Arma 3
37 ratings
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Type: Infantry
Scenario Map: VR
Meta: Dependency
Tags: Tag Review
File Size
145.909 KB
11 Feb, 2019 @ 7:34pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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In 1 collection by NOFACESPECTRO
18 items
Only scenery need a player editor for construct a mission.



É uma questão ética simples e a única coisa que peço em meus materiais é, usem a vontade e de forma livre, contudo sempre coloquem ou disponibilizem para terceiros a fonte, ou seja o link de onde foi baixado no workshop, é um trabalho artístico e todo autor deve ser valorizado e respeitado.

It is a simple ethical question and the only thing I ask in my materials is, use your will and freely, however always put or make available to third parties the source, that is the link where it was downloaded in the workshop, it is an artwork and every author must be valued and respected.

Popular Discussions View All (1)
25 Feb, 2019 @ 7:13am
A. Ares
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 15 Feb, 2021 @ 4:51pm 
unlock folder
Darío 15 Feb, 2021 @ 4:05pm 
Like other scenarios, I opened this in the editor, but I cannot select,edit or delete anything. Could you help me please?
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 4 Aug, 2019 @ 12:52pm 
Did you manage to import this composition for your mission? The pipes will be distorted on import and need to be rearranged manually.
A. Ares 4 Aug, 2019 @ 11:07am 
@outwardpanicjoe, I am really sorry I was away from home for some time... Hit me if you need anything!
outwardpanicjoe 23 Jul, 2019 @ 2:00pm 
@arismagic i might need some assistance
outwardpanicjoe 23 Jul, 2019 @ 9:22am 
Ok I'll try that once I get back still new to the mission editing.
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 23 Jul, 2019 @ 8:24am 
i have other boot camp, but is privite...i dont 40 day its done
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 23 Jul, 2019 @ 8:22am 
use this:

1. Control+c adress of work shop composition
2. Donwload
3. Put file in corret folder for open in eden

A. Ares 23 Jul, 2019 @ 3:24am 
@outwardpanicjoe, you have to run the mission with the name of the mod, then find the .pbo, un-pbo it and put it on your mission files and then make it a custom composition!!! It is not really hard but if you haven't done it before it can be a bit confusing! If you need any help just let me know and I will do my best!