From The Depths

From The Depths

107 ratings
OFFICIAL - Helious Epic Struggles and Random Dissolutions
Blueprints: Large
Planet: #planet, Campaign
File Size
178.174 MB
20 Oct, 2018 @ 12:51pm
11 May, 2022 @ 11:30am
21 Change Notes ( view )

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OFFICIAL - Helious Epic Struggles and Random Dissolutions

This OFFICIAL version of Helious is up-to-date, and shall be continually updated from this point, so long as the workshop permits it. The old version will most likely be taken down.

Links -
Helious CC Discord -

The direct download to Helious can be found in the Discord.

"Helious" is a large(r) planet that has been under construction since May of 2017. This campaign contains a set of ten factions, each meant to fit into the world and be as diverse as possible.

The largest and most complete faction is the "Western Longfall Tribes", who are meant to be the player's first target. The Longfall are a group of humans that were accidentally warped to Helious during WW1 (see lore in dropbox link) and built a new nation in the southwestern corner of the world.

To the east of the Longfall lies the ancient and infamously dangerous "Tidereavers", who conduct mass assaults against their neighbors with large shark-battleships.

Further east, far out in the Helian Seas - Lie the mysterious "Red Claws", who worship crustacean life and construct large crab-ships to defeat any that would try to take their native lands.

In the center of the map - In the heart of the Central Vertya Seas, are the "Craglords": A vast network of pirate lords drunkenly conducting operations against the nations around them.

To the west of the Craglords lies the "Starfall Clans", on the Shattered Star. These people fled underwater in their submarines after a disaster destroyed their home island and intoxicated the air around it.

In the far east, in the Heart of Fire there is land called the "Blazed Heart Crownlands". The 'Blazers' worship their queen and built Great Sky Armadas to spread her influence.

To the northwest there is an "Anzirian Empire", whose ships fly high above their rocky home in the clouds of Helious - Striking fear and gunshells into their enemies.

Nestled in between the Anzirians, Craglords, and Starfall lies a rich sea known as "Peyptide", home of the "Peyptidian Sovereignty". Many nations on Helious have taken arms against these Peyptidians to capture their resource-rich islands, But the Peyptidians have been defending their lands proudly since the Landing (See lore)

The northeast is home of a Republic by the name of "Taesong", which moves to be a bastion of freedom in a world dominated by dictators and monarchs. The Republic often uses mythological inspiration for their designs, taking from old norse, egyptian, greek, and even oriental mythology.

To the far north, just below the northern ice shelf that dominates the northern Helosphere, lies the continent of "Kiesrea", home of technological innovation under the watch of the mightiest Empire on Helious. This is the final faction of Helious.

Give thoughts on the Helious Custom Campaign, several hundred hours of multiple peoples' times have been taken to make this possible, and we would love constructive feedback!

If any would like to help or just discuss the campaign, feel free to join our discord! Link above.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
9 Feb, 2019 @ 6:35pm
bazzagazza 14 Jan @ 5:31pm 
many of the ships are 404
Videogames 28 Aug, 2023 @ 3:34pm 
Key_Carson 11 Feb, 2023 @ 5:13am 
got paused for 4 months
Redacted 28 Dec, 2022 @ 2:46pm 
Very new to steam but sad to see these all falling apart. T.T
Redacted 28 Dec, 2022 @ 2:45pm 
Why not group together?
Redacted 28 Dec, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
... Wot happened?:steamhappy:
Light of the World 27 Oct, 2022 @ 5:30pm 
dang, sorry to hear you got burned out. I totally understand, trying to create an entire campaign by yourself is very long and very tedious. Every craft you build should be because you want to, not because a faction needs a 50K boat. I've definitely fallen into that trap myself, I had to "re-learn" how to build something that wouldn't end up in one of my upcoming factions. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, play some other games and wait for the itch to come back to ya.
ssparky  [author] 15 Oct, 2022 @ 12:33pm 
Sorry to all, but the project is currently paused for an indeterminate amount of time. As in, no updates will come out for the foreseeable future. This is because there is no active development happening anymore; I was the only remaining active creator for a good year and a half, and I'm calling it quits for now too.
I hope some enjoyment can still be had from the broken mess that Helious is left in now.
Aeco 10 Oct, 2022 @ 12:38pm 
Many of the ships are 404, not all*.
Aeco 10 Oct, 2022 @ 12:35pm 
Every vehicle I spawn in with X is 404, every vehicle I spawn in with the load vehicle function works fine