Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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[IA] Barbarian Architecture for Magyars (Magyars AND Slavs without IA)
New Workshop General: Graphics, Terrain
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2.009 MB
20 Oct, 2018 @ 7:33am
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[IA] Barbarian Architecture for Magyars (Magyars AND Slavs without IA)

In 1 collection by Mediocre Emperor
Barbarian Architecture
8 items
Given that the Gesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum connects the history of the Hungarians (Magyars) with that of the Huns, a barbarian set seems all the more appropriate for them.

This mods gives the Magyars a Barbarian architecture. Independent Architecture is required (subscribe to the mod and make it lower priority than this one) if you want this to ONLY apply to the Magyars rather than to the Slavs as well.

“Viking building set" ( Source of: Feudal Town Center. All credit goes to Grii.

"Viking unit and building set" ( Source of: Feudal Market (it is a Feudal Town Center in the original mod). All credit goes to danyyy ("Danyyy001" on Steam).

"Realistic Vikings Buildings Set" ( Source of: Guard Tower and the Keep. All credit goes to Miklagard.

“[AoAE] Building German Set” ( Source of: Feudal Docks, Feudal Blacksmiths, Feudal and Castle Mill Base, Feudal Houses, Feudal Barracks, Feudal Archery Ranged, Feudal Stables, Watch Tower, Castle Town Center, and Castle Market. All credit goes to Pesquiera.

“The Age of Rings-Rohan” (
Source of: Imperial Town Center, Castle Docks, Monastery, Castle and Imperial University, Castle Blacksmith, Castle Houses, Castle Barracks, Castle Archery Ranged, Castle Stable, Castle, Siege Workshop, Imperial Market, Bombard Tower, and Trade Workshop. All credit goes to Arthoron.

Other IA Versions:
For the Franks:
For the Goths:
For the Huns:
For the Slavs:
For the Teutons:
For the Vikings:
Muzz Lightyear 21 Oct, 2018 @ 7:03pm 
Oh yeah! Cool, thanks. :)
Mediocre Emperor  [author] 21 Oct, 2018 @ 1:02pm 
This is both the IA edition for the Magyars, and the Non-IA edition for both the Magyars AND Slavs. Just use this without having the IA data set activated if you want to use it without the IA.
Muzz Lightyear 20 Oct, 2018 @ 11:50pm 
This is good. Will there be a non-IA edition? Just wondering.
Mediocre Emperor  [author] 20 Oct, 2018 @ 9:02pm 
You're very welcome.
mayosrojas 20 Oct, 2018 @ 8:57pm 
Again, thank you very much :)