The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

155 ratings
Topics of Skyrim
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202.618 KB
29 Jul, 2013 @ 9:04pm
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Topics of Skyrim

Topics of Skyrim adds 700 new lines of dialogue contained in 35 new dialogue topics and 153 subtopics. Most of the dialogue comes from the previous Elder Scrolls games, Morrowind and Daggerfall, and some have been modified/updated/added for Skyrim’s context.

You can ask trainers more information about the skill they teach, ask faction members for advice, have a chat with a bard about history and the lost races of Tamriel, seek information from a conjurer about the Skyrim’s undead and much more.

Not everyone in Skyrim knows something about everything. You’ll have to seek the right profession or people about a particular subject. For instance, try asking an alchemist about potions and diseases.

There are two people in Skyrim who are the most knowledgeable: Bards and Urag gro-Shub; the librarian at the College of Winterhold.

Well now, have a chat with those NPCs! To quote a secret you received in Morrowind (and receive in Topics of Skyrim):

“Talk to everyone. Talk is cheap. Ask questions. You don't ask, you never learn.”


Topics of Skyrim makes use of Shademe’s Fuz Ro D-oh – Silent Voice plugin, which requires SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) 1.6.16 or higher.

- SKSE download:
- Fuz Ro D-Oh – Silent Voice download:

Since Topics of Skyrim does not have voice acting, Silent Voice generates a silent voice file and lip synch fo each topic, allowing you to have the time to read the text and see the NPC moves his lips as he speaks.

If you do not install Silent Voice, the new dialogue will be barely readable because of how fast it skips to the next lines.


After subscribing to Topics of Skyrim, you must make sure that you have installed "Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)" and "Fuz Ro D-Oh - Silent Voice"from the links provided in the above sections.

In the game, engage in conversation with a Skyrim NPC. You’ll notice the new conversation topics that you now have available. Note that not all NPCs have the new dialogue options.



Topics of Skyrim should be compatible with any mod there is, quest mods included. New topics will be added to modded NPCs if the right conditions are met.
babystop 14 Jun, 2016 @ 10:45pm 
Tobber 16 Feb, 2016 @ 3:20pm 
Do they have hearable voices? Awesome mod btw :D
twitchyTyrant 23 Nov, 2015 @ 5:26am 
OK for a while, but then I ended up hearing everything and it got kind of annoying. Still a little funny when you walk up to an enemy and talk about weapon types in Skyrim before exiting the dialogue options and stabbing them.
LF00 25 Sep, 2015 @ 5:11am 
Is there any way you can make a version that DOESN'T require use of Nexus mods? Is there any mod in the workshop you could use or find someone to port Fuz Ro D-oh to the workshop?
Kinda the whole point of me using steam workshop mods and not NMM, BOSS, etc is that I want it simpler...
Zuko77Elendil 30 Jul, 2015 @ 2:30pm 
Had to uninstall, couldn't stand to read more about about things that never existed in Skyrim in the first place. Greatsword= Claymore? No.
Equilix | Doom 25 May, 2015 @ 3:20am 
Dude more Dilagoue great thats just what I needed Im bored of the same old talk
The Lord Of Drinks 24 May, 2015 @ 2:07pm 
Can you make a version without skse or Fuz Ro D-Oh - Silent Voice? Great work by the way.:demoticon:
ohsinboi 4 Aug, 2014 @ 8:53am 
Drat I thought you imported the voices to :(
Nii'Tii 3 Jun, 2014 @ 10:16am 
This makes it.. a bit Annoying to Find the actual Things you Look fore realy
NoAmmo 9 Nov, 2013 @ 8:35am 
Nice Working, But it's was better with voices.