

3,530 ratings
Graphics Settings+
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
1.070 MB
10 Mar, 2019 @ 3:42am
21 Mar, 2024 @ 11:34am
26 Change Notes ( view )

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Graphics Settings+

Graphics Settings

1.4 Update Changes
The 1.4 version of this mod does not contain the Pawn Atlas Resizing feature, as RW has natively improved Pawn texture quality.

Key Features
  • Overall improvement to all modded textures!
  • DDS File support!
    Any mod containg .dds texture files will load those instead of .png/.jpg/.psd
  • Memory usage overview of all installed mods!
    Shows the texture memory usage of each mod, in relation to your total VRAM.

Fix blurry textures and details!
Increase sharpness on zoom!
Redefine RimWorld!

To view the settings go to:
Options > Mod Settings > Graphics Setter
Also accessible from the Main Menu!

Load Order:
Simply load this after any other framework/functional mods! (like VE:F)
The patch is applied after all mods are loaded anyway, so content mod order is irrelevant for this.

Known Incompatibilities:
  • HD Pawn Rendering (Does the exact same thing as my pawn texture scale and is thus redundant)


Important Note:
Only affects modded textures!
The vanilla textures already are at a very high quality compared to modded textures because they are not loaded from raw png files like modded textures are. This mod patches the function that loads textures from any other mod and changes how the textures are created, in vanilla it is compressed by default and set to a rather low filtering level, without letting the user choose what settings they would like, this mod adds all possible settings for texture detail.

The Iguana will not look like in the preview, sorry!

If you like what I'm doing support me on Patreon!
Popular Discussions View All (4)
15 Apr, 2024 @ 12:02am
Request: Print memory results to file/clipboard
2 May, 2024 @ 12:34pm
Graphics Settings+ causes game crash on Wine
11 Mar, 2021 @ 4:05am
[Bug/Error]More Errors with Graphic Settings
Silerra 28 Feb @ 12:09pm 
@bradson, I know. I failed at patching generic classes with Harmony, so I almost only used System.Reflection instead and I got the right results.

In Perfomance Fish almost all methods and fields were patched, which I also patched and wanted to patch in the future. There might be only one patch left and it has to be compatible with Fluffy's Worktab or similar mods. I can't say for sure at the moment whether I really don't need Harmony any more. In any case, it makes sense to use existing patches from a mod that everyone can then use.

For what I wanted to do, it didn't work with PNG, darn it. I wanted to make it more readable than how it is in vanilla, instead it became even more horrible than before. I spent days and weeks trying to fix it in my mod somehow. Until I came up with the idea of putting textures and icons in resource files like Unity or something else like svg files for example. That's how I ended up with DDS files. And now I'm here.
bradson 28 Feb @ 8:03am 
Fishery is not a harmony replacement. I was only meaning to say that there's dds support implemented in perf fish too.
Mods that directly include dds instead of depending on conversion by users usually have it handled silently without dependency by having them bundled together with png files. Vanilla rimworld simply loads the png file then. The existing three dds loading mods take the dds file and skip the png copy instead. It's a file size tradeoff for better compatibility and the usual dds advantages
Silerra 28 Feb @ 6:40am 
"Fwiw perf fish's implementation doesn't require png files either and is compatible"
Uhh, that's crazy. My previous project BetterPassion is already fully compatible with Performance Fish. And I'm struggling with HighQualityTextures to get it to work together. I've actually been looking for alternatives on Github. But didn't find anything suitable because I was looking in conjunction with Harmonylib instead of other libraries like Fisherylib.

That said, I will go back to my previous project and discard my project with HighQualityTextures. Now I will make my BetterPassion project depend on Performance Fish and Fishery instead of Harmony and HighQualtiyTextures.

@bradson, Thanks, that was very helpful.
bradson 27 Feb @ 12:58pm 
My point is, the dds loader here works here, now, with rimworld 1.5, and is already used by rimpy, rimsort, todds and various mods that include dds textures directly. A different implementation that now flips textures just because microsoft's specs differ from unity's is gonna not work with this entire already established ecosystem. Instead of forcing that in, consider adapting the textures to have their format match those of every already released mod.
Fwiw perf fish's implementation doesn't require png files either and is compatible
Silerra 27 Feb @ 11:53am 
@bradson, thank you for your advice. That's exactly why I wrote a comment here. I actually took the code from High Quality Textures and edited it, because this mod is no longer maintained since version 1.3. Someone had also copied it, but only added nonsense to make it supposedly compatible for 1.4 or 1.5.

After I had roughly finished my changes to High Quality Textures and my own patches, I read the comments of High Quality Textures and then realized that Graphic Settings+ also supports DDS files. After researching this mod, I realized that it has the same code snippet. I tested this mod together with mine and of course there were minor conflicts. Depending on the order of the mods, either the textures of my original project were not loaded or the graphic settings of Graphic Settings+ were not loaded.

Of course I try to fix these compatibility issues before I release it.
bradson 26 Feb @ 5:48pm 
Unity displaying dds textures upside down compared to directx specs also often comes up in unity forums without a rimworld context. The editor itself directly flips them when building assetbundles
bradson 26 Feb @ 5:42pm 
This loads dds the same way performance fish and high quality textures do too. That same behaviour has been expected and supported by rimpy, rimsort, todds and other rimworld centered dds converters. It's how unity displays textures and not a bug.
That Sarbian should change their conversion settings if it breaks with only their mods, as it'd otherwise break with absolutely all the others
Silerra 26 Feb @ 11:44am 
I've also noticed that the images are displayed upside down via DDS files. This somehow affects all mods that contain Sarbian's code. It's the DDS loader that somehow does't work under Rimworld.

I was able to work around the problem and have fixed the error. But now I'm thinking about how and in which context I will release my solution so that everyone can use it under Steam for Rimworld.

In addition, I have written further patches so that DDS files are loaded directly and don't require an additional PNG file to be replaced by the mod afterwards.
jk rolia 19 Jan @ 7:51am 
If new mods were added and I had already conducted texture conversion before for other mods that I had installed before new mods were added (though Rimpy), do I need to convert the texture of all mods again or there is other approach(es) that I should do? Thank you. (Sorry for my poor English).
Oknaa 7 Nov, 2024 @ 11:13am 
I saw somewhere a recommendation that it must be at the very top of the modlist, right under harmony, i hope this helps