Total War: SHOGUN 2

Total War: SHOGUN 2

4,726 ratings
Expanded Japan (97 new regions, 101 new factions, 22 playable factions)
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63.176 MB
5 Jun, 2013 @ 3:59pm
20 Nov, 2022 @ 1:15pm
25 Change Notes ( view )

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Expanded Japan (97 new regions, 101 new factions, 22 playable factions)

This mod is not compatable with Rise of the samurai or Fall of the Samurai. It only works with the Shogun 2 Campaign.

The purpose of this mod is to make the map more accurate by adding some of the provinces and factions that existed during the Sengoku Jidai time period that were not included in TWS2. The original TWS2 had 65 provinces and 47 factions, I have increased this to 176 provinces and 163 factions. As there are now more provinces to conquer I've increased the number of provinces needed to win each campaign and increased the number of turns per year to 12.

Thanks to the "All factions playable by Sara Temer" I was able to make the Amako, Ashina, Hatakeyama, Imagawa, Mogami, Miyoshi, Murakami, Satake, Satomi, Yamana clans playable. This increases the number of playable clans to 22.

Split regions
The following Saikaido (Kyushu) provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Hizen province into North Hizen (owned by Matsura) and South Hizen (owned by Ryuzoji) provinces.
- Tsukushi province into the Chikugo (owned by Kamachi), North Chizuken (owned by Shoni), and South Chizuken provinces (owned by Akizuki); and Tachibana (owned by Tachibana).
- Higo province into North Higo (owned by Kikuchi), South Higo (owned by Sagara), and Aso (owned by Aso) provinces.
- Hyuga province into North Hyuga (owned by Tsuchimochi) and South Hyuga (owned by Ito) provinces.
- Bungo province into North Bungo (owned by Kii), South Bungo (owned by Otomo), and Taketa (owned by Shiga) provinces.

The following Nankaido (Shikoku and Kii province) provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Iyo province into Uwakita (owned by Saionji), Ukena (owned by Iyo-Utsunomiya), and Iyo (owned by Kono) provinces.
- Tosa province into West Tosa (owned by Chokusabe), East Tosa (owned by Aki), Nakamura (owned by Ichijo), and Agawa (owned by Motoyama) provinces.
- Awa province into North Awa (owned by Miyoshi) and South Awa (owned by Ichinomiya) provinces.
- Kii province into Kii (owned by Saika), Negoro (owned by Negoro-gumi), Hidaka (owned by Ichijo), and Nishimuro (owned by Horiuchi) provinces.

The following San'yodo provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Nagato province into East Nagato province (owned by Yamaguchi) and West Nagato province (owned by Hagi).
- Aki province into Numata province (owned by Kobayakawa) and Aki province (owned by Mori).
- Harima province into West Harima province (owned by Kuroda) and East Harima province (owned by Bessho).
- Suo province into West Suo (owned by Ouchi) and East Suo (owned by Sue) provinces.
- Bingo province into East Bingo (owned by Noshima) and West Bingo (owned by Wachi) provinces.
- Bizen province into Komogawa (owned by Sho), East Bizen (owned by Matsuda), and West Bizen (owned by Ukita) provinces.

The following San'indo provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Tamba province into North Tamba (owned by Naito) and South Tamba (owned by Hatano) provinces.
- Tango province into North Tango (owned by Isshiki) and South Tango (owned by Takaoka) provinces.
- Izumo province into West Izumo (owned by Akana) and East Izumo (owned by Amago) provinces.
- Iwami province into Kawamoto (owned by Kawamoto), West Iwami (owned by Kikkawa), and East Iwami (owned by Masuda) provinces.

The following Kinai provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Settsu province into the Settsu province (owned by Miyoshi); Teshima (owned by Ikeda); and the Osaka and Izumi provinces (both owned by Ikko Ikki).
- Yamashiro province into Kyoto province (owned by Ashikaga); and Yodo province (owned by Hosokawa).
- Kawachi province into North Kawachi (owned by Yusa), central Kawachi (owned by Bishu Hatakeyama), and South Kawachi (owned by Matsunaga).
- Yamato province into Yoshino (owned by Ochi), Sofu (owned by Ido), and Takaichi (owned by Tsutsui).

