

3,451 ratings
Mortar Accuracy
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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2.103 MB
1 May, 2019 @ 6:13pm
15 Apr, 2024 @ 4:13pm
51 Change Notes ( view )

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Mortar Accuracy

Q: How is this different from vanilla Rimworld mortar accuracy?
A: Vanilla mortar accuracy is only modified by shooting skill. This mod adds more features and options, shown in the list below

A collection of options to make mortars more/less accurate. Customizable in the Mod Settings menu. These changes affect all mortar/catapult/trebuchet shots, including enemy mortars. Changes include:
  • Lead moving targets!
  • Weather: Mortar accuracy is affected by weather and time of day (in vanilla, mortar shots rarely are affected by weather)
  • Colonist Skill: Mortar accuracy is affected by colonist Intellectual and/or Shooting skill
  • Cover Miss Chance Removed: In vanilla, mortar accuracy is reduced based on the target's cover (why would targeting someone behind a tree cause my mortar to be less-accurate?)
  • Accuracy radius preview and blast radius
  • Customize how much skill affects accuracy, including giving everyone 100% perfect accuracy

  • Can be freely added/removed from saved games
  • Compatible with all modded mortars, catapults, trebuchets, handheld mortars, etc
  • Compatible with Multiplayer
  • Incompatible with Combat Extended:. A patch is unlikely with CE being such a large overhaul. CE does have their own mortar accuracy mechanics using spotting binoculars

English, Russian, Chinese Simplified, Spanish (Latin American), French, and German supported.
If you'd like to contribute to a translation, the path for the languages .xml files is below. You can copy any existing file, edit the text, and send me a link to include a new or updated translation in the next update!
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1729446857\Languages

Github version here[github.com]

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Popular Discussions View All (2)
5 Oct, 2024 @ 12:23pm
Hob Took
2 Jan, 2023 @ 2:58pm
Github Update
Hob Took  [author] 17 Feb @ 7:08pm 
@Trivia Vanille, absolutely agreed. A trench and HESCO blocks and the sort providing cover makes sense vs a mortar. Unfortunately, the game merely has a single variable for cover percentage. There is not a distinction between overhead cover and other cover.

In vanilla, the cover percentage causes the mortar shot to be more inaccurate which makes no practical sense. Why would the target being behind a tree cause the mortar shot to land elsewhere? Land where it was going to land, just deal less damage.

I don't know if cover affects the blast damage of the shot.
Trivia Vanille 12 Jan @ 8:21pm 
Of course, as mortars are indirect-fire artillery, the shell wouldn't be coming in from a shallow angle either, so low cover like sandbags, single HESCO blocks, or Jersey walls would barely affect the shot at all (but still could catch the shell if the shot wasn't spot-on). However, high cover like a tree trunk, a full-sized wall, or HESCO stack could effectively block any mortar shot fired at the target behind the cover, depending on the velocity of the shell, the material and thickness of the cover, and the type of explosive and fuse in the shell. There's probably a ton of other variables to consider, I'm not an expert by any means, just thought I should mention it since you brought it up in the description... just kinda figure Tynan was probably going for a bit of realism there when he made the formula for it
Trivia Vanille 12 Jan @ 8:20pm 
Hey, just wanted to point out that your target being behind cover would actually affect your shot IRL. It entirely depends on the angle at which the shell comes down from above the target; the steeper the trajectory, the less cover would affect the shot (unless that cover also includes overhead cover, like a roof or, as you mentioned, a tree; I don't believe that the trees in Ribworld actually count as overhead cover, mechanically, although it would be interesting to see if that could potentially be modded in), but the closer your target would have to be. To fully ignore cover, the shell would have to drop pretty much straight down on their head, which would require them to be close enough to the launcher as to make it impossible to actually hit them without destroying the launcher in the process (and by the time the shell landed, the target would have killed the entire mortar team, so there are plenty of more practical ways to accomplish the same goal).
SP4RTAN 14 Jul, 2024 @ 1:53pm 
@Astro I mean it doesn't cause any issues. This mod doesn't really affect the automortars since pawns aren't firing them.
Astro 13 Jul, 2024 @ 7:23pm 
works with VFE mechanoids automortars right?
hardbrocklife 8 May, 2024 @ 6:06am 
Thank you!
J 3 May, 2024 @ 7:20am 
@Hob Took:

Got it, thanks for the explanation!
Hob Took  [author] 3 May, 2024 @ 4:06am 
I see Rimworld 1.5 has the verb property "forcedMissEvenDispersal" which selects a random angle and radius weighted by a golden ratio to produce an even distribution across all the targeted cells.

BUT, this isn't enabled on the mortar ha
Hob Took  [author] 3 May, 2024 @ 3:58am 
@pepsigamer02 In vanilla, after rolling for a random cell to target, if the random cell happens to be the cell we wanted to target (the exact center) then cover is applied and we roll to see if the shot misses due to cover.

In modded, cover has no affect on mortar shots. We merely are determining a random angle + radius to target then let it fire.

As to why the Q&A doesn't talk about sight and manipulation, Rimworld keeps changing how mortar accuracy is calculated and I haven't bothered to keep the Q&A up to date with the sight, manipulation, mortar barrel, difficulty setting, and Rimwold version differences.
Hob Took  [author] 3 May, 2024 @ 3:51am 
(skill multiplier) is a 0->2 range multiplier. If we use the mod default values of maximum skill = 75% miss reduction and no skill = -40% miss reduction, these would be the miss values:

Base mortar miss radius = 13 (assuming no weather multiplier)
Colonist with avg skill 0 = 40% increase in radius, 18.2
Colonist with avg skill 10 = 57.5% reduction (halfway between -40% and +75%), 5.525
Colonist with avg skill 20 = 75% reduction, 3.25