, 2018 @ 8:38am 
So these are Templars in space?