Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

3,293 ratings
Party Size Evolved
Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story, GM
File Size
10.317 MB
5 Sep, 2018 @ 12:34am
25 Aug, 2022 @ 4:12pm
20 Change Notes ( view )

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Party Size Evolved

In 1 collection by LaughingLeader
LaughingLeader's Mods - Definitive Edition
26 items
Party Size Evolved increases the default party size limit to 6, with the option to configure it higher or lower, all the way to 10, or back down to 4.

5+ Multiplayer

Norbyte's Divinity Script Extender[github.com] is required for 5+ multiplayer to work. If enabled, the multiplayer limit will automatically be increased to 10 (thanks to PSE extender scripts), and PSE's lobby fixes will be enabled, allowing more players in the lobby and character creation.

Important: Only 4 players can be a "Custom" origin in character creation. This is due to a limitation in the game, where only 4 "generic" origin characters exist. If you try to make a 5th player a custom character, they won't work correctly (pink skin, can't change gender), due to the fact that the game tries to transform a named origin character, since it ran out of generics.

  • The party size is set to 6 by default when the mod is activated. This can be increased to 10, or back down to 4.
  • Reflection dialog, party decision dialog, and flags/tags DOS2DE looks for in dialog have been taken into careful consideration, and made compatible. Even with 10 party members, they will all have reflection dialog.
  • No files are overwritten. PSE works by modifying databases and disabling a specific DOS2DE script to enable its own. Additionally, these changes can be reverted to return things to normal.
  • A settings dialog is available for the host to configure their max party size.
    This menu can be accessed with the PSE book, or through the LeaderLib mod menu.
  • Extended lobby slots, if the script extender is enabled:

    If the script extender is enabled, and LeaderLib is enabled, the max party size can now be set in the Mod Settings UI, located in the options menu.

  • A Party Management submenu is now available, allowing you to assign characters to other players.

  • Character switcher skills are now available, allowing controllers a way to switch between characters.

Selecting Party Members When You Have Too Many
If you increase the max party cap high enough to have portraits go off the screen, you can select these party members with the following keybinds:

The "Cycle Characters Next / Cycle Characters Prev" keybinds available in the controls menu (The default keys are left bracket [ and right bracket ] for Keyboard + Mouse).

If you're feeling generous, an easy way to show support is by tipping me a coffee:


I love modding this game, and I love interacting with the community. Every bit helps to keep me doing what I'm doing. Thanks!

Bug Reports
If you experience any party-related bugs as a result of having more than 4 members, please notify me in the comments below, and I'll investigate it. All the bases should be covered, as I've gone through and looked to see where the party amount factors into Larian's scripts, but as this is a pretty complex thing, something may have been missed.

To help me narrow down the problem faster, use this format:

Summary of the bug: What I was doing when the bug happened: What I was doing before the bug: Mods Active: Classic "Converted" Mods Active:



Popular Discussions View All (14)
20 Nov, 2023 @ 5:49am
extra npc's
10 Sep, 2023 @ 9:40pm
Unable to play 5+ players
29 Sep, 2021 @ 4:40pm
PINNED: Help Desk: "Unable to Create a Working Story" Error
Raggy 18 Mar @ 11:34am 
Summary of the bug:
-Dialogues/Reactions do not work as advertised.
Reactions only reach up to 4 characters (I set 7), and the latter 2 get repeated twice. Leading to a total of 6 dialogue windows, 2 of which are the same. Afterwards game crashes.

What I was doing when the bug happened:
-Happened multiple times after completing quests/killing enemies, mostly ignored it until I reached a point I could no longer do so. End of Act 1, escaping Fort Joy the party reflects upon how they made it out. Game gets stuck in dialogue window forever and then crashes.

What I was doing before the bug:
-Any and all instances where reactions took place above 4+ characters

Mods Active:
-Odinblades' custom classes
-Recipe unlocker
-Greed - Increased loot variety
-Interesting Uniques
-More character colors
kuurankukka 19 Jan @ 7:43am 
@Flyback Koritsu

cant change keybinds on controller mode, so cant swap to 5th n up party member. theres a party radial menu on controller and its set to 4 party members + summons etc.
Dragorm 10 Jan @ 3:55pm 
"Selecting Party Members When You Have Too Many"
"The "Cycle Characters Next / Cycle Characters Prev" keybinds available in the controls menu"

@Flyback Koritsu
Try to see if you can find bindings for your controllers like in keyboard+mouse.
Flyback Koritsu 10 Jan @ 8:42am 
i tried this mod and it works, i can hire or get another party member but the sad part here is i can select the 5th/6th/7th etc party member with a controller like switch controller or a DS4 controller. please help!
1163711136 5 Jan @ 7:13am 
Why are my characters being controlled by someone else after the rollback and not showing up in the party management?QAQ
Dragorm 27 Nov, 2024 @ 6:43pm 
@xCzeron Have you tried ending the fight by moving away from each other then trying to invite/adding them to your party?

I never had the chance to use it in multiplayer, but this is a possible solution which you can use with NPCs, and in normal 4-man party lobbies, so it should also work with this mod.
xCzeron 27 Nov, 2024 @ 10:45am 
Anyone had an issue with one of the player's characters becoming hostile to the others, locking you into combat until you kill that character?
MaestroMe 21 Oct, 2024 @ 3:06pm 
Odd, this mod doesn't show up in my mod menu :O
Thus I can't enable it :((
Is there a solution to this? This mod looks great!
I have the script extender and the LederLib working. The .pak file is in my documents\LarianStudios\Dev....2 Def..Edition\Mods and in my steam workshop folder

EDIT: I used LaughingLeader's Divinity Mod Manager and now it works :)
2529774352 27 Sep, 2024 @ 6:20pm 
Dragorm 24 Aug, 2024 @ 9:46am 
@pedrobrv It should...
I didn't finish the game with this mod but, I remember playing all the way to Act 3. It was fine to that point.
Though some quests asks you to make a choice so, obviously the game doesn't let that happen.
(For example at Act 3 for some of your companions.)

But if you are asking this for achievements, then you have already understood them incorrectly. Those achievements have to be earned by being that character yourself or have some local player playing as them.