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Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion
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Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion

In 1 collection by Swishos
Swish Expansions + Translations
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The East Coast Expansion

After spending endless hours writing like a pirate its finally in a state im happy to release, my idea for this mod mainly stemmed from the fact that the map has port cities already which would say that naval trade is a thing so why wouldnt their be people pillaging these trade routes. This mod is similar to The Hook Expansion but adds alot more from dialogue to Locations. Adding upon the Forbidden Isle, Eastern parts of the Outlands, Greenbeach and the Pits East. With an more interactive skeleton start that introduces you with a starting quest and a bit of story, oh and remember to rate the mod if you're feeling generous ^^


- Brief Summary

- Custom Start (Detailed)

- Factions (Detailed)

- Towns (Detailed)

- Extra Details

Brief Summary

- Custom Dialogue lines - 1300+

- New Factions - 8

- New Locations - 15

- City Takeovers - 15

- Unique Recruits - 12

- Expanded dialogue throughtout the modded areas.

- Massively pirate themed ARRRR

- UC campaign to capture the pirate cities and expand their borders.

- An in depth monk themed faction with unique quests that allow you join them.

Custom Start - 'Lost Skeleton'

New custom start ive tried to make a bit more interesting and interactive than normal ones. You wake up outside gearcove after recently being repaired by the Metal Bone Pirates, you will be greeted shortly after waking up. You begin with economy legs and arms as thats all they had to patch you up. From here it will lead you along a questline to ally with the Metal Bones and help them spread out.


The Brethren of the Coast - More of an alliance of different pirate crews rather than a solo force, when all the pirates unite this is the name they give themselves. The great pirate war was brought to an abrupt end by the Pirate King when he forced all the fighting crews to bend the knee or die. Now only a few still stand agaisnt this pirate force.

The Corsair Crafters - The Corsairs started out as the Pirate Kings own crew, they were well known for being the most disciplined and toughest pirates to the east. Shortly after the unification of the crews, the corsairs were designed to fit two roles the Kings personal army and crafters in the spare time, to help boost their economy while using materials they pirated.

Grog Power - As their name would suggest these guys are the main producers of grog in the east. Pirates love grog so buisness is always booming for these pirates.

Brigand Shipwrights - Renowned across the pirate realm as the best ship builders...well best when you consider they are welding scrap together and hoping it floats. But these guys make things float the best out of the pirate crews.

Metal Bone Pirates - Although they are a part of the Brethren of the Coast the Metal Pirates are constantly discriminated agaisnt as not 'real' pirates mostly because they can't swim. Regardless of this they have established a powerful band of skeletons and even their own town of Gearcove.

The Black Beards - Black Beard once stood side by side with his brother in the great pirate war. But once the war was ended and a new Pirate King declared by that same brother he grew jealous. The Black Beards are the only pirate crew left that still stands agaisnt the Brethren. They attack on sight and enjoy gathering slaves for their work camps.

The Sohei - Atop a small mountain west of the pirate capital lies the Sohei. A peaceful group of warriormonks their life goal is to achieve enlightenment. They believe training the body to its limit is one of the steps to state, so they prove to be deadly in combat. Most pirates know not to mess with these monks.

The Jotunn - The myth of giants to the east has always been a tale told in old sailors bars, but are they true?


Tortuga - The great pirate capital Tortuga is the largest city on the east coast by far, a massive pit of crime and piracy the shear volume of pirates in the area are what keep it safe. Currently inhabited by five different pirate crews.

Gearcove - A city soley comprised of skeletons the Metal Bone Pirates made this city after the constant abuse they would get from the 'fleshy' pirates. Now they have their own safe haven for skeletons looking to do some good ol' piracy.

Cog's Crow Nest - South of Gearcove sits the crows nest, high atop a cliff face it acts as a lookout for the Metal Bones. Just south of them is the ashlands and they have had some issues with the second legion in the past. it also acts as the main prison for the metal bones.

Grogery - Hidden within the tight spaces of a canyon lies the the town of Grogery. From here the east is supplied with its huge demand for grog.

