

34 ratings

MOD collection, quadratic and game theme MOD, no skin and no MOD unhappy series.
Mod does not conflict with each other, online game is appropriate, increase revenue MOD, handsome model MOD, beautiful vertical MOD, etc., some MOD needs DLC.
Important note: First open the MOD link above to subscribe, and then subscribe to this collection!!!
Items (45)
Protoss Purifier Portrait Set
Created by force728
This mod adds Purifier portraits of the various units from Starcraft II's expansion Legacy of the Void. Features: - Static and animated portraits of several Purifiers. - Purifier namelist - Purifier flags - Purifier rooms - Purifier cityset based on the Pr...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
Astronomical Emblem Pack (Smaller Groups)
Created by Aelarion
Tested and working for 2.8.* Doesn't seem necessary for 2.8.1, tested and scrolling appears to work now. Keeping this mod up just for continuity. Having Trouble? For some reason it looks like the Paradox Launcher is having a problem with refreshing mod des...
Transformers: War for Cybertron Ships & Portraits
Created by force728
This mod adds several portraits based on the Transformers depicted in the War for Cybertron games. Features 1. Several cybertronian portraits: Autobot, Decepticon, Neutral, Maximal, Predacon, Vehicon, and Insecticon 2. Two shipsets for both factions (now N...
No Game No Life ExMachina Species mod/游戏人生机凯种种族mod(3.4)
Created by 弟弟蔷薇
游戏人生零机凯种种族mod 本mod为榎宫祐所著小说《游戏人生》第六卷及其动漫作品的二次创作mod。 讲述到游戏时间的2200年,休比小可爱的灵魂被传送到了一颗有精灵回廊的盖亚星球上复活,并在上面重建机凯种,寻回丢失的记忆和心,寻找里克灵魂的故事。 游玩指南:本mod本质上是失控机仆的加强mod,游玩本mod开局请务必选择格式塔思潮,智械帝国。公民性开局务必选机仆和神造机械(进入游戏后随着进度有四个新的公民性可选)否则就相当于只开了个物种头像。 本mod包含以下内容 1.多种机凯种族头像,多种颜色,生化陈设...
Azur Lane Species KuRUMiiii Edition
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 全新制作的碧蓝航线种族立绘 以及作者的私人内容。 只支持我自己的碧蓝航线主题DLC中KANSEN种族 其中大部分为皮肤立绘,整体观感为头像与半身像之间。 其中人口岗位的立绘为Q版小人。 完全根据我自己的喜好挑选 还原我账号中的婚舰以及偏好皮肤的数据~ 不存...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Created by Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Created by Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Created by Kasako'小傘
<UI Overhaul Dynamic is required, sort it above DBUI.> Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last majo...
! Immersive Beautiful Stellaris !
Created by Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box Galaxy position affects skybox Beautify the Milky Way map Optimize the lens Simplify the map UI 100 new wallpapers New room background New flag Other new materials original mod Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position ...
SpaceBattleshipYamato:E.D.F. ShipSet
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
本MOD是基于《宇宙战舰大和号2199》与《宇宙战舰大和号2202》中出现的舰船作为核心 This MOD is based on the ships that appeared in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and Space Battleship Yamato 2202 as the core 本MODは、『宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199』と『字宙戦艦ヤマト2202』に登場した艦船を基にしている。 仅以此MOD献给所有《宇宙战舰大和号》的粉丝和想了解内容的人 This MOD ...
Star Oath Project 2.0
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三 星之誓约是一个大型领袖系统MOD,无任何前置MOD,使用全新的框架重新设计了群星领袖系统。 1.新增了上百种领袖特性,涵盖所有领袖职业~ 2.并允许玩家自订领袖的养成路线,极大提高了领袖系统的可玩性和在游戏中的重要性。 3.星之誓约不仅限于碧蓝航线游戏中的角色,以后可能会与任何大家喜欢的游戏内容联动,并加入星...
