The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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All Skills Level 1-100 Fast Guide!
โดย ESO
This Guide show you how to get from Leve 1-100 on every skill. Tips on Power Leveling.
Read This section.
I will be Updateing this guide with more videos. I have not tested the most effective way to gain exspirence for all of the skills yet, when i find the most effective method i will post a video on the appropreat skill section.

I have listed many possible methods to increse your skills, whitch method you use depends on your situation, however i will be posting a video of the overall best methods on eatch skill section soon.

If you know of a better method, or one i can add to this guide to help the skyrim community just say =D

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Level 300
Level 330 Ork in Skyrim. 1600 Health/ 1000 Stamina/ 700 Magicka You can do this on Xbox, PS3 and PC after Patch 1.9; which allows you to make skills Legendary. So you can go past the Max Level of 81.

By useing the skill guide you can power level to an infinite level

P.S. 1st Illusion, speech and sneak are some of the best skills to power level =D

Level up All Skills Faster - Read this 1st!
This video shows you all the buffs you can get to increce exp gain =Dfstjshhreh

The Thief Stone Those under the sign of The Thief will learn all stealth skills 20% faster. Learn Thief skills 20% faster
The Warrior Stone Those under the sign of The Warrior will learn all combat skills 20% faster
The Mage Stone
Those under the sign of The Mage will learn all magic skills 20% faster.

Well Rested All skills improve 10% faster for eight hours. Sleep in a bed you own or rent.
Lover's Comfort All skills improve 15% faster for eight hours. Sleep in the house where your spouse lives.
Mother's Love HF Healing spells and potions add 25% extra health for eight hours Sleep in the same house as an adopted child.


Blessing of Akatosh Magicka regenerates 10% faster. Shrine of Akatosh
Blessing of Arkay Increases your health by 25 points. Shrine of Arkay
Blessing of Dibella +10 Speechcraft. Shrine of Dibella
Blessing of Julianos Increases your Magicka by 25 points. Shrine of Julianos
Blessing of Kynareth Increases your stamina by 25 points. Shrine of Kynareth
Blessing of Mara Healing spells restore 10% more. Shrine of Mara
Blessing of Nocturnal You are 10% harder to detect. Shrine of Nocturnal
Blessing of Stendarr Block 10% more damage with your shield. Shrine of Stendarr
Blessing of Talos Time between shouts is reduced by 20%. Shrine of Talos
Blessing of Zenithar Prices are 10% better. Shrine of Zenithar
Blessing of Auriel DG You are 10% more effective with missile weapons. Shrine of Auriel
Blessing of Azura DB Resist 10% of magic. Raven Rock Temple
Blessing of Boethiah DB One Handed weapons do more 10% damage. Raven Rock Temple
Blessing of Mephala DB Prices are 10% better. Raven Rock Temple
Combat Skills - Archery, One, Two-Handed and Destruction
- Notes -

- power attacks will not increase the XP per blow since XP is earned based on weapon damage, not the extra damage done from the power attack.
- Weapon skill gains are based on damage dealt against valid targets You can increase your skill level fastest by choosing your weapon that causes the most damage per secound
- Boosting damage via skill perks or equipment enchantments does not speed up XP gain.

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- Exp Gain -

- You can exploit certain targets for training combat skills, because they are essential, and therefore cannot normally die; because they are expendable; or because they have high health or can regenerate health. They are not normally "enemies". They include: Shadowmere, creatures you have conjured, Paarthurnax and M'aiq the Liar.

- If you have the Dawnguard Add-on installed, wielding a Dragonbone dagger in the left hand and a Dragonbone Mace in the right hand and performing a dual-wield, triple-strike power attack (holding down both attack buttons simultaneously) with them will net the most experience per second.
Be sure to equip the dagger in your left hand, as the off-hand weapon dictates the striking speed of this attack. Combining this with the Dual Flurry perks will further enhance the XP per second, while adding the increased attack speed of the Elemental Fury shout will garner the highest XP per second possible.
Defensive Skills - Light / Heavy Armor/ Block
- Note -

- Skill experience is calculated based on the attack strength of the foe. For example, taking multiple attacks from a skeever or Wolf levels Heavy Armor at a significantly slower rate than blows from Giants or mammoths would. Being the victim of power attacks also grants more experience than a standard attack.

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- Gaining Skill XP -

- Regenerate Health potions and enchantments can help staying alive while training, potentially allowing to leave the game unattended. This can also be accomplished with natural health
regeneration during brawling sessions with NPCs or fighting very weak enemies like skeevers, though skill gains will be very slow.

- Healing while getting bashed is a good way to train the Restoration skill in the process.
Armor skills are best trained together with the Block skill.
Getting from 1-100 Alchemy takes under 2 minutes and you become Rich at the same time. Even when buying all the ingredients you will make a profit!

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Alchemy Merchant Locations (21% chance of 1-4 Giants Toe's).
- Windhelm - The White Phial
- Falkreath - Grave Concoctions
- Solitude - Angeline's Aromatics.
- Dawnstar - The Mortar and Pestle.
- Markarth - The Hag's Cure.
- Riften - The Ragged Flagon, Elgrim's Elixirs.
- Whiterun - Arcadia's Cauldron.
- College of Winterhold.

