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Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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902.706 KB
10 set 2018, ore 10:32
17 apr, ore 11:34
91 note di rilascio ( visualizza )
In 1 collezione di Jaxe
Mods by Jaxe
13 elementi
RimHUD is a UI mod that displays detailed information about a selected character or creature. The HUD display is integrated into the inspect pane which can be resized to fit the additional information. Alternatively, the HUD can display a separate floating window and can be docked to any position on the screen.

Visual warnings will appear if a pawn has any life-threatening conditions, wounds that need tending to, or potentially unstable mental states.

Technical details
No update should ever break an existing game and this mod be added or removed at any time without issue.

This UI mod is designed for resolutions of 1600x900 and higher. Lower resolutions can still use this although you may have to adjust the font size in the options dialog.

RimHUD's options can be accessed by hovering over the panel and clicking the gear icon that appears.

Compability and Integrations
Multiplayer ready. This mod should be compatible with any others and if not I would be happy to make a fix.

Mods that add additional needs or skills can be displayed by RimHUD.
With the addition of food restrictions in 1.0, this mod can also allow selecting restrictions for prisoners and guests (and also animals with my Animal Food Restrictions mod) but for a much better experience with food restrictions (and other options) I recommend using my other mod Pawn Rules instead.

Note to modders
Adding a layout preset in your mod's RimHUD\Presets folder will be automatically added to RimHUD's built-in presets.

Note to translators
Although the offers are appreciated, for maintenance reasons only English will be included with the base mod. All translations should be uploaded as language submods with full permission to use the mod's images in any way.

Older versions
1.0 version available here[github.com]
B19 version available here[github.com]

Anything else?
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (7)
29 ott, ore 17:23
IN EVIDENZA: Bug reports
13 set, ore 21:08
10 ott, ore 3:03
IN EVIDENZA: Translation Links
1.609 commenti
Settlerking 30 set, ore 15:25 
@majster use stranger danger instead
Necromancer4Life 29 set, ore 4:48 
Haha, I've had this mod installed so long that going back to it now, I forgot how much worse the unmodded interface looks...
Kham 15 set, ore 8:35 
I noticed back in 2018 you added an experimental fix for compatibility with ExtendedInspectData, but that issue seems to be back and I was wondering if there's any chance you could take a look at it again? I like EID for keeping track of items in linked storages, but it's really starting to grate having the storage (or contents tab if using ASF) overlapping the info window and blocking the tabs.
JazzimoX 6 set, ore 20:59 
Is there any detail I can add that displays consciousness (or even just pain)? I think I've checked everywhere.
Breakless 26 ago, ore 13:20 
Number 1 mod always thank you.
Majster 6 ago, ore 19:56 
Fingers crossed for Hidden Enemy Bio compatibility or filter to hide already captured prisoners stats.
Velxra 5 ago, ore 14:17 
I have it downloaded though not installed
Damelon 5 ago, ore 13:45 
Velxra, are you by any chance running the Artificial Beings Framework, because that mod is throwing many errors with RimHUD and the dev does not seem to know why.
kad 2 ago, ore 3:51 
Also looking for a way to have this work with hidden enemy bio
Velxra 1 ago, ore 2:15 
I keep having duplicate stack stacktrace errors. Also the assign tab keeps breaking where only apparel policy appears.