! Dark Blue UI Universal Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
Make Dark Blue UI Remake compatible with MOD: Gigastructural Engineering & More Psionic Species Expansion Sorting: Put it wherever you want. Special thanks to: RedRover72 for main UI frame tweak for 3440p. If you have any requirements for compatibility wit...
! Immersive Loading Screens
Created by Kasako'小傘
125 exquisite loading images This mod is part of Immersive Beautiful Stelalris Suitble for any version of game IRONMAN compatible If you like it, promote it to more people! Features 125 brand new HD loading images Golden age sci-fi style which is in line w...
hololive advisors
Created by aplog
hololive Adviors' voice comes from the joint activity of Hololive and Azur Lane! *mod voice content cannot correspond to the original voice content statement: 1. This mod's picture material and audio material are all from the Internet, not the author's ori...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - More Tradition Categories (16)
Created by Orrie
For 3.14.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that increases the amount of selectable tradition categories from the default 7 to 16. (The AI will also fully fill the new slots be...
Paimon Chinese Adviser
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
【Genshin series voice package】Paimon,your best friend! This voice package is not the content intercepted by the genshin game, It is a new dubbing created by simulating Paimon's way of speaking and common li...
Azur Lane Ship Class
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane Ship Class Azur Lane New Ship Type Expansion Pack This MOD is an optional content expansion pack for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC 11 new ship size have been added to the game, the background source is the ship size in the Azur Lane game, and a variety...
! Dark Blue UI Kasako's Bespoke
Created by Kasako'小傘
Designed for Production Revolution Framework is required Add new shortcut button Manpower parameters show directly in planet UI Animated leader portrait Better ground combat image You must have all required mod installed Compatiblility Patch with MOD: Giga...
! Production Revolution Patch 3.12
Created by zero
Make MODs below to support PR system Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story Ancient Empire Azur Lane Stellaris DLC 皑茵世界旅行 Ancient Cache of Technologies ~Acquisition of Technology Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12) Warship Girls R And MIST Species PR...
LoturantaCofield_TheLeader 书姬洛忒兰娜·科菲尔德
Created by 格洛易斯
这是一个领袖MOD。添加了一些事件和一个领袖“洛忒兰娜”。可以在科学家和总督的状态中切换,并且能当统治者。 在特殊事件成为统治者过后可以在统治者、科学家和总督之间切换。 关于“洛忒兰娜”:这算是我看GOSICK过后产生的一个奇思妙想吧。这个人物的人设很大一部分参考了维包子,比如说爱看书,Lolita什么的……因为我不会画画,图也直接找的维包子。目前因为产能有限,只能在后续更新中实装GALGAME的部分了。希望你们能够喜欢。 领袖获取:开局5-10年内会刷一个标题叫大图书馆的时间,在做完事件链之后可以获得领袖...
Azur Lane & NSC2
Created by GHOSTwsd
碧蓝航线主题DLC与NSC2的兼容补丁。 使碧蓝航线反应堆,推进器和作战电脑能够正常在NSC2新加的舰种中使用。并简单的平衡了一下数据,更符合NSC2的环境。 排序最好放在碧蓝航线主题DLC下面 更新了,因为P社愚蠢的启动器没办法识别这个mod,导致我只能重新上传一个版本 新版本 ...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Created by Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
星之誓约扩展 - Eos曙光女神实验室
Created by Deovolente
Copyright 2023 GhastRiv。此产品不授权在 Steam 上发布,除非在 Steam 帐户 Deovolente 或 埃罗芒阿三三 下 中文 English ...
255 Tradition Slots + 256 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12~3.14 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12~3.14 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same s...
Tidy Tradition
Created by Laquly 零者
3.14✔️; 3.13✔️; 3.12✔️; 3.11✔️; 3.10✔️; English✔️; 日本語✔️; Italiano✔️ The author cannot speak Japanese and Italian, so the translation of these two languages needs to subscribe to the following mods: 日本語の翻訳:
Younger Species [supports iron man mode] v1.6
Created by 洛里斯杨远
Mod content: Replace the image of Humanoid_4 as Younger Species * 313 Species Vertical drawing * 23 loading pictures * 4 country icons ------- This mod supports iron man mode Update Log v1.6 update (23/04/05) Added 10 new loading pictures Fixed: Compatibil...