The following Hokurikudo provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Etchu province into East Etchu (owned by Jinbo) and West Etchu (owned by Shiina) provinces.
- Echigo province into East Echigo and West Echigo (both owned by Uesugi); Santo (owned by Naoe); and Nishikambara (owned by Honjo) provinces.

The following Tosando provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Omi province into Zeze (owned by Kyogoku), Koga (owned by Rokkou), Ishida (owned by Ishida), and Omizo (owned by Azai).
- Hida province into North Hida (owned by Ema) and South Hida (owned by Anegakoji).
- Mino province into Mino (owned by Saito), Iwamura (owned by Toyama), Kano (owned by Akechi), and Inuyama (owned by Asano).
- North Shinano province into Takashima (owned by Takeda), Takato (owned by Takato), Matsumoto (owned by Ogasawara), Chikuma (owned by Murakami), Kawanakajima (owned by Takanashi), and Chiisagata (owned by Sanada) provinces.
- South Shinano province into Kiso (owned by Kiso) and Iida (owned by Suwa) provinces.
- Kozuke province into Tone (owned by Numata), Kozuke (owned by Yamanouchi), Nitta (owned by Yura), and Ashikaga (owned by Nagao) provinces.
- Shimotsuke province into Nasu (owned by Nasu), Tsuga (owned by Sano), and Shimotsuke (owned by Utsunomiya) provinces.
- Fukushima province into Aizu (owned by Asahina), Oshu (owned by Nihonmatsu), Iwase (owned by Nikaido), Shirakawa (owned by Shirakawa), Hamadori (owned by Soma), and Iwaki (owned by Iwaki) provinces.
- Miyagi province into Isawa (owned by Tamura), Miyagi (owned by Osaki), and Oshika (owned by Kasai) provinces.
- Iwate province into Waga (owned by Hienuki), Shiwa (owned by Shiba), Tono (owned by Asonuma), and Ninohe (owned by Nanbu), Sannohe (owned by Oura), and Namioka (owned by Namioka) provinces.
- Uzen province into Akumi (owned by Daihoji), Uzen (owned by Mogami), and Okitama (owned by Date) provinces.
- Ugo province into Kubota (owned by Ando), Yuri (owned by Nikaho), and Ogachi (owned by Onodera) provinces.

The following Tokaido provinces have been split into one or more provinces:
- Ise province into Asake (owned by Kanbe), Kuwana (owned by Ikko Ikki), Suzuka (owned by Seki), Ise (owned by Kitabatake), and Toba (owned by Kuki) provinces.
- Owari province into Owari (owned by Oda), Kaito (owned by Shibata) and Nisshin (owned by Hachisuka) provinces.
- Mikawa province into Mikawa (owned by Tokugawa) and Gamagori (owned by Udono) provinces.
- Totomi province into East Totomi (owned by Asahina) and West Totomi (owned by Li) provinces.
- Musashi province into Osato province (owned by Ogigayatsu Uesugi); Gyoda (owned by Narita); North Musashi (owned by Hojo Tsunanari); and South Musashi provinces (owned by Hojo).
- Shimosa province into Katsushika (owned by Koga-Ashikaga), Yuki (owned by Yuki), and Chiba (owned by Chiba) provinces.
- Hitachi province into Hitachi (owned by Satake) and Tsuchiura (owned by Oda) provinces.

New regions
This mod adds the following new provinces:
- Oshima in Hokkaido (owned by Matsumae).
- Goto Islands (owned by Goto).
- Tsushima islands (owned by So).
- Oki islands (owned by Amago).
- Tanegashima islands (owned by Tanegashima).

New factions
This mod adds the following new factions:
- Sugi in the Buzen province.
- Kimotsuki in the Osumi province.
- Atagi in the Awaji province.
- Ukita in the Bizen province.
- Mimura in the Bitchu province.
- Noto Hatakeyama in the Noto province.
- Asakura in the Echizen province.
- Hojo Tsunataka in the Izu province.

Other information
I can't make any of the other islands playable because TWS2 won't allow small islands to become regions. I also can't make the new factions playable because I don't know how to make them playable.

