Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

1,961 ratings
New Units and terrain Re-skin mod
Old Workshop: Game_Data
File Size
37.621 MB
11 Jun, 2013 @ 8:36pm
11 Jun, 2013 @ 10:36pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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New Units and terrain Re-skin mod

This only contain the terrains because steam dont let me upload the .drs files that contain the new units.

Here you have the download link:

Also here you have the official forum to check all the WIP and see how the units where made:,,0,30&st=575

If you have any suggestion it would be good to post in that forum, because i barely know how to use steam.

I am interested to keep improving the graphics, so if you have any concept art of any unit that you will like to see in game, post it there for future patches.

This is the last version of the mod, is 90% done. The only original graphics that didnt change for now are villagers, king, siege units and monks... But they will be changed soon :)

The download files is at Moddb i dont know why steam dont let me put the link directly, in that page there are the instructions needed to install it and more screenshots.


-Pesequeira for some of his terrain textures.

-Sebastien for his Cliffs.

-Aok heaven community for all the help concerning concept art pics and the millions of complains that helped me to keep a decent quality and historically accurated at the same time.

-Ozhara for the help to fix some preview issues on steam.


The mod is still in development, so expect new graphics soon. Is possible that some units will change according the suggestions posted here and AoK forums.

Known issues:

- When the unit die it doesnt decompose like the original, his corpse remain on the floor longer.

- This issue is not my fault but i need to mention it. During gameplay you will notice that the Paladin have 2 lances and the champion 2 swords in their standing position, this is a problem of the HD version that i dont understand why the Developers didnt fix it yet.


This is a public free open source mod, if you want to modify any graphic, or just use a few for your own proyects, feel free to do it, there is no need to give me any credit or anything similar.

This was made for fun.

Just use it, edit it or do as you please and have fun!



To install this mod you need to back up your original files first in a safe place in the case you want to unistall it.

Once you have everything saved in a safe place follow this steps:

You will see 3 folders on the .rar file that you downloaded after you extracted the files:

Re-skin mod

To install the new unit graphics:

Open the folder Re-skin mod
Select and copy the files graphics.drs and interfac.drs
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Data
Paste the files there, it will ask you if you want to overwrite the old files with the new ones, so click on yes
The units should be working now.

To install the cliffs:

Open the folder Cliffs
Select and copy all the files.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Data\Slp
Paste the files there, it will ask you if you want to overwrite the old files with the new ones, so click on yes
The cliffs should look different now.

To install the terrains (if you dont suscribe):

Select and copy the folder Terrain.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD
Paste the folder terrain there, it will ask you if you want to overwrite the old files with the new ones, so click on yes
When you launch the game you should notice the new terrains by now.


-This can be used with no problems in multiplayer, it doesnt cause data sync errors.

-It doesnt work with "The Forgotten" DLC. If you insist to use it with the DLC installed, dont copy the interface.drs and will work but with some minor errors, like no new icons, or the archer switching skins.

-The villagers are not included in this version even if you see one screenshot of them (was to show you guys some progress about what is coming on the next patch).

Popular Discussions View All (9)
3 Sep, 2018 @ 6:10am
Data Folder??
27 Aug, 2020 @ 9:17pm
Not compatible with DLC or anouther great mod :(
6 Nov, 2016 @ 7:20am
What about Turks and Mongols?
-Clyde 1 Jul, 2021 @ 5:19am 
@Geon Tavares unfortunately, there are no changed peasants. To be honest, I downloaded the mod only because of them, but they are not there(((
-Clyde 1 Jul, 2021 @ 5:13am 
in the hd version, there are no drs files, all the files just lie in the drs and slp folders without any archiving, this is done for easier creation of mods
Geon Tavares 10 Apr, 2021 @ 5:59am 
The villagers is working?
Jarle 12 Feb, 2021 @ 12:32pm 
Can you maybe -rep my profile? xd
Alfarr, the Lion 21 Apr, 2020 @ 7:13am 
please update, the game says it is a legacy mod and cant be used unless you update
Wolf 18 Apr, 2020 @ 7:12am 
ı dont enable him
emz KBM 30 Mar, 2020 @ 11:55am 
nice work
moisi87 26 Mar, 2020 @ 10:07pm 
This is Awesome work.
It will also be very superb if each civilization had their own building skin and unit skin as same their history !!!
Pharaoh 25 Jan, 2020 @ 5:23pm 
okay seeing the units in action they kind of clash with the games style especially the millitia and scout units also they seem to move pretty slow too
Pharaoh 25 Jan, 2020 @ 5:05pm 