Todai Dera - Home to the Sohei monks this temple fortress is a rare safe refuge in the brutal world of kenshi, treat them well and they will treat you well. However the scrolls the monks spend their entire life writing are worth a fair amount...

Fort Cragrock - Recently the United Cities has shown interest in the east, this base has been created as a staging ground for the invasion in to the pirate realm.

Black Beards Fortress - A large fortress and home of Black Beard its mostly a large slave camp.

Black Beards Gully - This is just a large slave camp.

Also added a few hidden ruins and camps for quests that i wont spoil here, however map above will show areas that have been changed incase you were wondering.

Extra Details

The mod has 15 city takeovers allowing for multiple different factions to take the new towns, depending on world states.

New armour and weapons (mostly used by the Sohei Monks)

With over 1000 lines of custom dialogue all added to just the expanded area adds lots more depth and lore to the mod. For example most pirate bars will have a drunken storyteller, who will tell stories to the bar from a list of 15 different ones all custom written and relevant to kenshi lore.

A big part of this mod was to make it as 'kenshi' as possible, so each faction has people who explains their origins and how it fits in with the larger world of kenshi.

A few easter eggs as always with my mods.

Custom quests added to a few of the towns/factions.

That about covers all the big changes the mod makes, might be some little details and such i have forgotten about but as always leave feedback and suggestions :)

P.S. Regarding future projects i'm currently working on a large collab mod that will include this and the hook expansion and this may be the last standalone expansion i make as all future content will be put in to the mega mod. (This doesnt mean ive stopped updating my current mod though)

Popular Discussions View All (7)
17 Feb, 2024 @ 7:27am
Suggestions / ideas / improvements
8 Apr, 2024 @ 4:30pm
Bug Reports
8 Apr, 2024 @ 5:42pm
Compatibility thread
maks052 4 Mar @ 5:56am 
Hello. Your mod is great! I used it in my maksimum kenshi mod set, I hope you won't mind. I will definitely indicate your mod in the list of used mods. Thank you in advance.
Dr. Oga Dicto 28 Feb @ 11:02am 
Hi, i put the Jottun giants in cages in order to recruit them with the enslavement mod, but they appear to be as if they were knocked out. When i put my mouse over them (and they are in the cage) the search icon appears. Anyone knows why this happens? Or how could i recruit the giants? thx in advance
Vegetable 13 Feb @ 2:36pm 
i just wanted to ask something, it says that there are 15 city takeovers. does it mean that 15 factions can take the new cities or that 15 of the new cities can be taken by other factions? and whatever the answer is i also want to know what factions can take the cities. minus the other pirate factions.
Drip Snake 20 Jan @ 5:07pm 
ahoi matey
C H E M I K E R 3 Jan @ 2:05pm 
can i add this mid palythrough?
Markan 13 Dec, 2024 @ 10:58am 
Can anyone help me i am trying to recruit Mcwire Mcgee a Skeleton in Gearcove.
He is always saying that he wants a drink but Legendary Rum, Bloodrum and Sake dont work.

What do i need?
Alb 12 Nov, 2024 @ 3:06pm 
'ancient oil rig' has a wind generator floating high in the sky...
Azuraii 3 Nov, 2024 @ 10:58pm 
I'm really enjoying the mod so far! I'm just a little lost with some of the features. Right now I was trying to figure out what the Captain of the Metal Bone Pirates was talking about when he mentioned rigging something up for myself. Couldn't find any guides or walkthroughs either.
Санаэ Котия 11 Oct, 2024 @ 9:24am 
Is this the mod that is making certain headgear plain white, or straight without any text and or model? I bet it would be mostly the Sohei gear, I'm going to knock down a pilgrim and check their inventory to confirm it
Adamsevs 3 Sep, 2024 @ 2:43pm 
I was searching for a pirate mod, thanks matey, time to empty some bloodrum bottles !

@LoserCat. the rule of thumb is, the bigger the mod like overhaul ones, the higher on the list, that how i do and it works fine