Giant Camps
- Bleakwind Basin.
- Blizzard Rest.
- Broken Limb Camp (Chest).
- Cradlecrush Rock (Chest).
- Guldun Rock (Chest, in the cave).
- Red Road Pass (Chest in hollowed out tree facing the fire).
- Seunda's Kiss (Chest).
- Sleeping Tree Camp.
- Steamcrag Camp.
- Stonehill Bluff (Chest x2).
- Talking Stone Camp (Chest x2 (one in cove by waterfall)).
- Tumble Arch Pass.

--- Ingredient's ---

Chillfurrow Farm - 7 crops
Battle-Born Farm - 6 crops
Brandy-Mug Farm - 8 crops
Hlaalu farm - 6 crops
Hollyfrost Farm - 11 crops
Cowflop Farm - 12 crops
Katla's Farm - 3 crops
Loreius Farm - 6 crops
Merryfair Farm - 5 crops
Snow-Shod Farm - 4 crops
- Notes -
- Casting higher level spells gives generally faster skill increases.
- Regenerate Magicka effects help reduce downtimes while training.It is possible to reduce or even completely eliminate the magicka cost of spells by stacking Fortify Alteration enchanting effects, which is very helpful for Alteration training.

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- Water Breathing Trick -
After you learn Water Breathing, another way to quickly level Alteration is to stand in water and repeatedly cast Water Breathing. You don't actually have to be underwater, just standing in it (this only applies to pools of water you could actually dive into; so no puddles don't count =D.

- Telekinesis -
Holding any object in the air with Telekinesis without picking it up also gives a very high amount of experience. If the suspended object touches any NPC they will become hostile though, so be careful.
- Notes -
- Casting higher level spells gives generally faster skill increases.
- Regenerate Magicka effects help reduce downtimes while training.

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Gaining Skill XP

- Crafting enchanted items gives the biggest overall skill increases.

- Disenchanting items gives widely varied skill increases, dependent on the effect learned and the magnitude on the item, with apparel effects generally giving larger increases than weapon effects. However, only one item per effect may ever be disenchanted.

- Recharging enchanted weapons using Soul Gems gives small to moderate skill increases, based on the size of the soul used. It does not matter how many charges there are left on the weapon. Using the Black Star and a Weapon with Soul Trap effect, you can train by recharging the weapon after every kill without having to worry about soul gems.

- One way to level up Enchanting quickly is by disenchanting items - the more powerful the better - but will only get you so far. After that, you will have to advance by crafting items: acquire a number of filled soul gems of any size and the same number of unenchanted weapons, armor, clothing or jewelry. Enchant all of them; preferably with the most expensive enchantment you know for

maximum profit. Using The Mage Stone and a Sleeping bonus (such as Well Rested) will increase the experience you gain per enchantment.
Lock Picking

- Experience is given when you successfully pick a lock for the first time and when you break a lockpick. If you break a lockpick, a small, fixed amount of experience is given, regardless of any other factors

- Leveling lockpicking "on the go" is perfectly viable. If you wish to speed up your advancement in lockpicking at the expense of a little time, you can refrain from looting/pickpocketing most keys and pick their locks instead, with little to no impact on the rest of the game.

- Should you wish to power-level lockpicking (e.g., to quickly gain access to specific perks in its skill tree), you can intentionally and repeatedly break your lockpick in a lock. This tactic requires a lock that does not open on the default, vertical, position and either a) a large amount of lockpicks in your inventory, or b) the Skeleton Key which is obtained at a late stage in the Thieves Guild storyline and does not break per se (but failed attempts still count for the purpose of gaining experience).

- As a note, be sure to be well-rested and have the Thief Stone activated.
- Gaining Skill XP -

Training Pickpocket must be planned carefully, as it levels extremely fast, potentially advancing your character level too far at low levels. It is possible to master the Pickpocket skill on your first visit to Riverwood, leaving you at level 17 or so, without improved combat skills to handle the tougher enemies.

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- Pickpocket skill gains are based on value of stolen items.

- Stealing jewelry; high success rate (low weight), big skill gains (high value).

- Trainer pickpocketing: Pay a trainer to train a skill, steal your gold back, pay again, and repeat for as long as you're able to "buy" new levels of training. This way, you can gain as many levels of the skill as you wish to learn from the trainer, and gain levels of Pickpocket with a net cost of 0 gold. With a high Pickpocket skill, you can train up to level 51 without Pickpocket perks, or to 76 with all of the perks. After this, the gold cost becomes too expensive to pickpocket back. This is an extremely efficient method of leveling Pickpocket to the low 50s; at 15 skill with 1 perk, you have a 51% chance of stealing back your training fee, which goes up to 71% when you reach level 20 and invest another perk, and you will gain several extra levels of pickpocket each time you steal back your fee. Be warned that at low levels this method can cause you to level up repeatedly, making combat more difficult.
- Notes -

- It is possible to reduce or even completely eliminate the magicka cost of spells by stacking Fortify Illusion enchanting effects, which is very helpful for Illusion training.