! Universal Game Rules Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Repair population cannot be assembled Repair orbital bombing failure Repair the failure of the jump engine Compatible with additional information types Make capital buildings from...
! Immersive Simple map UI !
Created by Kasako'小傘
Animated New Icon Minimalistic Style Complete fleet information display Plus version add more details to fleet icons Simple Map UI Has been integrated in IBS Part of the content display
Assault Lily Soundtrack
Created by 洛河冰
电视动画“突击莉莉 BOUQUET”与手机游戏“突击莉莉 Last Bullet”音乐包,当前版本收录242首音乐 资源来自 二川二水的广播电台 相关MOD传送门: 突击莉莉 物种包 Assault Lily Species (推荐订阅开启) 突击莉莉 肖像包 Assault Lily Portraits (物种包内含,物种包开启时不需要开启) 突击莉莉 语音包 Assault Lily Advisor (物种包内含,物种包开启时不需要开启) 将会随电台更新,发现未收录曲或命名、标注错误可以私信我~ 此mo...
Yukikaze Advisor
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
雪风顾问语音 新制作的语音包,使用碧蓝航线的雪风角色日语配音~ 提供了一可供选择的 “雪风顾问” 现在满脑子Nanoda 全部素材来源于WOWS以及碧蓝航线,如有其它建议可在该下方留言。 最神奇的是,写本mod其间抽到了雪亲王(尽管已经有了) 期望大家喜欢Nanoda!...
Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Recommended Star Oath~This will be updated later Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI inter...
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration repeatable technology integration pack It integrates all circular technologies of physics, sociology, and engineering. To make them more balanced with each other, some adjustments were made to the correction. If you us...
Azur Lane KANSEN species compatible
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
For species compatible,Usually no subscription is required This mod is a patch for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is convenient for those who want to use other Lie MOD as the start of KANSEN race. Please load ...
Azurlane portraits
Created by rimu
this mod let your Azur lane waifus be with you in stellaris too. アズールレーンのポートレイト(外見)集。 碧蓝航线立绘头像 ironman support ver. ->Azurlane Universe (ironman) compatible with 3.8.2 Azur lane ver.追撃 シュペーちゃん(2022/10/13) Features: - new 1000+ portraits for all species 新增了...
Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
针对船模改进舰船系统做的提示:船模内容取消现有舰船需通过国民理念中选择银河舰队启用特殊舰船设置。 关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: Starwars:UnknownWorld Sh...
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.14)
Created by Elowiny Do you like megastructures? I sure do! This mod aims to expand on the concept of megastructures by adding more megastructures you can build, with a wide range of effects, and sizes ranging from large space stations to system...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.14 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
Created by 鋼鉄キャベツ
渐变激光 RGB光矛 彩虹电弧 给星海带来不一样的光污染 RGB +500%DPS 没有对武器本身进行修改,仅修改弹道模型() 如果其他mod引用了原版激光 光矛等攻击效果 也会变成炫彩RGB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 让t槽的炼狱射线变的更加炫酷 ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Star Trek:32C shipsets
Created by ForeverのSkywalker
"Let's see what the future holds." Beyond the final frontier, in the distant future of the year 3069, the dilithium crystal instability disaster "The Burn" shook the destiny of the galaxy. The disaster almost destroyed all long-range interstellar travel ca...
Star Wars Sith Empire Ships 3.14
Ready to take your revenge on the galaxy? The Sith armada is here to serve! This shipset is a compilation of ships from various Sith factions from the Star Wars KOTOR Era including fan favorites such as the Harrower Dreadnought and the Interdictor Cruiser....
The Eminence in Shadow
Created by ssssoRa
English by Google Translate We are the SHADOW GARDEN, hiding in the shadows, hunting in the shadows. The Eminence in Shadow -- neither the protagonist nor the final BOSS, but the existence of secretly intervening in the story and showing his strength. In a...