- Visual bugs for Yamana button - but faction is playable.
- Some faction descriptions do not display.
Popular Discussions View All (47)
2 Apr, 2024 @ 7:55pm
Mod Compatibality
=AJSA= Giver of Will
8 Feb @ 5:51pm
PINNED: Language submods
25 Jul, 2021 @ 2:16pm
Looking to downgrade to previous version.
Bat-lango 20 Mar @ 7:02pm 
update ?
Emoseasider 3 Mar @ 10:10am 
I get crashes when playing as the shimazu, when i capture the first Settlement, it crashes the game when i go to click into the settlement to build it up. THIS NEEDS LOOKING INTO ASAP, and i am not using any other mods, i have already checked all solutions.
Victim 19 Feb @ 6:53am 
I was wondering why I didn't hit the first prestige level in a chosokabe campaign. Conquered shikoku, kyushu and western half of the mainland and didn't even get the first level somehow. Turns out the the threshold for realm divide is set to 300 minimum and 1200 for realm divide to trigger. I'm not sure if it's even possible to reach the 1200 prestige value despite all the new provinces
yarimasu ne 16 Feb @ 2:10am 
Really interesting mod, but makes the end of turns, especially at the beginning of the game, very very lengthy. Also my game runs much smoother without it (on the campaign map). Both of that may just be due to my old CPU though.
B 15 Feb @ 8:01am 
I just used PFM manager to change to 12 TPY, reduce realm divide back to vanilla values (100, 75, 50, 25), and reduced fertility on some of the VF farm spam.

Now this is the perfect mod for me :D

Happy to teach anyone who needs to. It's pretty easy parameter editing once you find the right fields in PFM.
iwonmar 12 Feb @ 12:34pm 
Realm devide much to there dedicated submod for that?
B 10 Feb @ 7:47am 
Yea I would love for there to be an in-between between this and vanilla. vanilla map has limited replayability and feels empty now that I’ve tried this mod. But this mod is too much… Kansai region is just wtf, castles are literally piled on top of each other. Also the economy balance is whack. Player can get rich very quickly by building up farms and hurtling on 12TPY. They should’ve reduced income to account for the extra towns.

Ideal version of the mod would remove a good ~20 towns (combined) around Owari, Kansai, and Kanto (Musashi / Kozuke area) because they just look ridiculous and you can barely move troops around there. Maybe remove 2-3 towns from Kyushu as well. But you keep the rest. I love how the modder did northern Japan and Shikoku, those added a lot of strategic depth to the game. But Kansai and Owari area are just completely ridiculous.
Echis 10 Feb @ 3:56am 
I don't know why people are saying that it does not work, it absolutely does. Yesterday I completed my Oda campaign which had me conquer 100 provinces and conquer Kyoto, I played on Hard (which was honestly not that hard so looking to ramp that up).

The only problem I had in my entire campaign was one particular settlement that the Ikko Ikki had west of Echisen, when I tried to auto resolve the siege and the game just crashed, I repeated this one more time and it instantly crashed again, I decided to keep on sieging until they gave up or stormed out to meet me and they did just that two turns later, after that I could take the settlement with no issues.

I combined this mod with the HD Models and Blood/gore etc.

My quirks with this mod is that there are just too many settlements, it's a grinding way to play and basically a war of attrition - everywhere. The base game seems kind of barebones and this is almost too much, something in between would be great.
B 9 Feb @ 10:58am 
Continuing from below…. It also doesn’t make sense historically. Owari was historically a high Kokudaka province (hence VF in vanilla) partially because of the size of the domain. But if you split it into 4 regions that shouldn’t quadruple its wealth. Like why is that tiny Ikko Ikki castle in Owari as rich as Kaga, which was historically the wealthiest domain in all of Japan and also represented in Vanilla as a very fertile province. But because Kaga wasn’t split into 4, I guess it’s effectively 1/4 the value of Owari? Makes no sense lol.
B 9 Feb @ 10:58am 
Great mod. Only criticism is mod author should’ve put more thought intro economic balance when splitting regions. It’s pretty easy to snowball as Hattori I found because literally every region around you is Very Fertile or Fertile. Very Fertile is basically equivalent of Gold Mine. Like the region of Kii, now that it’s been split into 4 VF regions regions and still is protected by mountain with only 1 pt of entry is just ludicrously good now. Fertile/Very Fertile farm domains were a rarity in Vanilla which gave them a scarcity value and made campaigns more interesting. Now they’re proliferated to hell lol.