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Why it is the better than the old method: An iron dagger (10 gold) yields 38.4 XP per ore chunk, whereas 2 gold rings (150 gold total) yield 51.5 XP per ore chunk—34% more efficient Smithing XP gain, along with Alteration XP from the transmuting!

Where to get Transmute: Click Here -

Iron Ore Mining Locations:
- 16 veins in Halted Stream Camp.
- 10 veins in Fort Fellhammer Mine, south-southeast of Dawnstar.
- 8 veins in Embershard Mine, southwest of Riverwood.
- 6 veins in Iron Breaker Mine, southeast in Dawnstar, near the Smelter.
- 5 veins in Left Hand Mine, just southeast of Markarth.
- 5 veins in Gloombound Mine, southeast of Windhelm.

Silver Ore Mining Locations
- 7 veins in Sanuarach Mine, inside of Karthwasten.
- 4 veins grouped relatively close together inside Sunderstone Gorge.

Gold Ore Mining Locations:
- 17 veins in Kolskeggr Mine, South of the Lover Stone near Markarth. Also 3 ore pieces and 4 ingots (2 of which are stashed in a caravan box). The total ore here is 54.
- 3 veins at Darkshade, two inside and one just outside the entrance.

2nd Method - If you have the Dwarven Smithing Perk -
All mines and Dwemer ruins provide raw materials for Smithing, such as Dwemer artifacts and scrap metal; making Dwarven armor and weapons from this scrap is one way of quickly leveling Smithing,

- Notes -

Casting higher level spells gives generally faster skill increases (Novice<Apprentice<Adept<Expert<Master).

It is possible to reduce or even completely eliminate the magicka cost of spells by stacking Fortify Restoration enchanting effects.

Restoration leveling by healing requires that you heal actual damage to yourself or another character; unlike previous games you cannot simply cast Healing on yourself and others to gain experience.

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- Notes -

- Trading with merchants will increase the Speech skill. The amount of skill progress gained is based on the base value of the item being bought/sold and is not limited by the merchant's available gold. However, if you trade multiple units of an item in one transaction, you will only gain experience equivalent to trading a single unit; for optimal leveling, sell each item one at a time, and sell expensive items.

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- Gaining Skill XP -

- The Fortify Restoration or Fortify Alchemy/Enchanting loop can be used to acquire items of extremely high value, which when sold will grant immense boosts to the Speech skill (can reach level 100 by selling 2-3 items).
Trainers who are also followers can train you for "free".¥ They will still charge you, but leave profit from training in their inventory. Simply request to see their inventory while they are an active follower, and take your gold back from any training sessions. This can be done with the following NPCs:
Companions members
Aela the Huntress (Archery - up to 75)
Athis (One-handed - up to 75)
Farkas (Heavy Armor - up to 90)
Njada Stonearm (Block - up to 75)
Vilkas (Two-handed - up to 90)
Other NPCs
Faendal (Archery - up to 50)
this exploit is no longer possible as of version 1.2.6 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
91 ความเห็น
[O_{2}Ws]Adam 15 ต.ค. 2024 @ 7: 14am 
this is an extremely useful guide! after I get off work being filmed in black and white for infomercials, I like to forget my troubles with a video game. After being scientifically engineered as to exceed the natural limits of human stupidity, I had a rough upbringing where I was repeatedly trained wrong, as a cruel joke to make me suffer.

That's why when the game says "use your skills to improve them", i needed more explanation. Thanks to this 8 million word diatribe, it finally clicked. thx
hrgfan32 13 พ.ค. 2023 @ 9: 24am 
Stand in the center of white run and constantly cast detect life...alteration max is accomplished in no time.
Xazrakh 10 พ.ย. 2021 @ 9: 03am 
Or just cheat xD
HansumDevil 7 พ.ย. 2021 @ 4: 35pm 
Turn Undead spells are faster than healing spells for levelling restoration, I was pretty surprised to see how fast it levels you up
Plüschtiger 20 พ.ค. 2021 @ 2: 37pm 
I try english: For smithing are a aditional bouns aviable. At Rifton (City SE) a quest from a female argonian. You must bring a dwarfen artifact to a dwarven ruin. After the quest you earn, as far as i know, a permanent +20% XP. Im not shure if there aditional rules for that bonus.
Arcana 11 ก.พ. 2021 @ 1: 43am 
Open the guide just to see > open the conjuration guide > wtf > you made my day bro
Anahita 27 ธ.ค. 2020 @ 2: 48pm 
For smithing, i just craft tons of arrows, river wood is a good spot as it has a firewood spot and iron is easy to get, just need mods if you dont have arrow recipes already. arrows usually weight nothing, yeah its slow, but its cheaper to do and can spam the buttons.
BEBINCA 20 มี.ค. 2020 @ 7: 22pm 
U r the best man. I almost watched all of ur yt videos.
Alduin0614 21 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 4: 31pm 
Muffich 10 มิ.ย. 2018 @ 11: 37am 
где тут русский гайд?